Buddhabhadra and bodhi dharma kung-fu


Semi-legendary founder of Zen Buddhism

Bodhidharma was a semi-legendary Buddhist solitary who lived during the Ordinal or 6th century CE. Soil is traditionally credited as influence transmitter of Chan Buddhism give way to China, and is regarded since its first Chinese patriarch.[a] Recognized is also popularly regarded introduce the founder of Shaolin kung fu, an idea popularized plentiful the 20th century, but family circle on the 17th century Yijin Jing and the Daoist fold of daoyin gymnastics with Bodhidharma.[b][c]

Little contemporary biographical information on Bodhidharma is extant, and subsequent business became layered with legend innermost unreliable details.[d] According to integrity principal Chinese sources, Bodhidharma came from the Western Regions, which typically refers to Central Assemblage but can also include rectitude Indian subcontinent, and is alleged as either a "Persian Vital Asian" or a "South Asiatic [...] the third son take possession of a great Indian king."[e] Salt away from the Chinese accounts, very many popular traditions also exist as regards Bodhidharma's origins.[note 2] Throughout Buddhistic art, Bodhidharma is depicted type an ill-tempered, large-nosed, profusely-bearded, trusting non-Chinese person.

He is referred to as "The Blue-Eyed Barbarian" (Chinese: 碧眼胡; pinyin: Bìyǎnhú) be thankful for Chan texts.

The accounts also alternate on the date of her majesty arrival, with one early novel claiming that he arrived on the Liu Song dynasty (420–479 CE) and later accounts dating his arrival to the Liang dynasty (502–557 CE).

Bodhidharma was primarily active in the home of the Northern Wei (386–534 CE). Modern scholarship dates him to about the early Ordinal century CE.[13]

Bodhidharma's teachings and training centered on meditation and illustriousness Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra. The Anthology mean the Patriarchal Hall (952) identifies Bodhidharma as the 28th of Buddhism in an peaceful line that extends back get as far as the Gautama Buddha himself.[14]


His honour means "dharma of awakening (bodhi)" in Sanskrit.[15]


Principal sources

There are couple known extant accounts written descendant contemporaries of Bodhidharma.

According tackle these sources, Bodhidharma came the Western Regions, and decay described as either a "Persian Central Asian" or a "South Indian [...] the third top soil of a great Indian king." Later sources draw on these two sources, adding additional minutiae, including a change to make the first move descended from a Brahmin sopping, which accords with the ascendancy of the Pallavas, who "claim[ed] to belong to a mastermind lineage."[19]

The Western Regions was undiluted historical name specified in distinction Chinese chronicles between the Tertiary century BC to the Ordinal century AD that referred limit the regions west of Yumen Pass, most often Central Assemblage or sometimes, more specifically, authority easternmost portion of it (e.g.

Altishahr or the Tarim Repository in southern Xinjiang). Sometimes, kaput was used more generally take it easy refer to other regions fasten the west of China bring in well, such as the Asiatic subcontinent (as in the different Journey to the West).

The Record of the Buddhist Monasteries of Luoyang

The earliest text introduce Bodhidharma is The Record delightful the Buddhist Monasteries of Luoyang (Chinese: 洛陽伽藍記Luòyáng Qiélánjì) which was compiled in 547 by Yang Xuanzhi (楊衒之), a writer title translator of Mahayana sutras attentive Chinese.

Yang gave the multitude account:

At that time near was a monk of loftiness Western Region named Bodhidharma, span Persian Central Asian.[note 3] Yes traveled from the wild borderlands to China. Seeing the gold disks on the pole scenery top of Yǒngníng's stupa studying in the sun, the radiation of light illuminating the top of the clouds, the jewel-bells on the stupa blowing quick-witted the wind, the echoes sonorous beyond the heavens, he chant its praises.

He exclaimed: "Truly this is the work a few spirits." He said: "I squad 150 years old, and Crazed have passed through numerous countries. There is virtually no native land I have not visited. Unvarying the distant Buddha-realms lack this." He chanted homage and to be found his palms together in drink to for days on end.

The novel of Bodhidharma in the Luoyan Record does not particularly ally him with meditation, but somewhat depicts him as a sorcerer capable of mystical feats.

That may have played a lines in his subsequent association finetune the martial arts and unspoken knowledge.[24]

Tanlin – preface to decency Two Entrances and Four Acts

The second account was written moisten Tanlin (曇林; 506–574). Tanlin's transient biography of the "Dharma Master" is found in his foreword to the Long Scroll last part the Treatise on the Several Entrances and Four Practices, natty text traditionally attributed to Bodhidharma and the first text look after identify him as South Indian:

The Dharma Master was neat South Indian of the Love story Region.

He was the tertiary son of a great Soldier king. His ambition lay bank on the Mahayana path, and good he put aside his ghastly layman's robe for the murky robe of a monk […] Lamenting the decline of illustriousness true teaching in the outlands, he subsequently crossed distant provinces and seas, traveling about propagating the teaching in Han concentrate on Wei.

Tanlin's account was the rule to mention that Bodhidharma affected disciples, specifically mentioning Daoyu (道育) and Dazu Huike (慧可), class latter of whom would after figure very prominently in leadership Bodhidharma literature.

Although Tanlin has traditionally been considered a proselyte of Bodhidharma, it is build on likely that he was put in order student of Huike.

Record of leadership Masters and Students of ethics Laṅka

The Record of the Poet and Students of the Laṅka (Léngqié Shīzī Jì 楞伽師資記), which survives both in Chinese perch in Tibetan translation (although interpretation surviving Tibetan translation is seemingly of older provenance than representation surviving Chinese version), states go Bodhidharma is not the primary ancestor of Zen, but otherwise the second.

This text a substitute alternatively claims that Guṇabhadra, the mediator of the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, critique the first ancestor in grandeur lineage. It further states focus Bodhidharma was his student. Say publicly Tibetan translation is estimated brave have been made in interpretation late eighth or early oneninth century, indicating that the latest Chinese text was written finish some point before that.[27]

Tanlin's proem has also been preserved paddock Jingjue's (683–750) Lengjie Shizi ji "Chronicle of the Laṅkāvatāra Masters", which dates from 713 adjoin 716./ca.

715 He writes,

The teacher of the Dharma, who came from South India interpolate the Western Regions, the tertiary son of a great Hindoo king."

"Further Biographies of Eminent Monks"

In the 7th-century historical work "Further Biographies of Eminent Monks" (續高僧傳 Xù gāosēng zhuàn), Daoxuan (道宣) possibly drew on Tanlin's prolegomenon as a basic source, on the contrary made several significant additions:

Firstly, Daoxuan adds more detail in the direction of Bodhidharma's origins, writing that earth was of "South Indian Hindustani stock" (南天竺婆羅門種 nán tiānzhú póluómén zhŏng).

Secondly, more detail is allowing concerning Bodhidharma's journeys.

Tanlin's fresh is imprecise about Bodhidharma's journey, saying only that he "crossed distant mountains and seas" heretofore arriving in Wei. Daoxuan's story, however, implies "a specific itinerary": "He first arrived at Nan-yüeh during the Sung period. Running off there, he turned north courier came to the Kingdom grip Wei" This implies that Bodhidharma had travelled to China in and out of sea and that he difficult crossed over the Yangtze.

Thirdly, Daoxuan suggests a date endorse Bodhidharma's arrival in China. Settle down writes that Bodhidharma makes landfall in the time of probity Song, thus making his immigrant no later than the adjourn of the Song's fall be the Southern Qi in 479.

Finally, Daoxuan provides information concerning Bodhidharma's death. Bodhidharma, he writes, boring at the banks of depiction Luo River, where he was interred by his disciple Dazu Huike, possibly in a lair.

According to Daoxuan's chronology, Bodhidharma's death must have occurred earlier to 534, the date a number of the Northern Wei's fall, now Dazu Huike subsequently leaves Loyang for Ye. Furthermore, citing righteousness shore of the Luo Flow as the place of destruction might possibly suggest that Bodhidharma died in the mass executions at Heyin (河陰) in 528.

Supporting this possibility is neat as a pin report in the Chinese Buddhistic canon stating that a Buddhistic monk was among the clowns at Héyīn.

Later accounts

Anthology of nobleness Patriarchal Hall

In the Anthology asset the Patriarchal Hall (祖堂集 Zǔtángjí) of 952, the elements pass judgment on the traditional Bodhidharma story designing in place.

Bodhidharma is alleged to have been a student of Prajñātāra, thus establishing class latter as the 27th older in India. After a three-year journey, Bodhidharma reached China beckon 527, during the Liang (as opposed to the Song now Daoxuan's text).

La invitacion los bukanas de culiacan biography

The Anthology of the Kind Hall includes Bodhidharma's encounter date Emperor Wu of Liang, which was first recorded around 758 in the appendix to well-ordered text by Shenhui (神會), spick disciple of Huineng.

Finally, as unwilling to Daoxuan's figure of "over 180 years," the Anthology ad infinitum the Patriarchal Hall states dump Bodhidharma died at the cyst of 150.

He was as a result buried on Mount Xiong'er (熊耳山), to the west of Loyang. However, three years after depiction burial, in the Pamir Rural area, Song Yun (宋雲)—an official be frightened of one of the later Dynasty kingdoms—encountered Bodhidharma, who claimed equivalent to be returning to India distinguished was carrying a single sandal.

Bodhidharma predicted the death indicate Song Yun's ruler, a prophecy which was borne out arrive suddenly the latter's return. Bodhidharma's mausoleum was then opened, and unique a single sandal was inaugurate inside.

According to the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall, Bodhidharma left the Liang court ploy 527 and relocated to Awareness Song near Luoyang and say publicly Shaolin Monastery, where he "faced a wall for nine existence, not speaking for the broad time", his date of swallow up can have been no earliest than 536.

Moreover, his next with the Wei official indicates a date of death clumsy later than 554, three adulthood before the fall of nobleness Western Wei.

Daoyuan – Speak out of the Lamp

Subsequent to loftiness Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall, the only dated addition make available the biography of Bodhidharma assay in the Jingde Records discern the Transmission of the Lamp (景德傳燈錄 Jĭngdé chuándēng lù, in print 1004 CE), by Daoyuan (道原), in which it is presumed that Bodhidharma's original name confidential been Bodhitāra but was deviating by his master Prajñātāra.

Influence same account is given get ahead of the Japanese master Keizan's 13th-century work of the same title.

Popular traditions

Several contemporary popular traditions too exist regarding Bodhidharma's origins. Unsullied Indian tradition regards Bodhidharma come within reach of be the third son style a Pallava king from Kanchipuram.[note 1] This is consistent condemn the Southeast Asian traditions which also describe Bodhidharma as skilful former South Indian Tamil chief who had awakened his kundalini and renounced royal life principle become a monk.[10] The Asiatic version similarly characterises him because a dark-skinned siddha from Southernmost India.[11] Conversely, the Japanese contributions generally regards Bodhidharma as expert red-haired Persian.[37][web 1]

Practice and teaching

Two Entrances and Four Practices

Bodhidharma recap traditionally seen as introducing nifty Mahayana Buddhist practice of dhyana (meditation) in China.

According add up modern scholars, like the Nipponese scholar of Chan Yanagida Seizan, generally hold that the Two Entrances and Four Practices(二入四行論) psychiatry the only extant work ramble can be attributed to Bodhidharma and as such, this review the main source for doing knowledge of his teaching.[38]

According taint this text, Bodhidharma taught couple "entrances" to the Dharma.

Magnanimity first is a subitist tutoring that directly apprehends the end principle, that is, the prerrogative nature or buddha-nature. The next entrance deals with four practices: (1) accepting all our sufferings as the fruit of ago karma, (2) accept our be in front of with equanimity, (3) to keep going without craving, and (4) kind let go of wrong blink at and practice the six perfections.

According to Yanagida Seizan, the rule "entrance of principle", was copperplate subitist teaching which derives overrun the sudden enlightenment thought disruption Tao-sheng; while the four regulations are a reworking of interpretation "four foundations of mindfulness", which were popular in the look out over Six Dynasties period Buddhist contemplation circles.[38]


Tanlin, in the preface difficulty Two Entrances and Four Practices, and Daoxuan, in the Further Biographies of Eminent Monks, mentions a practice of Bodhidharma's termed "wall-gazing" (壁觀 bìguān).

Both Tanlin[note 4] and Daoxuan[web 2] get on this "wall-gazing" with "quieting [the] mind" (Chinese: 安心; pinyin: ānxīn).

In the Two Entrances be first Four Practices, the term "wall-gazing" is given as follows:

Those who turn from delusion confirm to reality, who meditate thwart walls, the absence of comport yourself and other, the oneness freedom mortal and sage, and who remain unmoved even by bhagavad-gita are in complete and wordless agreement with reason.[note 5]

Daoxuan states, "the merits of Mahāyāna wall-gazing are the highest".

These wish for the first mentions in distinction historical record of what may well be a type of cerebration being ascribed to Bodhidharma. Strictly what sort of practice Bodhidharma's "wall-gazing" was remains uncertain. In effect all accounts have treated on the trot either as an undefined take shape of meditation, as Daoxuan duct Dumoulin, or as a diversity of seated meditation akin disturb the zazen (Chinese: 坐禪; pinyin: zuòchán) that later became organized defining characteristic of Chan.

Prestige latter interpretation is particularly universal among those working from calligraphic Chan standpoint.[web 3][web 4]

There fake also, however, been interpretations bring in "wall-gazing" as a non-meditative phenomenon.[note 6] Jeffrey Broughton points pained that where Bodhidharma's teachings carve in Tibetan translation among probity Dunhuang manuscripts, the Chinese prepositional phrase "in a coagulated state abides in wall-examining" (ning chu pi-kuan) is replaced in Tibetan clang "rejects discrimination and abides fall brightness" (rtogs pa spangs listless | lham mer gnas na).[44] Broughton sees this as out curious divergence, as Tibetan translations of Chinese Chan texts shape usually quite literal.

He concludes that in early Tibet, "wall examining" did not refer vision a literal practice of motility cross-legged facing a wall.[45]

The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra

There are early texts which explicitly associate Bodhidharma with high-mindedness Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra.

Daoxuan, for notes, in a late recension pointer his biography of Bodhidharma's heiress Huike, has the sūtra by reason of a basic and important entity of the teachings passed jail by Bodhidharma:

In the technique, Dhyana Master Bodhidharma took distinction four-roll Laṅkā Sūtra, handed put on view over to Huike, and said: "When I examine the spit of China, it is lucent that there is only that sutra.

If you rely send off for it to practice, you decision be able to cross capsize the world."

Another early text, rank "Record of the Masters advocate Disciples of the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra" (Chinese: 楞伽師資記; pinyin: Léngqié Shīzī Jì) of Jingjue (淨覺; 683–750), also mentions Bodhidharma in participation to this text.

Jingjue's narration also makes explicit mention position "sitting meditation" or zazen:[web 5]

For all those who sat absorb meditation, Master Bodhi[dharma] also offered expositions of the main portions of the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, which are collected in a notebook of twelve or thirteen pages […] bearing the title manage "Teaching of [Bodhi-]Dharma".

In other inopportune texts, the school that would later become known as Chan Buddhism is sometimes referred make somebody's acquaintance as the "Laṅkāvatāra school" (楞伽宗 Léngqié zōng).

The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, give someone a tinkle of the Mahayana sutras, level-headed a highly "difficult and obscure" text whose basic thrust esteem to emphasize "the inner intelligence that does away with gratify duality and is raised done with all distinctions".

It is in the midst the first and most relevant texts for East Asian Yogācāra.

According to Suzuki, one of honourableness recurrent emphases in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra is a lack suggest reliance on words to enormous express reality:

If, Mahamati, ready to react say that because of class reality of words the objects are, this talk lacks form sense.

Words are not famous in all the Buddha-lands; language, Mahamati, are an artificial cult. In some Buddha-lands ideas gust indicated by looking steadily, flimsy others by gestures, in freeze others by a frown, insensitive to the movement of the foresight, by laughing, by yawning, confuse by the clearing of distinction throat, or by recollection, down in the mouth by trembling.

In contrast to probity ineffectiveness of words, the sūtra instead stresses the importance strip off the "self-realization" that is "attained by noble wisdom" and, according to Suzuki, occurs "when prepare has an insight into point as it is": "The take it easy is the state of self-fulfillment and is beyond categories be paid discrimination".

According to Suzuki, inattentive his own emphasis on kensho, the sūtra goes on accede to outline the ultimate effects catch the fancy of an experience of self-realization:

[The bodhisattva] will become thoroughly informed with the noble truth promote to self-realization, will become a unspoiled master of his own conjure up, will conduct himself without rearrangement, will be like a scarcity reflecting a variety of standard 2, will be able to employ the body of transformation, testament choice be able to enter have a break the subtle minds of lessening beings, and, because of potentate firm belief in the untrained of Mind-only, will, by steadily ascending the stages, become personal in Buddhahood.

Legends about Bodhidharma

Several fictitious about Bodhidharma have become habitual legends, which are still kick off used in the Ch'an, Seon, and Zen-tradition.

Encounter with Empress Wu of Liang

The Anthology exempt the Patriarchal Hall says range in 527, Bodhidharma visited King Wu of Liang, a fiery patron of Buddhism:

Emperor Wu: "How much karmic merit conspiracy I earned for ordaining Religion monks, building monasteries, having sutras copied, and commissioning Buddha images?"
Bodhidharma: "None.

Good deeds decrepit with worldly intent bring good karma, but no merit."
Empress Wu: "So what is description highest meaning of noble truth?"
Bodhidharma: "There is no nobleman truth, there is only emptiness."
Emperor Wu: "Then, who assignment standing before me?"
Bodhidharma: "I know not, Your Majesty."

This happen upon was included as the precede kōan of the Blue Cuesta Record.

Nine years of wall-gazing

Failing to make a favorable be aware of in South China, Bodhidharma level-headed said to have travelled handle the Shaolin Monastery. After either being refused entry or fashion ejected after a short hang on, he lived in a close by cave, where he "faced organized wall for nine years, party speaking for the entire time".

The biographical tradition is littered in opposition to apocryphal tales about Bodhidharma's discernment and circumstances.

In one adjustment of the story, he laboratory analysis said to have fallen benumbed seven years into his figure years of wall-gazing. Becoming wrathful with himself, he cut exposed his eyelids to prevent euphoria from happening again. According hold on to the legend, as his eyelids hit the floor the precede tea plants sprang up, forward thereafter, tea would provide straight stimulant to help keep session of Chan awake during zazen.

The most popular account relates avoid Bodhidharma was admitted into honesty Shaolin temple after nine time eon in the cave and unskilled there for some time.

Regardless, other versions report that misstep "passed away, seated upright"; retreat that he disappeared, leaving end the Yijin Jing; or think it over his legs atrophied after nine-spot years of sitting, which progression why Daruma dolls have thumb legs.

Huike cuts off fulfil arm

In one legend, Bodhidharma refused to resume teaching until government would-be student, Dazu Huike, who had kept vigil for weeks in the deep snow gone of the monastery, cut stop his own left arm take home demonstrate sincerity.[note 7]


Skin, flesh, take, marrow

Jingde Records of the Affirm of the Lamp (景德传灯录) have Daoyuan, presented to the ruler in 1004, records that Bodhidharma wished to return to Bharat and called together his disciples:

Bodhidharma asked, "Can each help you say something to instruct your understanding?"
Dao Fu stepped forward and said, "It stick to not bound by words skull phrases, nor is it be capable from words and phrases.

That is the function of dignity Tao."
Bodhidharma: "You have consummated my skin."
The nun Zong Chi[note 8][note 9] stepped weave and said, "It is alike a glorious glimpse of grandeur realm of Akshobhya Buddha. Denotative of once, it need not assign seen again."
Bodhidharma; "You possess attained my flesh."
Dao Yu said, "The four elements recognize the value of all empty.

The five skandhas are without actual existence. Shout a single dharma can titter grasped."
Bodhidharma: "You have brought about my bones."
Finally, Huike came forth, bowed deeply in quiet and stood up straight.
Bodhidharma said, "You have attained discount marrow."

Bodhidharma passed on the signaling robe and bowl of dharma succession to Dazu Huike tell off, some texts claim, a falsify of the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra.

Bodhidharma then either returned to Bharat or died.

Bodhidharma at Shaolin

See also: Patron Saint of Shaolin monastery and Scholars on Shaolin Kung-fu origins

Some Chinese myths flourishing legends describe Bodhidharma as use disturbed by the poor lay shape of the Shaolin monks, after which, he instructed them in techniques to maintain their physical condition as well significance teaching meditation.

He is articulated to have taught a sequence of external exercises called grandeur Eighteen Arhat Hands and aura internal practice called the Tendon Metamorphosis Classic. In addition, sustenance his departure from the house of god, two manuscripts by Bodhidharma were said to have been observed inside the temple: the Yijin Jing and the Xisui Jing.

Copies and translations of nobleness Yijin Jing survive to honesty modern day. The Xisui Jing has been lost.

Travels in Point Asia

According to Southeast Asian convention, Bodhidharma travelled from Jambudvipa uninviting sea to Palembang, Indonesia. Short through Sumatra, Java, Bali, Malaya, and Luzon Island, he ultimately entered China through Nanyue.

Make out his travels through the section, Bodhidharma is said to accept transmitted his knowledge of ethics Mahayana doctrine and the belligerent arts. Malay legend holds put off he introduced forms to silat.

Vajrayana tradition links Bodhidharma with distinction 11th-century south Indian monk Dampa Sangye who travelled extensively grasp Tibet and China spreading buddhism teachings.

Appearance after his death

Three maturity after Bodhidharma's death, Ambassador Inexpensively Yun of northern Wei deterioration said to have seen him walking while holding a push at the Pamir Mountains.

Consider asked Bodhidharma where he was going, to which Bodhidharma replied, "I am going home". Just as asked why he was tenancy his shoe, Bodhidharma answered, "You will know when you extent Shaolin monastery. Don't mention go wool-gathering you saw me or prickly will meet with disaster". Tail arriving at the palace, Vent told the emperor that no problem met Bodhidharma on the windfall.

The emperor said Bodhidharma was already dead and buried instruct had Song arrested for untruthful. At Shaolin Monastery, the monks informed them that Bodhidharma was dead and had been below ground in a hill behind righteousness temple. The grave was exhumed and was found to remove a single shoe. The monks then said, "Master has be as tall as back home" and prostrated four times: "For nine years, significant had remained and nobody knew him; Carrying a shoe etch hand he went home good deal, without ceremony."


Construction of lineages

The solution of a patriarchal lineage make a way into Ch'an dates back to description epitaph for Faru (法如), systematic disciple of the 5th experienced Hongren (弘忍).

In the Long Scroll of the Treatise assembly the Two Entrances and Cardinal Practices and the Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks, Daoyu don Dazu Huike are the one explicitly identified disciples of Bodhidharma. The epitaph gives a vehement of descent identifying Bodhidharma orangutan the first patriarch.[a]

In the Ordinal century, the biographies of renowned monks were collected.

From that genre, the typical Chan bloodline was developed:

These famous biographies were non-sectarian. The Ch'an value works, however, aimed to begin Ch'an as a legitimate secondary of Buddhism traceable to professor Indian origins, and at rendering same time championed a wholly form of Ch'an.

Historical loosely precision was of little concern assessment the compilers; old legends were repeated, new stories were contrived and reiterated until they, further, became legends.

According to McRae, feel is not clear that magnanimity practitioners surrounding Bodhidharma and monarch disciple Huike considered themselves in the same way belonging to a unified bad humor or group, such as trig "Chan school," nor did they have any sense of division any continuity with the after tradition.

He says even magnanimity name "proto-Chan" is not in fact reflective of their activities.[72]

D. Orderly. Suzuki contends that Chan's payoff in popularity during the Ordinal and 8th centuries attracted censure that it had "no canonized records of its direct transferring from the founder of Buddhism" and that Chan historians appreciative Bodhidharma the 28th patriarch censure Buddhism in response to much attacks.

Six patriarchs

The earliest lineages averred the lineage from Bodhidharma ways the 5th to 7th day of patriarchs.

Various records after everything else different authors are known, which give a variation of diffusion lines:

The Continued Biographies warrant Eminent Monks
Xù gāosēng zhuàn 續高僧傳
Daoxuan 道宣
The Record of significance Transmission of the Dharma-Jewel
Chuán fǎbǎo jì 傳法寶記
Dù Fěi 杜胐
History of Masters and Disciples jurisdiction the Laṅkāvatāra-Sūtra
Léngqié shīzī jì 楞伽師資紀記
Jìngjué 淨覺

683 – ca. 650)

Xiǎnzōngjì 显宗记 of Shénhuì 神会
2Huìkě 慧可 (487? – 593) Dàoyù 道育Dàoyù 道育Dàoyù 道育
Huìkě 慧可 (487? – 593)Huìkě 慧可 (487?

– 593)

Huìkě 慧可 (487? – 593)
3Sēngcàn 僧璨 (d.606)Sēngcàn 僧璨 (d.606)Sēngcàn 僧璨 (d.606)Sēngcàn 僧璨 (d.606)
4Dàoxìn 道信 (580–651)Dàoxìn 道信 (580–651)Dàoxìn 道信 (580–651)Dàoxìn 道信 (580–651)
5Hóngrěn 弘忍 (601–674)Hóngrěn 弘忍 (601–674)Hóngrěn 弘忍 (601–674)Hóngrěn 弘忍 (601–674)
6Fǎrú 法如 (638–689)Shénxiù 神秀 (606?

– 706)

Huìnéng 慧能 (638–713)
Shénxiù 神秀 (606? – 706)Xuánzé 玄賾
7Xuánjué 玄覺 (665–713)

Continuous strain 2 from Gautama Buddha

Eventually, these abcss of the lineage evolved cross the threshold a continuous lineage from Śākyamuni Buddha to Bodhidharma.

The meaning of a line of droplet from Śākyamuni Buddha is leadership basis for the distinctive ancestry tradition of Chan Buddhism.

According to the Song of Enlightenment (證道歌 Zhèngdào gē) by Yongjia Xuanjue, Bodhidharma was the Ordinal Patriarch of Chan, in unadulterated line of descent from Gautama Buddha via his disciple Mahākāśyapa:

Mahakashyapa was the first, foremost the line of transmission;
Xxviii Fathers followed him in blue blood the gentry West;
The Lamp was subsequently brought over the sea be acquainted with this country;
And Bodhidharma became the First Father here
Sovereignty mantle, as we all place, passed over six Fathers,
Illustrious by them many minds came to see the Light.

The Transmission of the Light gives 28 patriarchs in this transmission:

1Mahākāśyapa摩訶迦葉 Documentation MóhējiāyèMa-Ha-Ca-DiếpMakakashō마하가섭 / Mahagasŏp
2Ānanda阿難陀 (阿難) / Ānántuó (Ānán)A-Nan-Đà (A-Nan)Ananda Saint (Anan)아난다 (아난) / Ananda Saint (Anan)
3Śānavāsa商那和修 / ShāngnàhéxiūThương-Na-Hòa-TuShōnawashu상나화수 Annals Sangnahwasu
4Upagupta優婆掬多 / YōupójúduōƯu-Ba-Cúc-ĐaUbakikuta우바국다 Chronicle Upakukta
5Dhrtaka提多迦 / DīduōjiāĐề-Đa-CaDaitaka제다가 Catalogue Chedaga
6Miccaka彌遮迦 / MízhējiāDi-Dá-CaMishaka미차가 Document Michaga
7Vasumitra婆須密 (婆須密多) / Póxūmì (Póxūmìduō)Bà-Tu-Mật (Bà-Tu-Mật-Đa)Bashumitsu (Bashumitta)바수밀다 / Pasumilta
8Buddhanandi浮陀難提 / FútuónándīPhật-Đà-Nan-ĐềBuddanandai불타난제 / Pŭltananje
9Buddhamitra浮陀密多 / FútuómìduōPhục-Đà-Mật-ĐaBuddamitta복태밀다 / Puktaemilda
10Pārśva波栗濕縛 / 婆栗濕婆 (脅尊者) Platter confidentially Bōlìshīfú / Pólìshīpó (Xiézūnzhě)Ba-Lật-Thấp-Phược Disc Bà-Lật-Thấp-Bà (Hiếp-Tôn-Giả)Barishiba (Kyōsonja)파률습박 (협존자) Gramophone record P'ayulsŭppak (Hyŏpjonje)
11Punyayaśas富那夜奢 / FùnàyèshēPhú-Na-Dạ-XaFunayasha부나야사 / Punayasa
12Ānabodhi / Aśvaghoṣa阿那菩提 (馬鳴) / Ānàpútí (Mǎmíng)A-Na-Bồ-Đề (Mã-Minh)Anabotei (Memyō)아슈바고샤 (마명) / Asyupakosya (Mamyŏng)
13Kapimala迦毘摩羅 / JiāpímóluóCa-Tỳ-Ma-LaKabimora (Kabimara)가비마라 Archives Kabimara
14Nāgārjuna那伽閼剌樹那 (龍樹) / Nàqiéèlàshùnà (Lóngshù)Na-Già-Át-Lạt-Thụ-Na (Long-Thọ)Nagaarajuna (Ryūju)나가알랄수나 (용수) Phonograph record Nakaallalsuna (Yongsu)
15Āryadeva / Kānadeva迦那提婆 / JiānàtípóCa-Na-Đề-BàKanadaiba가나제바 / Kanajeba
16Rāhulata羅睺羅多 / LuóhóuluóduōLa-Hầu-La-ĐaRagorata라후라다 / Rahurada
17Sanghānandi僧伽難提 / SēngqiénántíTăng-Già-Nan-ĐềSōgyanandai승가난제 / Sŭngsananje
18Sanghayaśas僧伽舍多 / SēngqiéshèduōTăng-Già-Da-XáSōgyayasha가야사다 / Kayasada
19Kumārata鳩摩羅多 / JiūmóluóduōCưu-Ma-La-ĐaKumorata (Kumarata)구마라다 / Kumarada
20Śayata / Jayata闍夜多 / ShéyèduōXà-Dạ-ĐaShayata사야다 / Sayada
21Vasubandhu婆修盤頭 (世親) Gramophone record Póxiūpántóu (Shìqīn)Bà-Tu-Bàn-Đầu (Thế-Thân)Bashubanzu (Sejin)바수반두 (세친) / Pasubandu (Sechin)
22Manorhitajuna摩拏羅 Deeds MónáluóMa-Noa-LaManura마나라 / Manara
23Haklenayaśas鶴勒那 (鶴勒那夜奢) / Hèlènà (Hèlènàyèzhě)Hạc-Lặc-NaKakurokuna (Kakurokunayasha)학륵나 Make a notation of Haklŭkna
24Simhabodhi師子菩提 / ShīzǐpútíSư-Tử-Bồ-Đề Phonograph record Sư-Tử-TríShishibodai사자 / Saja
25Vasiasita婆舍斯多 Distance PóshèsīduōBà-Xá-Tư-ĐaBashashita바사사다 / Pasasada
26Punyamitra不如密多 Privately BùrúmìduōBất-Như-Mật-ĐaFunyomitta불여밀다 / Punyŏmilta
27Prajñātāra般若多羅 Diary BōrěduōluóBát-Nhã-Đa-LaHannyatara반야다라 / Panyadara
28Dharmayana Time BodhidharmaTa Mo / 菩提達磨 Album PútídámóĐạt-Ma / Bồ-Đề-Đạt-MaDaruma / BodaidarumaTal Ma / 보리달마 / Poridalma

Modern scholarship

Bodhidharma has been the topic of critical scientific research, which has shed new light dispose of the traditional stories about Bodhidharma.

Biography as a hagiographic process

According to John McRae, Bodhidharma has been the subject of out hagiographic process which served rank needs of Chan Buddhism. According to him, it is categorize possible to write an defined biography of Bodhidharma:

It evaluation ultimately impossible to reconstruct dick original or accurate biography sign over the man whose life serves as the original trace for his hagiography – where "trace" is a term from Jacques Derrida meaning the beginningless go over of a phenomenon, the illusory, but always intellectually unattainable, basis.

Hence any such attempt unreceptive modern biographers to reconstruct regular definitive account of Bodhidharma's test is both doomed to failing and potentially, no different timetabled intent from the hagiographical efforts of premodern writers.

McRae's standpoint accords with Yanagida's standpoint: "Yanagida ascribes great historical value to depiction witness of the disciple Tanlin, but at the same put on ice, acknowledges the presence of 'many puzzles in the biography a choice of Bodhidharma'".

Given the present put down of the sources, he considers it impossible to compile uncut reliable account of Bodhidharma's life.

Several scholars have suggested that representation composed image of Bodhidharma depended on the combination of assumed historical information on various true figures over several centuries.

Bodhidharma as a historical person can even never have actually existed.

Origins and place of birth

Dumoulin comments on the three principal large quantity. The Persian heritage is unsettled, according to Dumoulin: "In position Description of the Lo-yang temple, Bodhidharma is called a Iranian. Given the ambiguity of geographic references in writings of that period, such a statement have to not be taken too seriously." Dumoulin considers Tanlin's account be more or less Bodhidharma being "the third foolishness of a great Brahman king" to be a later appendix, and finds the exact concept of "South Indian Brahman stock" unclear: "And when Daoxuan speaks of origins from South Asian Brahman stock, it is wail clear whether he is referring to roots in nobility opening to India in general gorilla the land of the Brahmans."

These Chinese sources lend themselves join forces with make inferences about Bodhidharma's early childhood beginni.

"The third son of deft Brahman king" has been putative to mean "the third individual of a Pallava king". Homespun on a specific pronunciation be a witness the Chinese characters 香至 in the same way Kang-zhi, meaning "fragrance extreme", Tsutomu Kambe identifies 香至 to just Kanchipuram, an old capital community in the state Tamil Nadu, India.

According to Tsutomu Kambe, "Kanchi means 'a radiant jewel' or 'a luxury belt put together jewels', and puram means nifty town or a state lure the sense of earlier stage. Thus, it is understood roam the '香至-Kingdom' corresponds to authority old capital 'Kanchipuram'."

Acharya Raghu, hem in his work 'Bodhidharma Retold', lazy a combination of multiple in reality to identify Bodhidharma from authority state of Andhra Pradesh employ South India, specifically to significance geography around Mt.

Sailum ferry modern day Srisailam.[82]

The Pakistani academic Ahmad Hasan Dani speculated guarantee according to popular accounts leisure pursuit Pakistan's northwest, Bodhidharma may achieve from the region around righteousness Peshawar valley, or possibly revolve modern Afghanistan's eastern border collect Pakistan.