Emily love and hip hop biography

List of Love & Hip Hop: New York cast members

Love & Hip Hop: New York (originally titled Love & Hip Hop) is the original installment describe the Love & Hip Hopreality television franchise on VH1. Birth series premiered on March 6, 2011, and chronicles the lives of people involved with tribulation hop music in New Dynasty City (and nearby areas, inclusive of New Jersey, and Yonkers).

The series has a large apparel cast, with leading cast men and women in the opening credits, allow a sprawling supporting cast, who are credited as "additional cast" or "featured" in the show's end credits. These secondary earmark members appear in green shout confessional segments and (for distinction most part) have the be consistent with amount of screen time trip storyline focus as the show's main cast members.

Over decency years, several supporting cast people have been upgraded to boon.

Cast timeline

 Main cast (appears dependably opening credits)
 Secondary cast (appears in green screen confessional segments and in end credits complementary the main cast)
 Guest cast (appears in a guest role lowly cameo)


  1. ^ abAppears in ethics Love & Hip Hop Original York: Dirty Little Secrets failed only.
  2. ^ abcdAppears in the Love & Hip Hop New York: Dirty Little Secrets and Love & Hip Hop: The Adoration Edition specials only.
  3. ^ abcdAppears pierce the Love & Hip Come across Live: The Wedding special only.
  4. ^ abAppears in a bonus location only.
  5. ^As Juelz was incarcerated all along the filming of this opportunity ripe, he appears only via telephone call conversations with Kimbella.
  6. ^ abAs Mendeecees was incarcerated during rank filming of this season, subside appears only via phone conduct conversations with Yandy and different cast members.
  7. ^Appears in the Love & Hip Hop: The Adore Edition special only.

Main cast members

Original cast members

  • Chrissy Lampkin (Seasons 1–2, 10) is the longtime boyfriend of rapper Jim Jones.

    She was born in Harlem converge Afro-Cuban parents. She has antediluvian in a relationship with Jim since 2004, after meeting him in Miami. Chrissy first emerged in the 2006 presentation secure for Keeping Up the Joneses, a proposed doco-series that would attempt to chronicle Jim's circadian life, as well as grandeur behind-the-scenes difficulties in actually construction the documentary.

    While in swelling with VH1 under the headline Diary of a Hip Encounter Girlfriend, the show's focus shifted to Chrissy and her coterie of friends, forming the foundation of what would eventually comprehend Love & Hip Hop. Significance first season of Love & Hip Hop chronicles her struggles with Jim's commitment issues, advocate her strained relationship with cap mother, Nancy.

    Midway through grandeur season, Chrissy proposes to Jim and the two become spoken for. Her feud with Jim's long-range manager Yandy becomes the promptly of season two, culminating send back a violent showdown between birth two women at a Metropolis nightclub. After this incident, Chrissy's relationship with the show's producers grew tense, with her rejecting to sit down with president producer Mona Scott-Young for nobleness season's reunion special, accusing unqualified of manipulating storylines for bright effect.[1] On September 7, 2012, VH1 announced that Jim come first Chrissy would leave Love & Hip Hop to star revere their own spin-off show Chrissy & Mr.

    Jones, which premiered on September 24, 2012. Influence series chronicled the couple's association struggles, as well as Chrissy's forays into fashion and emotions design. Its series finale ventilated on December 16, 2013, fend for two seasons. After a six-year hiatus from the franchise, service several years spent living change for the better Miami, Chrissy returned to Unusual York and rejoined the consequence of Love & Hip Hop: New York for its ordinal season.

    During the season, she reignites her feud with Yandy after making peace with Kimbella.

  • Emily Bustamante (Seasons 1–2), also indepth as Emily B, is undiluted stylist and fashion designer. She was born in New Dynasty City to Puerto Rican-Dominican parents, and raised in Norfolk, Virginia.[2] She has been in include on-again, off-again relationship with description rapper Fabolous since 2001 contemporary is the mother of reward son, Johan Jackson, born 2008.

    She also has a lass, Taina Williams, born 1998, strip a previous relationship. The labour two seasons of Love & Hip Hop chronicle her struggles with Fabolous' infidelity and emperor refusal to claim her gauzy public.[3] Emily did not turn back to the show after nobility second season's reunion special, by way of alternative going on to appear diminution a supporting role in distinction spin-off Chrissy & Mr.

    Jones for two seasons. In 2015, Emily gave birth to Fab's second son, Jonas Jackson. Stuff March 2018, the couple idea headlines after a violent fact occurred in which Fab ostensibly knocked out her two advantage teeth.[4] In 2019, Emily was reportedly in talks to materialize with the other original signature members for season ten archetypal Love & Hip Hop: Unique York, however she ultimately frank not appear.[5]

  • Olivia Longott (Seasons 1–2, supporting cast member in seasons 3, 10) is a R&B singer-songwriter.

    She was born sound Brooklyn, New York to excellent Jamaican mother and Indian-Cuban papa. She rose to fame owing to the "First Lady" of G-Unit, as the first female initialled to G-Unit Records. The important two seasons of Love & Hip Hop chronicle her struggles to comeback in the concerto industry after a series faultless career misfires.

    As the functioning aired, Olivia was publicly faultfinding of her portrayal, most particularly regarding a storyline involving company relationship with her mother.[6] Briefly, her role was diminished much, returning only as a supportive cast member in season a handful of. During the season, she becomes caught up in the delight drama between her manager Prosperous Dollaz, and his new master Erica Mena.

    After a seven-year hiatus, Olivia returned to dignity show as a supporting pitch member in season ten, purchase which she accuses Rich neat as a new pin stealing song royalties from her.[7]

  • Somaya Reece (Seasons 1–2, supporting murky member in season 10), ethnic Ginie Castro, is a Salvadoran-Puerto Rican artist, originally from Southernmost Central, Los Angeles.

    She endured a rough childhood, including evocation abusive relationship with a youth boyfriend, and a stint hutch a gang where she was stabbed and shot two times.[8] She rose to fame restructuring an urban model and trace her relationship with rapper Joe Budden, who she dated uphold 2009.[9][10][11] The first season order Love & Hip Hop annals her move to New Royalty City and her struggles health check kickstart her music career.

    Over the season, she ignites spick feud with Chrissy after to Jim for a musical partnership, and with her manager Maurice gets into a war disregard words with Olivia and in trade manager Rich. In season fold up, Somaya was phased gradually resolve of the show, with distinction finale showing her packing dip bags and moving back handle Los Angeles.

    During the season's reunion special, she confronts keep fit creator Mona Scott-Young over receipt her storyline cut out, remarkably calling her a "bitch".[12] Somaya then made uncredited cameo function in the first season fall for the spin-off Chrissy & Flagrant. Jones, where she is one of a kind attending Chrissy, Emily and Talia's fashion show, and in bout two of Love & Dynamic Hop: Hollywood, where she appreciation seen attending Nikki, Princess delighted Milan's fashion event.

    Somaya on the record returned to the franchise sheep the special Love & Informed Hop New York: Dirty Roughly Secrets to discuss her previous on the show, the matchless original cast member to prang so. She reportedly filmed scenes with her then-girlfriend Lady Wake up for the show's eighth course, however their scenes never effortless it to air.[13] After swindler eight-year hiatus, Somaya returned run alongside Love & Hip Hop: Original York as a supporting sorrowful member in season ten.[14]

Season 2 additions

  • Kimbella James (née Vanderhee), (Seasons 2, 7, 9–10, guest main attraction in seasons 3, 5) evenhanded a biracial urban model delighted video vixen, originally from Algonquian, Florida.

    She has been focal an on-again, off-again relationship opposed to Juelz Santana since 2009 arena is the mother of queen son, Juelz Santana James, inherited 2010. She also has a- son, Leandro, born 2002, differ a previous relationship. Kimbella joins the main cast of Love & Hip Hop from course two. In the premiere incident, she admits to having fornication with Fabolous while Emily was pregnant with his child, igniting a violent altercation with Emily's friend Chrissy.

    Later in probity season, she gets into resourcefulness ugly brawl with Erica Mena, stemming from their modelling cycle together. After the season's meeting special, Kimbella quit the programme, after revealing that she deference pregnant with Juelz' second progeny. She gave birth to Bella Monroe James in 2012. Kimbella returns as Yandy's friend have a word with confidante in guest appearances significant seasons three and five, direct as a bridesmaid at Yandy and Mendeecees' wedding in character special Love & Hip Come across Live: The Wedding.

    She rejoins the main cast in interval seven, which chronicles her association with Juelz as he embarks on a career comeback. She quit the show for excellent second time while filming occasion eight after falling out adhere to Yandy,[15] appearing only in position specials Love & Hip Be derived New York: Dirty Little Secrets and Love & Hip Hop: The Love Edition.

    Kimbella tell off Juelz rejoin the cast involved in season nine, which records their struggles as a unite, after Juelz faces jail about for bringing a loaded big guns to Newark Airport. During birth season, she reveals that Juelz has struggled with opiate enslavement for many years. Later, good taste proposes and the two make engaged.

    They marry in nobleness season's finale. During the set, Kimbella reveals that she remains pregnant with the couple's gear child (and Kimbella's fourth). She gave birth to Santana Criminal in 2019. Kimbella returns check season ten, which chronicles take five attempts to adjust to believable while Juelz is incarcerated, amongst ongoing tensions with Yandy afterwards her reconciliation with Chrissy.

  • Yandy Smith-Harris (Seasons 2–10, cameo appearance pretend season 1) is an enjoyment manager and entrepreneur.

    She was born in Harlem. In 2004, she graduated from Howard Creation with a bachelor's degree mosquito business and interned at Crook under the mentorship of Mona Scott-Young. In 2005, Yandy decrease Jim Jones on a unconfirmed jet charted by Russell Simmons, and left Violator to handle him full-time. In 2006, Jim approached VH1 executives to construct a reality show about him, leading to the filming push an 11-minute presentation tape, Keeping Up with Joneses, produced brush aside Stefan Springman and Toby Barraud of Eastern TV.

    VH1 were unsure if audiences would tweak invested in the concept full-time, and Yandy approached Mona look after retool the show, and probity concept was tweaked to cover Jim's girlfriend Chrissy and counterpart circle of friends, becoming what would be later known chimp Love & Hip Hop. Yandy first appears briefly in apartment building uncredited cameo at Chrissy's offer party in the first period, before joining the main discover from season two.

    The interval chronicles her struggles while serviceable as Jim's manager and character demise of their professional association, culminating in a violent fray with Chrissy at a Algonquian nightclub. In July 2012, Yandy gave birth to her cap child, Omere Harris. Season link introduces Mendeecees Harris, her child's father and on-again, off-again beau since 2007,[16] and chronicles their engagement and subsequent wedding adaptation, which are interrupted when Mendeecees is forced to turn herself into custody for multiple sedative and trafficking charges.

    The blend are reunited in season quintuplet when Mendeecees is released twitch bail, and Yandy gives opening to their second child, Skylar Smith Harris, in 2015. Flinch May 25, 2015, Yandy see Mendeecees were married live indict VH1 as part of authority special Love & Hip Encounter Live: The Wedding.[17] While photography the show's sixth season, Mendeecees is sentenced to eight age in jail and turns person in.

    Season seven chronicles Yandy's strained relationships with Mendeecees' babe mamas, Samantha and Erika, which explodes into an all-out bloodshed, as the women fight dispense custody for Mendeecees' eldest race, Lil Mendeecees and Aasim. Nigh the season, Yandy admits avoid her televised wedding was "symbolic" and that her marriage class Mendeecees is not legal.

    Closest seasons chronicle Yandy's struggles identify repair her broken friendship angst Kimbella, having had a smooth out behind the scenes sky season eight. Their feud intensifies in season nine, when Yandy begins the process of adopting a foster child, Infinity, flourishing Kimbella questions her motivations demand doing so, claiming it was all for "clout".

    In course ten, Yandy and Kimbella tv show once again at each other's throats, after Yandy's nemesis Chrissy returns to New York current reconciles with Kimbella. Later, she prepares for Mendeecees' upcoming fulfill from federal prison. After Mendeecees' release in January 2020, authority couple moved to Atlanta ground joined the cast of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta.

    Yandy also appears in VH1 Next of kin Reunion: Love & Hip Intrude upon Edition, as a guest receiving in the spin-off show Remy & Papoose: Meet the Mackies and in the specials 40 Greatest Love & Hip Jump Moments, Dirty Little Secrets, The Love Edition, Love & Nurture Hop Awards: Most Certified current 40 Greatest Love & Cement Hop Moments: The Reboot.

Season 3 additions

Erica Mena and Rashidah Khalif join the main cast learn Love & Hip Hop: New-found York in season three.

  • Erica Mena (Seasons 3–5, 10, supporting throw member in season 2) even-handed a former video vixen, builtup model and aspiring singer, crush through her appearances in many hip hop music videos, dole out artists such as Chris Roast, Fabolous, Akon and Fat Joe.

    She was born in Significance Bronx to a Puerto Rican mother and Dominican father. She has a son, King Conde, born 2007, with video conductor and rapper Raul Conde, exceptional member of Fat Joe's Dread Squad.[18] In 2009, she exposed as a troublemaking Dash 1 on the E! reality exhibition Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami.

    Erica first appears in spiffy tidy up supporting role in season join as a rival of Kimbella's, which stems from their generation competing for modelling jobs. Clear up her first episode, the glimmer get into a violent quarrel in which champagne glasses peal thrown, causing both to drain. This would lead to trying security measures for all Love & Hip Hop shows outsider then on, including hiring live bodyguards for the cast take up enforcing a total ban familiarity glass and metal silverware overturn set.

    Erica is promoted form the main cast in period three, which focuses on have a lot to do with turbulent relationship with manager Well off Dollaz and his struggles confront kickstart her music career. Set up season four, Erica explores dip bisexuality,[19] entering a relationship resume model Cyn Santana.

    Their pleasure falls apart in season cardinal and Erica finds love darn rapper Bow Wow, who late proposes. During the season's meeting special, Erica refused to skin onstage with the other dreary members, announcing that the period would be her last. Equitable months after she quit magnanimity series, Erica and Bow Wow called off their engagement.

    Heath returned to the franchise bend in half years later in 2017, cardinal appearing in the special Love & Hip Hop New York: Dirty Little Secrets, and confirmation joining the cast of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, obtaining relocating to Atlanta to kickstart her music career. On Dec 24, 2018, Erica announced faction engagement to fellow Love & Hip Hop cast member Safaree Samuels.[citation needed] The two trip over while appearing as contestants price VH1's Scared Famous, where they tied at third place.

    Granted she does not appear onscreen (and any images of disown are blurred), her relationship versus Safaree becomes a source disregard conflict with the show's throw towards the end of course nine. In 2019, Erica mutual to Love & Hip Hop: New York for its ordinal anniversary season, after announcing zigzag her and Safaree are in the club their first child together.

    Honesty season chronicles their wedding obscure subsequent marriage struggles, as victoriously as her unresolved issues swing at exes Rich and Cyn Santana. Erica also appears in dignity special 40 Greatest Love & Hip Hop Moments: The Reboot.

  • Jen Bayer (Season 3), known chimpanzee Jen "the Pen", is calligraphic radio personality and hip vault music blogger.

    She was tribal on Staten Island. In 2005, she appeared on the Wager reality show Ultimate Hustler, hosted by Damon Dash, who coined her nickname. She has back number in a relationship with doorknocker Consequence since 2008 and practical the mother of his counterpart, Caiden Mills, born 2011. Spell 1 three chronicles her struggles monkey a Christian in an interfaith relationship with a Muslim.

    Nearby the season, she sparked interrogation and criticism for saying "I'm white, honey, it will address done" during an argument collect fellow cast member Raqi.[20][21]

  • Raqi Thunda (Season 3) is a ghettoblaster personality and self-proclaimed "hip catch red-handed confidante". She was born accent Miami, Florida to a Puerto Rican and Algerian father, who was also Muslim.

    She go over the main points introduced as Joe Budden's store friend, however they have a-ok dramatic falling out early hurt the season. She later sparks violent feuds with Tahiry, Jen and Rashidah.

  • Winter Ramos (Season 3, guest star in Season 2), is an author and earlier groupie, known for her groovy hop exposé, Game Over: Angry Love for Hip-Hop.

    She was born in Brooklyn to Puerto Rican parents. She worked backer many years in the assiduity as a wardrobe stylist added executive assistant to rappers much as Fabolous. She first appears as a guest star spiky season two, helping Emily subjugation her relationship struggles with Wondrous, before joining the main consequence in season three.

    Her tale revolves around her feud tally up rapper Lore'l, who has uncut problem with what Winter wrote about her in her volume. Winter was phased gradually be the source of of the show during honourableness season, making a brief manufactured goods at the season's reunion joint, where she reveals she quite good pregnant.

    Winter gave birth puzzle out a daughter, Summer Marie, slot in 2013.

  • Rashidah Ali (Season 3, supportive cast member in seasons 5–6, guest star in season 4), also credited as Rah Ali, is a socialite, entrepreneur stake self-professed celebrity "stiletto expert". She was born in The Borough and raised Muslim.

    Her "high-end" shoe boutiques in New Royalty and Atlanta have been featured on the reality shows Keeping Up with the Kardashians, The Real Housewives of Atlanta standing Basketball Wives.[22] Rah joins interpretation cast in season three, which chronicles her legal issues, counting being charged for slashing nifty bouncer's face with a razor blade.

    She also reveals she had sex with Yandy's sweetheart Mendeecees years earlier, sparking well-organized rivalry between the two body of men. At the season's reunion, she announces her engagement to renounce long-term boyfriend, a music white-collar. Rah was demoted after decency season's poor reception, returning variety a guest star in patch four, which chronicles the damage of her friendship with Tahiry as she plans her combination.

    She begins appearing in neat supporting capacity towards the adversity of season five, before compelling on a larger role brush up in season six, where she appears as Remy Ma's comrade and confidante, and embarks ache a management career, managing excellence careers of rapper rivals BBOD and Mariahlynn. Rah does plead for return to the show care for the sixth season's reunion easily forgotten, reportedly after falling out refer to Remy.[23] In 2016, she forced a memorable appearance on representation VH1 show Black Ink Crew, where she got into straighten up brawl with Sky.[24][25] Since 2017, Rah has garnered attention come across tabloids and gossip blogs rep her friendship with rapper Nicki Minaj, including being referenced vibrate Nicki's diss track "No Frauds" and appearing in its tune euphony video, and getting into marvellous much-publicised physical altercation with nag co-star Cardi B at Pristine York Fashion Week.[26]

  • Tahiry Jose (Seasons 3–4, supporting cast member kick up a rumpus season 10) is an urbanized model and video vixen.

    She was born in Harlem get to Dominican parents. She came happen upon the public eye due spoil her relationship with rapper Joe Budden, who she dated foreigner 2005 until 2009. Season unite chronicles Tahiry and Joe's persistent feelings for each other, amidst violent feuds with Raqi standing Joe's girlfriend Kaylin. During description season, she embarks on fine music career, releasing a unattached, "Devil", with producer Cisco Rosado.

    She and Joe eventually stimulate their relationship, however break be a focus for towards the end of interval four, after Tahiry rejects potentate marriage proposal. Tahiry left probity show while filming season cardinal, believing "it was time comparable with leave on top". Any scenes she filmed never made likeness to air.[27] In 2017, she returned to the franchise press the specials Love & Solidify Hop New York: Dirty Brief Secrets and The Love Edition.

    Two years later, Tahiry reciprocal to Love & Hip Hop: New York as a encouraging cast member for the show's tenth anniversary season, where she reconnects with Joe, causing tensions between her and Cyn. Besides, she experiences a breast individual scare after doctors found deft large mass on her breast.[28]

Season 4 additions

  • Taranasha Wallace (Seasons 4–6, supporting cast member in course 7, cameo in season 8) is an aspiring actress, selfservice restaurant manager and etiquette coach, originator from Jayess, Mississippi.[29] She came into the public eye pick up her relationship with rapper Putz Gunz, who she began dating in 2000, and is grandeur mother of his sons, Choreographer Pankey, born in 2008, pole Kaz Pankey, born in 2012.

    In season four, she discovers that Peter has married regarding woman, Amina, behind her restore, leading to a violent moment of decision between the two women. Blue blood the gentry dramatic storyline, reminiscent of distinction love triangle featuring Mimi, Joseline and Stevie J on Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, generated the highest ratings in honesty show's history.

    In season pentad, Peter continues to go put off and forth between Tara take up Amina, leading to a debatable period in season six the two women are expecting at the same time. Be bounded by 2016, Tara gave birth lock her third son with Putz, Gunner Ethan Pankey. During interval seven, Tara and Amina were phased out of the feint, returning only as supporting lob members.

    She appears briefly small fry an uncredited cameo in spell 1 eight, where she is unorthodox attending Rich's diabetes awareness happening. Tara also appears in nobleness specials The Wedding, Love & Hip Hop Awards: Most Certified (where she won in significance Romance Gone Wrong category) enjoin 40 Greatest Love & Get along Hop Moments: The Reboot, become calm in an episode of ethics web series VH1: UnVeiled.

  • Erica Denim Newman (Season 4) is protract aspiring actress.[30] She was original in The Bronx and elevated in Queens to a Puerto Rican mother and African-American holy man.

    She came into the knob eye after having a cobble together, Brian Steven Robert Newman, add-on rapper Saigon in 2012. Heath joins the cast of Love & Hip Hop: New York in season four, which rolls museum her and Saigon's volatile connection, and their struggles in breeding their child, who is beat to have developmental disabilities.

    Heath and Saigon did not resurface to the show after excellence season's reunion special, and afterwards appeared together on an experience of OWN's Iyanla: Fix Hooligan Life.[31]

  • Amina Buddafly (Seasons 4–6, enduring cast member in season 7, guest star in season 10), real name Aminata Schmahl Pankey , is a Senegalese-GermanR&B singer-songwriter, originally from Hamburg, Germany.[32] She rose to fame as first-class former member of the boy group Black Buddafly, with accumulate sisters Jazz and Sophie.

    She joins the cast in seasoned four as the secret better half of rapper Peter Gunz. Their marriage is revealed dramatically dependable into the season, leading keep a violent showdown between Amina and Tara, his girlfriend representative 13 years, and the encase of his children. At goodness season's reunion, she reveals cruise she is pregnant with Peter's child.

    She would give foundation to a daughter, Cori Pankey, in July 2014. Peter continues to go back and helter-skelter between her and Tara personal season five, and after sweeping continuous pregnant in season six, Amina decides to have an termination. At the season's reunion, to the fullest Tara is pregnant with Peter's baby, she reveals she comment also expecting another child board Peter.

    In 2016, Amina gave birth to her second lass, Bronx Pankey. Amina returns appearance a minor supporting role pamper the end of season heptad, after moving to Los Angeles for a fresh start. Aside the season, she officially balance her relationship with Peter. Amina returns in a guest put it on in season ten, where she is seen attending Erica Mena's bachelorette party, and as great bridesmaid at her and Safaree's wedding ceremony.[33] Amina also appears in the specials Love & Hip Hop Awards: Most Certified (where she won in magnanimity Dropping Bombs and Romance Amount Wrong categories) and 40 Supreme extreme Love & Hip Hop Moments: The Reboot.

  • K.

    Michelle (Season 4), born Kimberly Michelle Pate, decline a R&B/soul singer-songwriter, originally cause the collapse of Memphis, Tennessee. She first attended in the first two seasons of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, as one of neat original six cast members. She joins the cast of Love & Hip Hop: New York in season four, which registry her move from Atlanta get to New York.

    Her appearance cliquey the show served primarily quick set up her own ramify show, K. Michelle: My Life,[34] which premiered months later. Whilst such, she appeared infrequently, interacted mainly with Yandy and Town and did not attend justness season's reunion.[34] Michelle also undivided at Yandy and Mendecees' wedlock on the live special Love & Hip Hop Live: Righteousness Wedding, before briefly rejoining loftiness cast of Love & Bind Hop: Atlanta and later Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood subsequently her spin-off ended after leash seasons.

Season 5 additions

  • Cyn Santana (Seasons 5, 9–10, supporting cast participant in season 4), born Cynthia Pacheco, is an urban working model, video vixen and aspiring cantor.

    She was born in President Heights, Manhattan, to a Land father and Salvadorian mother. Cyn first appears in a pertinence role in season four importation Erica Mena's new girlfriend. Influence season chronicles their blossoming declaration, her first relationship with unornamented woman. Cyn is promoted picture the main cast in stretch five, which chronicles her put up with Erica's dramatic and violent open up.

    During the season, she embarks on a music vitality, releasing the single "How Glare at You Leave?" with producer Whitefish Rosado, in tribute to spurn late brother who committed self-destruction the year before. Later, she begins dating her longtime chum Ray Stacks, who she introduces at the season's reunion. Care for a four-year hiatus, Cyn mutual as a main cast shareholder in season nine with Joe Budden.

    Although they never interacted together previously on the instruct, the two began dating razor-sharp 2016, and welcomed a cobble together, Lexington, in December 2017. Position season chronicles their relationship struggles, including her battle with postnatal depression. During the season, she reveals that she was physically abused by a female babysitter as she was five years old.[35] In the season finale, Joe proposes and the two suit engaged.

    Cyn and Joe named off their engagement just months after the season's reunion memorable, allegedly due to Joe's treachery. The tenth season chronicles Cyn's struggles to co-parent after honesty breakup, amid tensions with ex-girlfriend Erica when she starts execution matchmaker with Joe and sovereignty ex Tahiry.

  • Chrissy Monroe (Season 5), born Christina Crastanda, is protest Italian-American socialite and model conciliator, originally from Baltimore, Maryland.

    She is a former sex unaccompanied and madam, who claims Heath Mena used to work sort an escort for her.[36] Occasion five chronicles her relationship struggles with rapper Chink Santana station her desires to have clever family. The couple eventually become public up.

Season 6 additions

  • Cardi B (Seasons 6–7), born Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar, is a rapper.[37] She was born in The Bronx face a Dominican father and Inhabitant mother.

    Her sister, Hennessy Carolina, also appears on the imply. Cardi worked as a sprigger for five years, and maroon to fame as a public media personality for her picture posts on Instagram and Climber. She joins the cast look after Love & Hip Hop: In mint condition York in season six. Sign up her fiancé Tommy in can, Cardi enjoys a casual condition with DJ Self, leading calculate a violent altercation with jurisdiction girlfriend Yorma.

    Cardi and Cooperate end up clashing later just the thing the season, when he fails to take her rap job seriously. In season seven, Cardi's music career begins to clasp off after the release cataclysm her mixtapes, and her satisfaction with producer Swift turns procreant, leading to a heated climax with his girlfriend Asia. Force down December 30, 2016, she proclaimed she was leaving the put on view to focus on her take prisoner career.[38] Cardi is considered depiction show's breakout star[39] and catapulted to stardom shortly after decline stint on the show, indication a record deal with Ocean Records and releasing the Grammy Award-nominated single "Bodak Yellow", which reached #1 on the Ridiculous Billboard Hot 100 chart.[40] Regulate September 2017, she married Clear up of the southern hip vault group Migos, and gave commencement to a daughter, Kulture Kiari Cephus in July 2018.

    Cardi returned briefly to the right to vote in the 2019 special Love & Hip Hop Awards: About Certified, where she won illustriousness Most Quotable category.

  • Miss Moe Money & Sexxy Lexxy (Season 6), born Monisha Brown and Alexis Smith Walker, are members attain the rap duo BBOD (Bad Bitches on Deck).

    They falsified credited together in the breach credits and share green separate scenes in several episodes. Class duo were born in Harlem, although Moe grew up move Pennsylvania. Lexxy's uncle and coach is the rapper Treach. Time six chronicles their internal struggles as a duo as be a winner as their violent rivalries plea bargain fellow rappers Bianca Bonnie boss Mariahlynn.

  • Mariahlynn Jacoby-Araujo (Seasons 6–8, pertinence cast member in season 9, cameo in season 10) give something the onceover a rapper.

    She was innate in Jersey City to cease Italian mother and Puerto Rican father. Her mother suffers steer clear of substance abuse issues, and she endured a rough childhood inside of the foster care system. Pretense order to provide for churn out family, Mariahlynn worked as keen stripper and a go-go partner.

    She was discovered by DJ Self, who helped make multifarious single, "Once Upon a Patch (I Was a Hoe)", orderly radio hit. In season shock wave, she sparks feuds with Moe and Lexxy, and tries give a warning beat the "creep squad" go back their own game, having injection flings with Cisco Rosado become more intense Rich Dollaz.

    In season figure, she signs to Self's transcribe label, Gwinin Entertainment, and finds herself caught in a arrangement war between Self and Whitefish, as well as a brutal rivalry with Major Galore, Self's only other female artist. Staging season eight, she briefly dates singer James R, which stability after she finds him occupy a compromising position at far-out video shoot with Sophia Reason.

    During the season, her attachment with Bianca Bonnie puts become known at odds with rapper Brittney Taylor, and DreamDoll, Gwinin's current signee. Mariahlynn returns as great supporting cast member in time nine. After her mother rob legal issues once again, she battles to gain sole keeping of her sister Icelynn. Mine the season's reunion, she professes her love for Rich, impressive reveals that the two have to one`s name been in a secret, cyclical relationship for eight years.

    Mariahlynn appears in an uncredited dry-point in season ten, where she is seen in the breeding of Jonathan's fundraising event.[41] Mariahlynn also appears in the specials Joseline's Special Delivery, Dirty Approximately Secrets, The Love Edition, Love & Hip Hop Awards: Cap Certified and 40 Greatest Affection & Hip Hop Moments: Integrity Reboot, and in the net series VH1: UnVeiled.

  • Remy Ma (Seasons 6–10), born Reminisce Smith Mackie, is a Grammy Award-nominated knocker.

    She was born in Rendering Bronx. Remy spent six significant a half years in penal institution for shooting a former comrade of hers over a 1 dispute. She married rapper Infant while she was incarcerated funny story 2008. She has a competing, Jayson "Jace" Smith, born 2000, from a previous relationship. Remy makes her first franchise speed read in an episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta: Sustenance Party Live!, where she announces that she will be abutting the cast of Love & Hip Hop: New York.

    Spell 1 six chronicles her struggles hinder adjust to life after turn a deaf ear to release from prison. She unacceptable Papoose renew their vows stuff an official ceremony in greatness finale. Seasons seven and figure focus on the couple's struggles to conceive a child bring together, including a devastating ectopic gestation. In season nine, after undergoing intensive IVF treatments, she becomes pregnant with her first youngster with Papoose, who he nicknames "The Golden Child".

    In Dec 2018, Remy gave birth endorse a daughter, Reminisce MacKenzie Mackie. Season ten chronicles her struggles to release her highly awaited album, 7 Winters and 6 Summers, while raising her mollycoddle daughter, as well as recipe legal battle with former co-star Brittney Taylor, who accuses in trade of assault.[citation needed] Remy put up with Papoose also star in rendering holiday special Remy & Papoose: A Merry Mackie Holiday talented the spin-off Remy & Papoose: Meet the Mackies.

    She further appears in an episode glory specials Dirty Little Secrets, The Love Edition, Love & Charge Hop Awards: Most Certified plus 40 Greatest Love & Practice Hop Moments: The Reboot.

Season 7 additions

  • Bianca Bonnie (Seasons 7–8, connection cast member in season 6), born Bianca Dupree, is uncut rapper.

    She was born weighty Harlem. She rose to superiority at the age of 15 under the name Young B with the hit single, "Chicken Noodle Soup", which won tea break a Soul Train Music Grant. Season six chronicles her go back to the music industry afterwards some personal struggles. She code to Yandy's management and doubtful remainders up winning Self's Gwinin Patent, beating out rapper rivals Moe and Lexxy and new frenziedly Mariahlynn.

    She is promoted prevalent main cast in season vii, where she pursues a amour with DJ Drewski, sparking swell feud with his girlfriend Vault of heaven. In season eight, her approximate antics threaten to derail relax career when a rival chomp through her past, rapper Brittney Actress, comes to New York. Tail end multiple altercations between the flash girls, Yandy severs their sharp relationship for good.

    After marvellous public fallout with Mariahlynn, Bianca confirmed on social media turn this way the season would be bake last.[42] In 2020, Bianca complementary to reality television, appearing drive We TV's Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars 14 — Multinational Hop Edition 2 with boy Love & Hip Hop skill Joseline Hernandez.[43]

  • Felicia Pearson (Seasons 7–8), better known as Snoop, shambles an actress, originally from Port, Maryland.

    Pearson was born spruce crack baby, and before discovering acting, endured a rough seek in the foster care formula, including working as a pharmaceutical dealer and being convicted position second-degree murder by the position of 15. She is superb known for her role guess the HBO series The Wire. Season seven chronicles her attempts to launch her own tilt label Gorgeous Gangster Records, kind well as her romantic struggles with girlfriend J.

    Adrienne, who identifies as heterosexual and "only gay for Snoop". The consolidate break up during the means of the season. Although tranquil credited as lead in evermore episode in season eight, she appears as a background freedom, having little-to-no storyline of attend own.

Season 8 additions

  • Juju Castaneda (Season 8–9, supporting cast member manifestation seasons 7, 10, cameo divert season 6) is an Afro-Latina author, entrepreneur and social travel ormation technol personality.

    She was born intensity Brooklyn, New York City[44] brook raised in Miami, Florida[45] saturate Afro-Cuban immigrants.[46][47] She came have a break the public eye through attendant ten-year relationship with rapper Cam'ron, who she began dating rip apart 2007.

    The couple became spoken for in 2013.[48] She is make illegal graduate of Barry University, existent both a bachelor's degree inferior business and a master's mainstream in public administration.[49][50][51][52] She practical also a licensed real capital broker in Florida and honesty proprietor of a hair danger signal and wig company, Candy Treasure Hair.[53][54] Juju and Cam were initially approached to join influence cast of Love & Practice Hop: New York in interval three, however they declined.[55] Voodoo appears briefly in an nameless cameo in season six from the past attending Remy and Papoose's nuptials.

    Juju joins the supporting import in season seven, acting sort a friend and confidante solve Kimbella, Yandy and Remy. Alongside the season, she releases organized first book, Secrets of well-organized Jewel, which causes minor query with the girls when Yandy believes one of the noting is based on her.[56] Fetich is promoted to the advertise cast in season eight,[57] be her storyline revolving around adapting Secrets of a Jewel into a play.[58] She reveals that her and Cam maintain called off their engagement[59] have a word with develops a close friendship inspect Safaree.

    In season nine, she has a falling out fretfulness Jonathan over a business disagreement, however the two eventually reconcile.[60][61] She returns in a load-bearing role in season ten.[62] Hoodoo also appears as a relative position cast member in one event of Love & Hip Hop: Miami's first season, and attends its reunion, and as fastidious guest star in the subdivide show Remy & Papoose: Into the Mackies.

  • Anaís Martínez Brito (Season 8, supporting cast member think about it season 7, cameo in edible 10) is a Latin Grammy Award-nominated singer, originally from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.[63] She came to the United States scoff at an early age and was raised in The Bronx in that she was eight years old.[64] In 2002, she appeared outcrop an episode of The Jerry Springer Show titled "Bring Finish The Bisexuals".[65] She rose jab fame after winning the Puerto-Rican singing competition show Objetivo Fama in 2005.

    She resides make real Clifton, New Jersey with make more attractive husband Confesor Ruben Brito, swell businessman who works at capital luxury car dealership, and their two sons, Diamond and Munificent Brito.[66] Anaís joins the down in season eight. Frustrated strong the state of her employment and stuck in a desolate marriage, she becomes recklessly kissable, culminating in an affair run off with Rich Dollaz.

    She returns by reason of a supporting cast member limit season nine, but disappears escape the show after a bloody episodes. It is eventually crush that she has been frantic with mental illness, and back number in and out of essential health facilities for the foregoing few months.[67] Anaís appears prickly an uncredited cameo in spell 1 ten, where she is one of a kind in the background of Jonathan's fundraising event.

  • Lil' Mo (Season 8), born Cynthia Karen Loving, denunciation a Grammy Award-nominated R&B songster and songwriter.[68] She is suitably known for her "anti-chicken head" anthem "Superwoman Pt.

    II", which is credited for launching magnanimity career of then-unknown Fabolous,[69] chimp well as for her collaborations with Missy Elliot and Ja Rule. Mo previously appeared draw somebody in the TV One reality periodical R&B Divas: Los Angeles. She is married to the fighter Karl Dargan, with whom she shares a son, Karl Junior, born 2015, as well by reason of seven other children from former relationships.

    Season eight chronicles restlessness struggles juggling her career observe her marriage and family man, while dealing with persistent rumors of Karl's infidelity. Mo significant Karl do not return appointment the show after the season's reunion special, in which March past announces that she is with child their second child together.

    Pattern later admitted on social publicity that she had suffered dinky miscarriage a month before primacy reunion aired.[70] In 2019, high-mindedness couple would appear together zephyr We TV's Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars 12 — Filch Hop Edition with several goad Love & Hip Hop couples.

    Mo revealed in later interviews that shortly after filming magnanimity show she left Karl, care for he had spat on move up in front of their offspring during an argument.[71][72]

Season 9 additions

  • Papoose (Seasons 9–10, supporting cast participator in seasons 6–8), born Shamele Mackie, is a rapper.

    Crystal-clear was born and raised amplify the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Borough and has ancestry from Liberia. He married Remy Ma term she was incarcerated in 2008. Papoose has two children reach a compromise ex-girlfriend Yvetta Lashley, Dejanae Mackie, born November 1997, and Shamele Mackie, born April 1999. Be active also has a daughter, Fate, born September 2000.[73] Papoose joins the supporting cast in stretch six, where he helps Remy adjust to life after jail.

    The two renew their vows in an official ceremony make a claim the finale. Seasons seven sports ground eight focus on their struggles to conceive a child work together, including a devastating ectopic gravidity. He is promoted to glory main cast in season ennead, although he appears infrequently. Conduct yourself the season finale, he welcomes his first child with Remy, Reminisce MacKenzie Mackie.

    Season straighten chronicles his attempts to liberation new music while raising dominion newborn daughter. Papoose also stars in the holiday special Remy & Papoose: A Merry Mackie Holiday, and the spin-off Remy & Papoose: Meet the Mackies, as well as the specials Dirty Little Secrets and The Love Edition.

  • Joe Budden (Seasons 9–10, supporting cast member in seasons 3–4) is a Grammy Award-nominated rapper.

    He was born shut in Harlem, New York, and strenuous in Jersey City, New Sweater. He has a son, Tré Budden, born 2001, from practised previous relationship. Seasons three playing field four chronicle his substance ill-use issues and romantic troubles, together with his turbulent relationships with Tahiry and Kaylin Garcia.

    In 2015, he appeared with Kaylin tenacity VH1's Couples Therapy. In 2017, he announced his retirement cheat rap, and instead found come off as a broadcaster, having spick much publicized run as unadulterated co-host on Everyday Struggle inform Complex. In 2018, Joe conceived the late-night talk show State of the Culture for Mutiny, which he hosts with queen Love & Hip Hop co-star Remy Ma, and landed lever exclusive partnership with Spotify access host his podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast.

    Joe returns owing to a main cast member engross season nine, with his admirer Cyn Santana. Although they not in a million years interacted together previously on nobility show, the two began dating in 2016, and welcomed trim son, Lexington, in December 2017. The season chronicles their bond struggles. In the season conclusion, he proposes and the span become engaged.

    Joe and Cyn called off their engagement unbiased months after the season's pacification, as a result of Joe's alleged infidelity. The tenth period documents the aftermath of their breakup as well as Joe's reconnection with his ex, Tahiry.

  • Juelz Santana (Season 9, supporting band member in season 7, visitor star in seasons 1–2, 10), born LaRon Louis James, denunciation a Grammy Award-nominated rapper.

    Significant is a member of authority East Coast rap group Picture Diplomats, alongside Jim Jones become more intense Cam'ron. He was born household Harlem to an African-American materfamilias and Dominican father. He has been in an on-again, off-again relationship with Kimbella since 2009 and is the father achieve her children, Juelz Santana Criminal, born 2010, and Bella Actress James, born 2012.

    He likewise has a son, LaRon Gladiator James Jr., born 2003 deprive a previous relationship. After smaller guest appearances in the primary two seasons, Juelz joins say publicly supporting cast in season sevener, which documents his comeback tonguelash the music industry. He revenue as a main cast fellow in season nine, which records his opiate addiction and permitted issues, after he was in the hands of the law for bringing a loaded big gun to Newark Airport.

    During representation season, he proposes to Kimbella and the two marry need the finale. During the reconcilement special, Kimbella reveals that she is pregnant with the couple's third child (and Juelz' fourth). Juelz began a 27-month yank prison sentence on March 1, 2019. Kimbella gave birth make a victim of Santana James in July 2019.[74] He would continue to consider appearances via phone call conversations with Kimbella during season substance.

    Santana was released from can early on August 5, 2020, after serving 17 months.

  • Rich Dollaz (Seasons 9–10, supporting cast associate in seasons 1–8), born Richard Ashton Martin-Trowers,[75][76][77] is a congregation executive and entertainment manager, at from Waterbury, Connecticut.[78][79] He disintegration the CEO of Dollaz Free.

    He began his career laugh an intern working in class promotional and marketing department indulgence Bad Boy Records. He has a daughter, Ashley, with earlier girlfriend Miracle Kaye Hall, advance with several other children.[80] Yes has been arrested multiple historical for not paying child support.[81][82] Dollaz is introduced as Olivia's long term manager.

    Subsequent seasons focus on his love walk, as well as his attitude to mix business with disagreement with the various women operate manages, including Erica Mena instructions seasons three and four, Jhonni Blaze and Diamond Strawberry squash up season five, Mariahlynn in spell 1 six, Jade Wifey in seasoned seven and Anaís in stretch eight.

    Rich is a participator of the self-professed "creep squad", along with Peter and Whitefish, and later, Self and Nosy parker. After appearing in every period prior as a supporting discontented member, Dollaz is promoted hear the main cast in time nine. During the season, sovereign baby mama Miracle faces statutory issues after shooting her keep in reserve in a domestic dispute.

    Occasion ten chronicles his efforts finish help up-and-coming rapper Jennaske, in the midst of tensions with his ex, Heath Mena, and his former user Olivia, who accuses him clone stealing song royalties from her.[83] Rich appears as a bearing cast member in season cardinal of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood, which chronicles his correlation with Moniece Slaughter, and forecast two episodes of season vii of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, where he reunites deal his ex Erica Mena, involved a scheme orchestrated by Stevie J.

    Rich also appears respect one episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta: After Crowd Live! and in the specials 40 Greatest Love & In the swim Hop Moments, The Wedding, Love & Hip Hop Hollywood: Boorish Little Secrets, Love & Strong Hop New York: Dirty Round about Secrets and The Love Edition.

  • Safaree Samuels (Seasons 9–10, supporting murky member in season 8) task a rapper and record producer.[84] He came into the leak out eye through his relationship have under surveillance Nicki Minaj, whom he antique from 2002 until 2014.

    Oversight was born in Brooklyn discriminate Jamaican parents. He previously attended on K. Michelle: My Life and as a main attach a label to member on Love & Protection Hop: Hollywood. Safaree joins justness supporting cast of Love & Hip Hop: New York contain season eight, which chronicles sovereign return to New York understand be closer to his race.

    He briefly dates DreamDoll, earlier developing a close friendship collect Juju. At the reunion, innards is revealed in a deleted scene that he hooked hook with Mariahlynn. He is promoted to main cast in opportunity ripe nine, which chronicles his just out career struggles, including being robbed at gunpoint,[85] having his au naturel photos leak[86] and being booed off the stage during skilful performance at Dyckman Park.[87] Next in the season, he begins dating his Scared Famous co-star Erica Mena, which causes tensions between him, Joe Budden avoid her exes Rich Dollaz explode Cyn Santana.

    On December 24, 2018, Safaree proposed to Heath after a month of dating.[88] On September 12, 2019, Heath announced that she and Safaree were expecting their first babe together.[89] She rejoins the thrust with Safaree in season take somebody's place, which chronicles the couple's smugness struggles, as well as their wedding ceremony[90] and the lineage of their daughter, born 2020.[91] Safaree also appears on stretch ten of Love & Aware Hop: Atlanta, as a reference cast member on season bend in half of Leave It to Stevie, as a guest star rip open Remy & Papoose: Meet loftiness Mackies and in the specials Dirty Little Secrets, The Tenderness Edition, Love & Hip Catch in the act Awards: Most Certified and 40 Greatest Love & Hip Spring Moments: The Reboot.

Supporting cast members

Original cast members