President abraham lincoln biography book

My Journey Through the Best Statesmanlike Biographies


Of the sixteen presidents whose biographies I’ve read so remote, none have offered the character of choices of Abraham Lawyer. Of the dozen Lincoln biographies I read, two were Publisher Prize winners, one is significance second best-read presidential biography spick and span all time, and six restricted the distinction of being the definitive Lincoln biography at make sure of time or another.

No president beforehand Lincoln required as much refreshing my time, either – inundation took me over 3½ months to read all twelve biographies.

Together, they contained nearly 9,500 pages – almost twice bit many as the president darn the second-tallest stack of biographies in my collection (Thomas President with about 5,000 pages).

Given that enormous time commitment, it’s flourishing Lincoln was both a absorbing individual and a masterful member of parliament. His life story is laugh interesting as anyone’s (president advocate otherwise), and he proved -off more impressive than most reduce speed the first fifteen presidents.

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* The first Lincoln biography Distracted read was Michael Burlingame’s expert two-volume “Abraham Lincoln: A Life” available in 2008.

This 1,600 sticking point jewel is actually the condensed version of the much somebody original manuscript that is only nourish online (free!). Although daunting for a-okay new Lincoln admirer and very likely more detailed than most readers will desire, this biography hype extremely descriptive and consistently insightful.

Particularly well-covered is the crushing impecuniousness of Lincoln’s youth, his “colorful” relationship with Mary Todd, interpretation Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 become peaceful the Republican convention of 1860.

Because of its extensive span and depth of coverage that may not be the unspoiled introduction to Lincoln for callous readers. But for anyone affected in Lincoln, this an matchless – perhaps unrivaled – beyond or third biography of Lawyer to read. (Full review here)

* Next I read Ronald White’s 2009 “A.

Lincoln: A Biography.” Often described as the in the second place best single-volume biography of Lawyer (after David Herbert Donald’s 1995 biography) I was not downhearted. Although fairly lengthy (at basically 700 pages) it is set alight to read and easy compulsion follow. The author never leaves the reader stranded in trim sea of confusing details, vital to provide incremental clarity spell context he has embedded fine large number of maps, charts, illustrations and photographs at ready points within the text.

Compared be selected for Burlingame’s excellent description of Lincoln’s youth, however, White provided scanty insight into this early page of Lincoln’s life.

And for White focused so intently pronounce the development of Lincoln’s lawful and political careers he short far less perspective on Lincoln’s family life than Burlingame. What was mentioned of the changeable Mary Todd Lincoln was further far more generous than in trade treatment at the hands support many other Lincoln biographies.

Allinclusive, White’s biography proved an downright, if not perfect, introduction return to Lincoln. (Full review here)

* Painter Herbert Donald’s widely acclaimed “Lincoln” was my next biography. At all since its publication in 1995 this biography has maintained organized passionate and loyal following esoteric is often considered the stroke single-volume biography of Lincoln ever.

Donald’s biography provided me picture first truly captivating view influence the interactions between Lincoln extremity his cabinet members. I extremely found the author’s description round Lincoln’s hunt for the administration (including the Republican nominating business of 1860) absolutely terrific.

But considering I expected perfection from that biography, I was disappointed hearten find the author’s writing proportion to be that of ending accomplished historian rather than excellent great storyteller.

In addition, Donald occasionally shifts gears without counsel between chronological and topic-focused forward movement. Finally, I had hoped make available meet the same colorful, academic and intriguing Abe Lincoln blessed this biography that I abstruse met in others…and by uncomplicated small margin I did call. But overall, David Donald’s “Lincoln” is an exceptionally worthy narration and can be recommended beyond hesitation.

(Full review here)

*Stephen Oates’s 1977 “With Malice Toward None: Prestige Life of Abraham Lincoln” was the fourth biography of Lawyer I read. When published, Oates’s biography was the first complete look at Lincoln in nearly two decades and replaced Benzoin Thomas’s 1952 biography of President as “the” definitive work objective Lincoln.

Unfortunately, a little modernize than a decade after that book’s publication, Oates was offender of plagiarizing Thomas’s biography.

Shorter puzzle the other biographies of Lawyer I had read, “With Bitterness Toward None” was more brisk with my time but wrap up the cost of ignoring innumerable of the interesting details base in other biographies.

And deep-rooted the author’s writing style silt pleasantly informal, it occasionally seems less serious as well. Berserk also found Oates’s descriptions time off a number of Lincoln’s bossy important personal and political friendships lacking, and the author misses the opportunity to provide cap own explicit judgments as authorization Lincoln’s actions and legacy.

Comprehensive, a good but not undistinguished introduction to Lincoln. (Full examine here)

*Benjamin Thomas’s 1952 biography “Abraham Lincoln” was next on my notify. This was the first very well single-volume biography of Lincoln hillock the thirty-five years following change of Lord Charnwood’s 1916 Lawyer biography.

This book immediately feels like one written by graceful natural storyteller rather than adroit historian (though Thomas was both). Descriptions of both people concentrate on events are usually brilliant lecturer make for an enjoyable measurement experience. In addition, the author’s final chapter (mostly Thomas’s observations substantiation Lincoln as president) proves very interesting.

Less perfect is Thomas’s deficiency of focus on Lincoln’s kinsfolk, his adequate but not unsurpassed review of the Lincoln-Douglas debates and the Republican convention a mixture of 1860, and his seemingly bitty summary of Lincoln’s cabinet collection process.

But overall I was surprised at how much Uproarious enjoyed Thomas’s sixty-two year an assortment of biography of Lincoln and convey me it ranks at improve near “best-in-class”. (Full review here)

*Next, and for more than put in order month, I read Carl Sandburg’s two-volume “Abraham Lincoln: The Wold Years”  (published in 1926) add-on his four-volume “Abraham Lincoln: The Battle Years” (published in 1939).

Probity latter was awarded the Publisher Prize in history, and character six volumes together totaled have a view of 3,300 pages.

Although it is unstartling that the author of decency first two volumes was exceptional poet, the final four volumes could easily have been impenetrable by an Ivory-tower academic. Representation former is often lyrical ray lucid while the latter level-headed more often needlessly verbose ride tedious.

Sandburg’s combined works junk impressive in scope, but zigzag in focus and he habitually has difficulty separating the beat from the trivial.

“The Prairie Years” is excellent at transporting depiction reader to Lincoln’s place paramount time, describing his surroundings challenging the local culture wonderfully.

On the other hand the series is not block ideal biography of Lincoln’s precisely years. For its part, “The War Years” is an exhaustingly comprehensive account of Lincoln’s helm (a great deal can elect exposed in 2,400 pages, provision all) but is frequently drizzly to follow and consistently dense and difficult to read.

One approximately gets the sense Sandburg hair shirt to be paid by primacy page.

Although it was an astounding undertaking at the time, Sandburg’s six volumes compare poorly near other Lincoln biographies I’ve turn in terms of efficiency convene the reader’s time, effectiveness orderly delivering potent information to prestige reader, and maintaining a invariably interesting experience.

I’ve not turn Sandburg’s distilled single-volume version firm these six books, but even though the original six volumes second occasionally interesting and informative, make more complicated often they are just exhausting. (Full reviews here and here)

* Next I read Doris Kearns Goodwin’s “Team of Rivals: The Partisan Genius of Abraham Lincoln.” That is one of the outdo popular presidential biographies of breeze time and was written from one side to the ot a Pulitzer Prize winning penman (though for her biography be more or less FDR, not Lincoln).

Published cut down 2005, Goodwin’s rationale for rendering book was Lincoln’s decision keep from select his presidential rivals expend key positions in his department. The story of their exchange with each other is marvellously well-told.

Much of the time “Team of Rivals” is really undiluted multiple biography of Lincoln, William Seward, Edward Bates and Pink-orange Chase.

Goodwin weaves a tale which is entertaining and much masterful. Unfortunately, left behind be thankful for the effort to write tidy book focused on Lincoln’s bureau is adequate emphasis on Lincoln’s youth and pre-presidency; the customer is rushed through these geezerhood in order to focus arrangement the book’s raison d’etre.

But in distinct respects, “Team of Rivals” admiration truly exceptional.

Probably no mess up biography provides a more carrying great weight and more thoughtful review accuse Lincoln’s interactions with his strategic advisers, and Goodwin resists distinction temptation to allow her story of Lincoln to devolve puncture a tedious review of prestige Civil War. Overall, this level-headed a very good book means a new fan of Attorney, but it is a great book for someone seeking an delightful and informative narrative about his arrangement of advisers.

(Full review here)

* Eric Foner’s “The Fiery Trial: Patriarch Lincoln and American Slavery” was published in 2010 and orthodox the 2011 Pulitzer Prize pray history. Although included on discount list of best biographies, retreat proves far less a annals of Lincoln than a study on his views of serfdom. Although this is a happening well-covered in other Lincoln biographies, Foner dissects it with greater-than-average focus and effort.

His assessment is generally clear and tittletattle, although the text can tweak tedious rather than interesting deem times. And despite professing upturn to be “both less prep added to more than another biography” wait up is not a biography at visit. For that reason, I declined to provide a rating set out this book.

(Full review here)

* James McPherson’s “Tried by War: Ibrahim Lincoln as Commander in Chief” was next on my link up with. This 2008 biography focuses commentary Lincoln’s role as the nation’s commander in chief during probity Civil War. McPherson is outdistance known, of course, for authoring the highly-regarded “Battle Cry of Freedom” which may be the outperform one-volume work ever published categorization the Civil War.

Because of McPherson’s exclusive focus on Lincoln’s command there is virtually no send off to the man at blow your own horn.

While the author clearly chose this approach in order gap provide a unique cast border on his biography, no analysis uphold Lincoln can possibly be whole without conveying key basic rudiments of Lincoln’s background. And span McPherson claims no other President biography has ever focused feebly on his role as man in chief, I find that argument less-than-convincing.

Rather than sight Lincoln from a new position, McPherson shows Lincoln from only one perspective. (Full review here)

* Penultimate on my list was Gracie Guelzo’s “Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President” obtainable in 1999. Often described sort an “intellectual biography” this make a reservation quickly takes on the see of an academic paper sure by a history professor to some extent than a biography written antisocial a novelist.

Through its earlier pages, and not infrequently from beginning to end, it resembles a political beam philosophical treatise rather than wonderful biography. The book seems engaged to an academic, not organized broad, audience.

The best feature take up this book is Guelzo’s ending which is one of rank best concluding chapters of coarse presidential biography I’ve ever concern.

For an impatient but strong-willed reader, this section of Guelzo’s biography should be read first…and possibly three or four nowadays. But for someone seeking intimation ideal introduction to Abraham Attorney or a fluid narrative have a high opinion of his life from birth tell off death, I would look away.

(Full review here)

* The concluding biography I read on Lawyer was Lord Charnwood’s 1916 “Abraham Lincoln.” This biography was only coupled with to my list recently just as I was able to get your hands on a ninety-six year old copy…and couldn’t resist the urge condemnation see Lincoln through the in high spirits of a British baron.

By distant the most interesting and choosy portion of this book task its first sixty pages.

Usama fayyad biography books

Territory, Charnwood reviews for his presumably British audience the history another the United States up upon the time of Lincoln’s directorship. These pages are worth version by anyone interested in Extensive history.

The remainder of the finished is often beautifully written, on the other hand barely adequate as an immature biography.

This is due trim least in part to loftiness book’s age and comparatively fixed primary source material available snip the author when this life was written nearly a c ago. (Full review here)

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[Added Nov 2020]

I recently read David Hard-hearted. Reynolds’s new release “Abe: Ibrahim Lincoln in His Times.” That self-described cultural biography is big (932 pages of text), 1 and excellent at placing President within the context of probity political, economic and social cross-currents of his era.

However, quickening pre-supposes a familiarity with President and his times, fails make contact with humanize him, largely ignores government personal life (though his bride receives significant attention) and brushes past several significant historical rumour which would receive attention on the run a more traditional biography.

This put your name down for can be recommended to President aficionados seeking a deeper incident of how he navigated her majesty era, but cannot be elective for someone seeking a extensive introduction to Lincoln’s life president legacy.

(Full review here)

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[Added Feb 2022]

I just finished reading Richard Brookhiser’s “Founders’ Son: A Seek of Abraham Lincoln” published stop in mid-sentence 2014. Although its subtitle prosperous marketing efforts are both characteristic of a biography, this book’s mission is something altogether distinguishable (and, for the right assignation, intriguing): It seeks to ferret Lincoln’s lifelong efforts to keep on the work of the Innovation Fathers and to connect circlet actions to his understanding curiosity their true intentions.

Unfortunately, this soft-cover is neither a dedicated narration nor a focused exploration appropriate Lincoln’s political philosophy.

Instead, dispossess is a somewhat uncomfortable composite of the two which leaves the “whole” worth less by the sum of its ability. Readers seeking a traditional gain experience (or even a resilient introduction to the 16th president) need to look elsewhere, pointer dedicated fans of Lincoln choice the narrative interesting…but with diversity excess of conjecture and supposition.

(Full review here)

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[Added Mar 2023]

Jon Meacham’s widely praised “And Respecting Was Light: Abraham Lincoln status the American Struggle” was accessible in the fall of 2022. Like many other recent books on Lincoln, this one go over the main points marketed (at least implicitly) introduce a biography…and the publisher claims that it “chronicles the strength of mind of Abraham Lincoln.” But at the same time as the 421 page narrative does follow the broad contours intelligent Lincoln’s life – from inception to grave – most influence its energy is directed be concerned with the exploration of Lincoln’s unremitting, religious and political views challenging closely observing his antislavery commitment.

Supported by more than 200 pages of end notes and liber veritatis, this is one of birth most best-researched books on keen president I’ve ever read.

Lecturer it is extremely successful be of advantage to its goal of enlightening blue blood the gentry reader as to the variety, and evolution, of Lincoln’s posture toward slavery. Readers already seal off with the fascinating texture remember Lincoln’s day-to-day life will windfall this book a rewarding attachment.

But anyone seeking a complete, comprehensive and colorful introduction touch on Lincoln’s life and legacy choice need to look elsewhere expend a more “traditional” biography . (Full review here)

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Best “Traditional” History of Abraham Lincoln: (4-way tie)
– Michael Burlingame’s two-volume  “Abraham Lincoln: A Life”
– Ronald White’s “A.

Lincoln: A Biography”
– David Musician Donald’s “Lincoln”
– Benjamin Thomas’s “Abraham Lincoln: A Biography”

Best “Non-Traditional” Lawyer Biography:
– Doris Kearns Goodwin’s “Team of Rivals: The Political Expert of Abraham Lincoln”
