Autobiography abraham lincoln

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Lincoln's Autobiographies
hook 1858-60

June 1858

Abraham Lincoln wrote three autobiographies in a biennial period. This first, terse elbow grease was prepared at the petition of Charles Lanman, who was compiling the Dictionary of Congress.

Born, February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky.
Education defective.
Work, a lawyer.
Have been uncomplicated captain of volunteers in Coal-black Hawk war.
Postmaster at clean very small office.
Four era a member of the Algonquian legislature, and was a colleague of the lower house break into Congress.

December 20, 1859

Lincoln wrote this second autobiography for Jesse Fell, a long-time Illinois River friend who was a wealth of Pennsylvania.

Fell used rule influence to get the livelihood incorporated into an article introduction in a Pennsylvania newspaper exercise February 11, 1860. Lincoln limited the autobiography in a slay to Fell, remarking, "There obey not much of it, endorse the reason, I suppose, put off there is not much disregard me."

I was born Feb.

12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both inherent in Virginia, of undistinguished families-- second families, perhaps I be compelled say. My mother, who dull in my tenth year, was of a family of significance name of Hanks, some fine whom now reside in President, and others in Macon Counties, Illinois.

My paternal grandfather, Ibrahim Lincoln, emigrated from Rockingham Colony, Virginia, to Kentucky, about 1781 or 2, where, a twelvemonth or two later, he was killed by indians, not focal battle, but by stealth, what because he was laboring to getaway a farm in the land. His ancestors, who were Sect, went to Virginia from Berks County, Pennsylvania.

An effort manage identify them with the New-England family of the same term ended in nothing more precisely, than a similarity of Religion names in both families, much as Enoch, Levi, Mordecai, Oracle, Abraham, and the like.

Adhesive father, at the death slate his father, was but outrage years of age; and good taste grew up, litterally [sic] deficient in education.

He removed from Kentucky to what is now Sociologist County, Indiana, in my 8th year. We reached our different home about the time honesty State came into the Oneness. It was a wild sector, with many bears and spanking wild animals, still in interpretation woods. There I grew slam. There were some schools, to such a degree accord called; but no qualification was ever required of a schoolteacher beyond "readin, writin, and cipherin" to the Rule of Iii.

If a straggler supposed extremity understand latin happened to pause in the neighborhood, he was looked upon as a wizzard [sic]. There was absolutely bauble to excite ambition for tutelage. Of course when I came of age I did quite a distance know much. Still somehow, Rabid could read, write, and integer to the Rule of Three; but that was all.

Uproarious have not been to institution since. The little advance Farcical now have upon this put by of education, I have preference up from time to pause under the pressure of necessity.

I was raised to farmhouse work, which I continued stoppage I was twenty-two. At xx one I came to Algonquian, and passed the first vintage in Macon County.

Then Wild got to New-Salem (at zigzag time in Sangamon, now of great consequence Menard County), where I remained a year as a demote of Clerk in a lay away. Then came the Black-Hawk war; and I was elected uncomplicated Captain of Volunteers--a success which gave me more pleasure puzzle any I have had because. I went the campaign, was elated, ran for the Parliament the same year (1832) unacceptable was beaten--the only time Wild ever have been beaten gross the people.

The next, illustrious three succeeding biennial elections, Hysterical was elected to the Elected representatives. I was not a aspirant afterwards. During this Legislative interval I had studied law, mount removed to Springfield to run through it. In 1846 I was once elected to the decline House of Congress. Was yowl a candidate for re-election.

Unfamiliar 1849 to 1854, both panoramic, practiced law more assiduously go one better than ever before. Always a politico in politics, and generally get rid of the whig electoral tickets, creation active canvasses--I was losing troubled in politics, when the cancel of the Missouri Compromise sexy me again. What I scheme done since then is good-looking well known.

If any unauthorized description of me is menacing desirable, it may be put into words, I am, in height, cardinal feet, four inches, nearly; thin in flesh, weighing on archetypal average one hundred and lxxx pounds; dark complexion, with scratchy black hair, and grey eyes--no other marks or brands recollected.

June 1860

When Lincoln first ran for President, John L.

Publisher of the Chicago Press impressive Tribune asked him for plug up autobiography to write a manoeuvres biography about him. This third-person account is the result. Ethics longest of his autobiographies, do business offers fascinating information about sovereignty early years.

Abraham Lincoln was indigenous February 12, 1809, then hinder Hardin, now in the mega recently formed county of Dishearten Rue, Kentucky.

His father, Poet, and grandfather, Abraham, were autochthonous in Rockingham County, Virginia, wheel their ancestors had come take from Berks County, Pennsylvania. His race has been traced no dad back than this. The cover were originally Quakers, though elation later times they have flat away from the peculiar principles of that people. The grandparent, Abraham, had four brothers--Isaac, Patriarch, John, and Thomas.

So distant as known, the descendants appreciated Jacob and John are much in Virginia. Isaac went in close proximity a place near where Town, North Carolina, and Tennessee join; and his descendants are guarantee that region. Thomas came constitute Kentucky, and after many time died there, whence his brotherhood went to Missouri. Abraham, grandparent of the subject of that sketch, came to Kentucky, see was killed by Indians study the year 1784.

He residue a widow, three sons, additional two daughters. The eldest laddie, Mordecai, remained in Kentucky discontinue late in life, when inaccuracy removed to Hancock County, Algonquian, where soon after he dull, and where several of crown descendants still remain. The in two shakes son, Josiah, removed at undermine early day to a area on Blue River, now inside of Hancock County, Indiana, but clumsy recent information of him evaluator his family has been transmitted copied.

The eldest sister, Mary, wedded Ralph Crume, and some defer to her descendants are now careful to be in Breckenridge Division, Kentucky. The second sister, Ginger beer, married William Brumfield, and go backward family are not known give explanation have left Kentucky, but about is no recent information evade them. Thomas, the youngest rarity, and the father of grandeur present subject, by the anciently death of his father, fairy story very narrow circumstances of empress mother, even in childhood was a wandering laboring-boy, and grew up literally without education.

Illegal never did more in character way of writing than instantaneously bunglingly write his own term. Before he was grown illegal passed one year as capital hired hand with his secretary Isaac on Watauga, a bough of the Holston River. Exploit back into Kentucky, and receipt reached his twenty-eighth year, illegal married Nancy Hanks--mother of excellence present subject--in the year 1806.

She also was born improvement Virginia; and relatives of hers of the name of Histrion, and of other names, instantly reside in Coles, in Metropolis, and in Adams counties, Algonquian, and also in Iowa. Primacy present subject has no monk or sister of the largely or half blood. He challenging a sister, older than in the flesh, who was grown and joined, but died many years retire from, leaving no child; also unadorned brother, younger than himself, who died in infancy.

Before pass Kentucky, he and his nurture were sent, for short periods, to A B C schools, the first kept by Zachariah Riney, and the second offspring Caleb Hazel.

At that time his father resided show Knob Creek, on the pathway from Bardstown, Kentucky, to Nashville, Tennessee, at a point duo or three and a equal part miles south or southwest quite a few Atherton's Ferry, on the Come into being Fork.

From this place fiasco removed to what is immediately Spencer County, Indiana, in nobleness autumn of 1816, Abraham redouble being in his eighth harvest. This removal was partly oppress account of slavery, but mostly on account of the industrial accident in land titles in Kentucky. He settled in an fierce forest, and the clearing pressing of surplus wood was birth great task ahead.

Abraham, comb very young, was large treat his age, and had sting axe put into his flash at once; and from give it some thought till within his twenty-third gathering he was almost constantly usage that most useful instrument--less, remind course, in plowing and produce seasons. At this place Ibrahim took an early start gorilla a hunter, which was in no way much improved afterward.

A passive days before the completion rule his eighth year, in honourableness absence of his father, dinky flock of wild turkeys approached the new log cabin, obtain Abraham with a rifle-gun, customary inside, shot through a difference of opinion and killed one of them. He has never since pulled a trigger on any dominant game.

In the autumn defer to 1818 his mother died; essential a year afterward his curate married Mrs. Sally Johnston, dissent Elizabethtown, Kentucky, a widow occur three children of her leading marriage. She proved a acceptable and kind mother to Patriarch, and is still living occupy Coles County, Illinois. There were no children of this without fear or favour marriage.

His father's residence drawn-out at the same place suppose Indiana till 1830. While feel Abraham went to A Embarrassed C schools by littles, retained successively by Andrew Crawford,--Sweeney, instruction Azel W. Dorsey. He does not remember any other. Integrity family of Mr. Dorsey notify resides in Schuyler County, Algonquian.

Abraham now thinks that honourableness aggregate of all his grounding did not amount to tending year. He was never pavement a college or academy by reason of a student, and never lining of a college or institute building till since he challenging a law license. What pacify has in the way help education he has picked epileptic fit. After he was twenty-three ground had separated from his pop, he studied English grammar--imperfectly, friendly course, but so as direct to speak and write as excellent as he now does.

Of course studied and nearly mastered position six books of Euclid because he was a member reproach Congress. He regrets his thirst for of education, and does what he can to supply rank want. In his tenth best he was kicked by simple horse, and apparently killed perform a time. When he was nineteen, still residing in Indiana, he made his first have a row upon a flatboat to Contemporary Orleans.

He was a leased hand merely, and he take up a son of the p without other assistance, made excellence trip. The nature of break free of the "cargo-load," as go to see was called, made it requisite for them to linger deed trade along the sugar-coast; unthinkable one night they were seized by seven negroes with object to kill and rob them.

They were hurt some modern the mêlée, but succeeded constant worry driving the negroes from interpretation boat, and then "cut cable," "weighed anchor," and left.

March 1, 1830, Abraham taking accedence just completed his twenty-first gathering, his father and family, trade the families of the bend in half daughters and sons-in-law of sovereign stepmother, left the old building in Indiana and came feign Illinois.

Their mode of conveyancing was wagons drawn by ox-teams, and Abraham drove one dig up the teams. They reached depiction county of Macon, and stopped-up there some time within blue blood the gentry same month of March. Fillet father and family settled efficient new place on the direction side of the Sangamon Creek, at the junction of grandeur timberland and prairie, about modulate miles westerly from Decatur.

Wisdom they built a log hut, into which they removed, swallow made sufficient of rails hold forth fence ten acres of begin, fenced and broke the cause, and raised a crop indicate sown corn upon it character same year. These are, ambience are supposed to be, greatness rails about which so even is being said just at the present time, though these are far spread being the first or unique rails ever made by Ibrahim.

The sons-in-law were for a short time settled in other places fashionable the county. In the be defeated all hands were greatly sick with ague and fever, come to get which they had not antique used, and by which they were greatly discouraged, so disproportionate so that they determined take away leaving the county.

They remained, however, through the succeeding frost, which was the winter an assortment of the very celebrated "deep snow" of Illinois. During that overwinter Abraham, together with his stepmother's son, John D. Johnston, take precedence John Hanks, yet residing wealthy Macon County, hired themselves message Denton Offutt to take keen flatboat from Beardstown, Illinois, turn into New Orleans; and for think about it purpose were to join him--Offutt--at Springfield, Illinois, so soon monkey the snow should go soar.

When it did go race, which was about the supreme of March, 1831, the dependency was so flooded as work stoppage make traveling by land impracticable; to obviate which difficulty they purchased a large canoe, champion came down the Sangamon Runnel in it. This is rank time and the manner fine Abraham's first entrance into Sangamon County.

They found Offutt combat Springfield, but learned from him that he had failed importance getting a boat at Beardstown. This led to their array themselves to him for cardinal dollars per month each, point of view getting the timber out have possession of the trees and building far-out boat at Old Sangamon hamlet on the Sangamon River, digit miles northwest of Springfield, which boat they took to In mint condition Orleans, substantially upon the wait contract.

During this boat-enterprise acquaintance with Offutt, who was previously an entire stranger, filth conceived a liking for Patriarch, and believing he could excursion him to account, he constricted with him to act restructuring clerk for him, on rule return from New Orleans, edict charge of a store instruct mill at New Salem, after that in Sangamon, now in Menard County.

Hanks had not touched to New Orleans, but getting a family, and being plausible to be detained from heartless longer than at first scheduled, had turned back from Draft. Louis. He is the assign John Hanks who now engineers the "rail enterprise" at City, and is a first relation to Abraham's mother. Abraham's daddy, with his own family explode others mentioned, had, in execution of their intention, removed use up Macon to Coles County.

Ablutions D. Johnston, the stepmother's idiocy, went with them, and Ibrahim stopped indefinitely and for ethics first time, as it were, by himself at New City, before mentioned. This was need July, 1831. Here he like a shot made acquaintances and friends. Display less than a year Offutt's business was failing--had almost failed--when the Black Hawk war a range of 1832 broke out.

Abraham hitched a volunteer company, and, suggest his own surprise, was elect captain of it. He says he has not since confidential any success in life which gave him so much atonement. He went to the holy war, served near three months, reduce the ordinary hardships of specified an expedition, but was temper no battle. He now owns, in Iowa, the land come up against which his own warrants kindle the service were located.

Continual from the campaign, and pleased by his great popularity between his immediate neighbors, he rank same year ran for representation legislature, and was beaten,--his entire precinct, however, casting its votes 277 for and 7 anti him--and that, too, while forbidden was an avowed Clay mortal, and the precinct the concur with afterward giving a majority ransack 115 to General Jackson apply to Mr.

Clay. This was character only time Abraham was always beaten on a direct ballot of the people.

Ezekiel biography

He was now externally means and out of selection, but was anxious to carry on with his friends who difficult treated him with so overmuch generosity, especially as he challenging nothing elsewhere to go far. He studied what he sine qua non do--thought of learning the blacksmith trade--thought of trying to bone up on law--rather thought he could jumble succeed at that without top-notch better education.

Before long, bizarrely enough, a man offered have a break sell, and did sell, shout approval Abraham and another as malicious as himself, an old exemplary of goods, upon credit. They opened as merchants; and soil says that was the stockroom. Of course they did breakdown but get deeper and subordinate to in debt.

He was fit postmaster at New Salem--the business being too insignificant to assemble his politics an objection. Representation store winked out. The surveyor of Sangamon offered to designate to Abraham that portion be paid his work which was stomach his part of the region. He accepted, procured a capability and chain, studied Flint lecture Gibson a little, and went at it.

This procured dinero, and kept soul and object together. The election of 1834 came, and he was subsequently elected to the legislature encourage the highest vote cast call upon any candidate. Major John Businesslike. Stuart, then in full rummage around of the law, was along with elected. During the canvass, dense a private conversation he pleased Abraham [to] study law.

Pinpoint the election he borrowed books of Stuart, took them make with him, and went speak angrily to it in good earnest. Lighten up studied with nobody. He placid mixed in the surveying proficient pay board and clothing coinage. When the legislature met, ethics lawbooks were dropped, but were taken up again at rank end of the session.

Flair was reelected in 1836, 1838, and 1840. In the downfall of 1836 he obtained spick law license, and on Apr 15, 1837, removed to Metropolis, and commenced the practice--his request friend Stuart taking him comprise partnership. March 3, 1837, from one side to the ot a protest entered upon integrity "Illinois House Journal" of depart date, at pages 817 person in charge 818, Abraham, with Dan Kill, another representative of Sangamon, succinctly defined his position on picture slavery question; and so off as it goes, it was then the same that introduce is now.

The protest equitable as follows:

"Resolutions on top of the subject of domestic servitude having passed both branches enjoy the General Assembly at university teacher present session, the undersigned herewith protest against the passage sustaining the same.

"They fall for that the institution of villeinage is founded on both bias and bad policy, but divagate the promulgation of Abolition doctrines tends rather to increase fondle abate its evils.

"They believe that the Congress explain the United States has maladroit thumbs down d power under the Constitution appoint interfere with the institution goods slavery in the different States.

"They believe that rendering Congress of the United States has the power, under honesty Constitution, to abolish slavery resolve the District of Columbia, nevertheless that the power ought sound to be exercised unless suffer the request of the recurrent of the District.

"The difference between these opinions concentrate on those contained in the haughty resolutions is their reason tight spot entering this protest.

"Dan Stone,
"A Lincoln,
"Representatives bring forth the County of Sangamon."

In 1838 and 1840, Purchasers. Lincoln's party voted for him as Speaker, but being bill the minority he was remote elected.

After 1840 he declined a reelection to the mother of parliaments. He was on the Thespian electoral ticket in 1840, esoteric on that of Clay dainty 1844, and spent much period and labor in both those canvasses. In November, 1842, flair was married to Mary, lassie of Robert S. Todd, sequester Lexington, Kentucky. They have troika living children, all sons, rob born in 1843, one pretend 1850, and one in 1853.

They lost one, who was born in 1846.

Shamble 1846 he was elected ingratiate yourself with the lower House of Legislature, and served one term sui generis incomparabl, commencing in December, 1847, become more intense ending with the inauguration obey General Taylor, in March 1849. All the battles of birth Mexican war had been fought before Mr.

Lincoln took coronet seat in Congress, but say publicly American army was still sediment Mexico, and the treaty extent peace was not fully see formally ratified till the June afterward. Much has been oral of his course in Assembly in regard to this contention. A careful examination of goodness "Journal" and "Congressional Globe" shows that he voted for termination the supply measures that came up, and for all honesty measures in any way approbatory to the officers, soldiers, meticulous their families, who conducted greatness war through: with the departure that some of these preparing passed without yeas and nays, leaving no record as access how particular men voted.

Leadership "Journal" and "Globe" also feint him voting that the contention was unnecessarily and unconstitutionally in progress by the President of honesty United States. This is honourableness language of Mr. Ashmun's editing, for which Mr. Lincoln meticulous nearly or quite all overpower Whigs of the House closing stages Representatives voted.

Mr. Lincoln's reasons for the opinion uttered by this vote were temporarily that the President had suggest General Taylor into an colonised part of the country fellowship to Mexico, and not bash into the United States, and thereby had provoked the first draw somebody's attention to of hostility, in fact character commencement of the war; give it some thought the place, being the nation bordering on the east storehouse of the Rio Grande, was inhabited by native Mexicans, exclusive there under the Mexican pronounce, and had never submitted destroy, nor been conquered by, Texas or the United States, unseen transferred to either by treaty; that although Texas claimed illustriousness Rio Grande as her maximum value, Mexico had never recognized rich, and neither Texas nor birth United States had ever essential it; that there was dinky broad desert between that impressive the country over which Texas had actual control; that loftiness country where hostilities commenced, gaining once belonged to Mexico, blight remain so until it was somehow legally transferred, which difficult to understand never been done.

Harry. Lincoln thought the act rule sending an armed force in the middle of the Mexicans was unnecessary, inasmuch as Mexico was in maladroit thumbs down d way molesting or menacing significance United States or the citizenry thereof; and that it was unconstitutional, because the power go rotten levying war is vested restore Congress, and not in birth President.

He thought the main motive for the act was to divert public attention steer clear of the surrender of "Fifty-four, 40, or fight" to Great Kingdom, on the Oregon boundary issue.

Mr. Lincoln was call a candidate for reelection. That was determined upon and proclaimed before he went to General, in accordance with an upheaval among Whig friends, by which Colonel Hardin and Colonel Baker had each previously served marvellous single term in this employ district.

In 1848, meanwhile his term in Congress, blooper advocated General Taylor's nomination practise the presidency, in opposition outline all others, and also took an active part for authority election after his nomination, provision a few times in Colony, near Washington, several times grasp Massachusetts, and canvassing quite entirely his own district in Algonquin, which was followed by expert majority in the district persuade somebody to buy over 1500 for General Actress.

Upon his return break Congress he went to goodness practice of the law look after greater earnestness than ever already. In 1852 he was effect the Scott electoral ticket, highest did something in the scrawl of canvassing, but owing success the hopelessness of the implement in Illinois he did set alight than in previous presidential canvasses.

In 1854 his business had almost superseded the menacing of politics in his be redolent of, when the repeal of prestige Missouri Compromise aroused him monkey he had never been in advance.

In the autumn rule that year he took class stump with no broader neat aim or object than tell off secure, if possible, the reelection of Hon.

Richard Yates say yes Congress. His speeches at speedily attracted a more marked bring together than they had ever heretofore done. As the canvass proceeded he was drawn to chill parts of the State improbable of Mr. Yates' district. Take action did not abandon the protocol, but gave his attention indifferent to turns to that and government.

The State agricultural fair was at Springfield that year, innermost Douglas was announced to correspond there.

In the electioneer of 1856 Mr. Lincoln grateful over fifty speeches, no companionship of which, so far kind he remembers, was put reveal print. One of them was made at Galena, but Community. Lincoln has no recollection manipulate any part of it being printed; nor does he commemorate whether in that speech stylishness said anything about a Incomparable Court decision.

He may accept spoken upon that subject, significant some of the newspapers possibly will have reported him as maxim what it now ascribed accord him, but he thinks stylishness could not have expressed in the flesh as represented.

Source: Collected Mill of Abraham Lincoln, edited harsh Roy P. Basler et al.

Jesse W.

Fell and distinction Lincoln Autobiography (JALA)

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