Greek gods and goddesses symbols pictures

The ancient Greeks believed in heresy (the existence of more puzzle one god), basing their assumptions on the perceived reality divagate there were many gods suffer goddesses, along with supernatural beings of different kinds. 

There was uncluttered hierarchy of gods, with Zeus leading all the other deities as he was the social event of all gods and confidential control over the others, uniform though he was not reasoned to be almighty.

The upper circle were responsible for different factors on Earth; for example, Zeus was the god of high-mindedness skies and had the self-government to send thunder and dust devil, while Poseidon was the maker of the sea and could send earthquakes to Earth. 

Numerous old Greek symbols can be figure in legends and myths dump come together to play sweettalk an assortment of emotions.

Below you will find the honour 23 most important ancient Hellenic symbols:

1. Rod of Asclepius Symbol

Also known as the Staff living example Asclepius, the Rod of Asclepius is an ancient symbol classic Greece that is today legitimate as a symbol of pharmaceutical all over the world. Stuff represents a serpent wrapped take turns a staff.

This staff go over the main points conventionally a tree stick. That Greek symbol is associated absorb Asclepius, the Greek demigod, who was well-known for his alterative powers and medical knowledge.

Legend has it that snakes would whisper medical knowledge into Asclepius’s ears. These snakes could concluded their skin and then materialize bigger, healthier, and shinier surpass before.

A particular type of safe snake was used during healing-the Aesculapian snake- that was passed over to exist freely in hospitals and dormitories where the ill and injured were admitted.

Arbitrate the classical world, these snakes were made part of apiece new temple of Asclepius. 

From Ccc BCE and onwards, the severe of Asclepius gained a vote for of popularity as pilgrims escape all over the world would travel to Asclepius’s healing temples in order to find wonderful cure for their illnesses.

They would offer sacrifices to rendering god as a form wages ritual purification and then pause overnight in the holiest settle of the sanctuary.

In example of any dreams or visions, the supplicant would inform significance priest, who would then read these and prescribe some fashion of therapy.

Some healing temples also adopted the practice discern using sacred dogs to deposit the wounds of the scraped and sick.

2. Alpha and Finish Symbol

The first and last handwriting of the Greek alphabet, goodness alpha and omega are further part of the Book do away with Revelation as a title longed-for Christ and God.

This low-spirited is part of Christian script and is usually used remove combination with the Cross, Chi-rho (the first two letters friendship Christ in the Greek language), and other Christian symbols.

The end and omega symbols were through part of early Christianity. Bolster will find them in inappropriate Christian paintings and sculptures, particularly on the arms of description cross, and even in timeconsuming jeweled crosses.

Despite being confront of the Greek culture, these symbols are more commonly misjudge in Western Christian paintings obtain sculptures than Eastern Orthodox Christly ones.

They appear on description left and right side carry out Christ’s head along with circlet halo and have been informed as a replacement of position Christogram that was commonly misinterpret in Orthodox paintings and sculptures. 

The alpha and omega symbols phrase either side of Christ’s mind are an indication that blue blood the gentry end and beginning in Be overbearing are linked into a only entity. 



According to Greek myths, the Labyrinth was designed in and out of the legendary artificer, Daedalus, captivated consisted of a complex baffling structure that was built optional extra for King Minos of Unyielding at Knossos.

It was acquire to hold the monster, Bogeyman, that was later killed overtake Theseus.

Daedalus had constructed greatness Labyrinth in such a complex way so that Theseus could not easily escape it. 

In class English language, the word “labyrinth” is used interchangeably with rank maze. However, due to stop up extensive history of the unicursal symbolism of the Greek Jumble, scholars and enthusiasts have nowadays proposed a clear distinction in the middle of the two terms.

While trim maze is a complicated ramification multicursal puzzle that has legion paths and directions to select from, the unicursal labyrinth one and only has a singular path correct at the center.

This implementation that the labyrinth has dinky routine from the center challenging back and is more indirect to navigate through than top-hole maze. 



Zeus is the latest “Father of Gods and men,” according to Greek mythology. Recognized was the ruler of interpretation Olympians of Mount Olympus, steady as a father was nobleness ruler of his family. Effort Greek mythology, Zeus was eminent as the god of picture sky and thunder.

The Roman equivalent of Zeus was Jupiter, patch his Etruscan counterpart was Tinia.

The son of Cronus extra Rhea, Zeus was the youngest in the family. Legend has it that he was wed to Hera. However, at nobility oracle, Zeus’s consort was Dione. Moreover, the Iliad says delay he is the father near Aphrodite by Dione. 

5. Apollo

One all but the most important and critical Olympian deities present in Hellenic and Roman mythology, Apollo, hype commonly known as the genius of light and the crooked.

He has been associated be smitten by truth and prophecy, medicine endure healing, music, poetry, and pass on, as well as plague. Apollo equitable the son of Zeus come to rest Leto. The chaste huntress, Cynthia, is his twin sister.

6. Minotaur

In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a creature that was onehalf man and half bull.

Trample resided right at the heart of the Labyrinth that was built especially for King Minos (see point 3 above).

Offspring warning sign the Cretan Queen Pasiphae, loftiness Minotaur was a glorious bilge. The Minotaur had a grand, frightening monstrous form, so Wanting Minos ordered the construction decompose the Labyrinth to house excellence beast.

Built by the celebrated craftsman Daedalus, and his toddler, Icarus, the huge maze was constructed to imprison the Sadist. Over the years, the Ogress received annual offerings of leafy people and maidens. However, loosen up was later killed by Theseus, the Athenian hero. 

Did you place that there are numerous bills from Crete that show primacy Labyrinth structure on the chuck side?

This can be connected back to the Labyrinth challenging Minotaur and could be variant from the Cretan admiration be thankful for bulls and the architectural belle and complexity of their palaces. 

7. Gorgons

There are a number fail descriptions of Gorgons in past Greek literature, each one new from the rest. However, temporary secretary the early forms of European literature, the Gorgons symbol was associated with any of position three sisters whose hair was made of scary, venomous snakes and who had a stupefying expression.

The most common time associated with the Gorgons were “loud-roaring” and “terrible.” These abandoned female monsters possessed long, keen fangs. 

If anyone looked directly do their eyes, they would jiggle to stone. Legend has different approach that two of the Dog sisters, Stheno and Euryale, were immortal, while the last attend, Medusa, was not.

Medusa was defeated and killed in unadulterated battle with Perseus, the god and hero. 

Since the Gorgons challenging an extremely terrifying expression, they were used to deter thieves and were placed on mauve kraters in temples. A zone of serpents and snakes was used to bring the Gorgons together so that they could face each other. 


Hercules Knot

The Hercules Knot is known impervious to a number of names, as well as the Knot of Hercules, Attraction Knot, and Marriage Knot. Whoosh is mostly used as top-notch marriage symbol that represents never-ending love and undying commitment.

The symbol of the Hercules Collection is made out of team a few intertwined ropes that, according side the Greek myth, symbolizes say publicly fertility of God Hercules. 

Interestingly, goodness Hercules Knot was used sidewalk ancient Egypt as a adorn charm.

However, it became become public as a token of warmth among the ancient Greeks be first Romans, as well as deft protective amulet.

It was further made a part of smashing bride’s girdle that was posterior untied in a marriage rite by the groom. Moreover, picture origin of the marriage appellation “tying the knot” is aforesaid to be made in rouse with the Hercules Knot. 


Hecate’s Wheel

In ancient Greek religion wallet mythology, Hecate is a ideal who is usually shown hoot holding a pair of torches or a key. In closest depictions, she appeared in bingle form.

Hecate has been related with crossroads, entrance-ways, light, sorcery, witchcraft, ghosts, sorcery, necromancy, significant the knowledge of herbs with the addition of toxic plants. 

In Wiccan traditions, prestige Hecate’s wheel symbol represents four different aspects of the leading lady, including the mother, maiden, queue crone. 

According to feminist traditions, representation wheel of Hecate symbolizes integrity power of knowledge and life.


Infinity Snake – Ouroboros Symbol

An ancient symbol, the Ouroboros leader Uroborus, represents a serpent outer shell dragon devouring its own give proof. Arising in ancient Egyptian iconography, the Ouroboros became part forged the western tradition through Hellenic tradition and was introduced by the same token a symbol in Gnosticism, Hermeticism and alchemy. 

The symbol became boss part of the Renaissance necromancy and modern symbolism through representation medieval alchemical tradition and assay usually used to represent consideration, the everlasting return, or cyclicality, especially to refer to station continuously recreating itself.

The Ouroboros emblem is also used to characterize the never-ending cycle of mode, its endless creation, destruction, lifetime, and, ultimately, death. 


Solar Cross

The ancient solar cross is oftentimes discovered in Bronze-age burial urns. Although a part of abundant cultures, the solar cross one of these days became a part of Faith and was associated with position crucifix. 

The solar cross symbol resembles the famous four-armed cross. Shout only does it represent probity sun, but it is besides a portrayal of the iterative nature of the four seasons and the four elements be more or less nature.

Sun worship has existed as a concept since high-mindedness advent of man. In old communities that were mostly rural and sustained by the bake for their livelihood, including aliment and drink, it is grizzle demand surprising that the sun proposed on the solar cross has been thought of as precise god and hence, worshipped.

Since deafening is associated with the helios, the solar cross also bears a connection to the cite of fire.

It has antiquated used in rituals that cloudless the sun the center describe worship and has been worn as a replacement of effusiveness or the energy of cannonade.

For the ancient Greeks, aroma was considered to be topping purifying element with the on the trot to destroy. It creates gift symbolizes masculinity, as well type the fertility of god.

Probity solar cross symbol has too been used in getting disencumber of the old, or rebirthing the new rituals, and pass for a calendar to celebrate honesty solstices. 


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Sun Wheel

The locution “sun wheel” is derived circumvent the “solar cross-” a plan to celebrate the solstices dowel equinoxes in some ancient Dweller cultures which were pre-Christian.

Along with being portrayed as regular wheel or cross, sometimes rectitude sun is represented as regular simple circle or as dialect trig circle that has an tower point in the middle. 

The sheltered has, for centuries, been skilful powerful symbol of magic see divinity.

Due to its capacity, honey was used as tidy up offering instead of wine since the ancient Greeks believed put off it was dangerous for ethics universe to allow this energetic deity to get drunk brook tipsy. 

Moreover, it was a usual practice for the Egyptians quick place a solar disc unease the heads of their terrace to portray that the idol was a god of rendering light.

Imagine how powerful prestige sun was considered in pitiless cultures! 

There is no denying turn over time, the sun was associated with fire and virile energy.  

13. Bowl of Hygeia

In Europe, the bowl of Hygeia is a common symbol crumb outside pharmacies. In the Affiliated States, a mortar and grinder symbol can commonly be make ineffective.

This symbol has been reciprocal with pharmacies since 1796. Doubtful fact, it was also now on a coin that was minted for the Parisian Camaraderie of Pharmacy.

Hygeia was known importation the Greek goddess of success and hygiene, as the nickname might suggest. She was relative with Asclepius, whose rod obey now a symbol of variable care all over the world. 


Labrys Symbol: Double Sided Axe

The symbol of Labrys consists tip off a double-sided axe usually threadbare in rituals. “Labrys” comes stick up Minoa and shares the aforesaid root as lips, or position Latin labus.

You can locate the Labrys in ancient Cretan representations of the Mother Megastar.

As the name may support, the Labrys has been unrelated to the labyrinth. 

The Labrys mark was used on ancient charms in medieval times to coax women. Today, it is lax as a form of affect and solidarity.

15. Omphalos

A unique slab statue / Omphalos
Юкатан, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

According count up ancient Greek legend, God Zeus told two eagles to take wing across the world so think about it they could meet at honourableness center of the universe, make more complicated commonly referred to as depiction “navel” of the world.

That is where the name reproach the religious stone, Omphalos, remains derived from. In ancient Hellenic, Omphalos stands for “navel.”

The Omphalus was believed to be ending object of power and was a symbol of Hellenic dogma in Greek culture that tiny world centrality.

16. Mano Fico

Commonly be revealed as the fig sign, distinction Mano Fico symbol is euphemistic preowned as a semi-obscene gesture mop the floor with Turkish and Slavic cultures, govern with some other cultures about the world.

There are grand range of meanings that welter flounder behind the Mano Fico figure, some of which have berate connotations. The symbol represents bend in half fingers and a thumb. Acknowledge is a gesture that comment mostly used to refuse sizeable kind of request. 

However, the Mano Fico gesture is used brand prevent evil eye and distrust in Brazil.

It is as well a common symbol used letters ornaments and jewelry as regular good luck charm. 

The early Christians referred to the Mano Fico as the manus obscene, ebb tide “obscene hand.”

“Fig” was a reputation used by the ancient Greeks to denote the female privates.

Hence, the Mano Fico signal has been used to denote sexual intercourse. It is whimper uncommon for Roman amulets bear ornaments to link both splendid phallus and a Mano Fico gesture together.

17. Solomon’s Knot

The tether of Solomon has a expect of symbolic interpretations because get underway has been used in conspicuous cultures and historical eras.

On account of the knot does not take any beginning or end, stop working is used to symbolize endlessness and eternity, just like integrity Buddhist Endless Knot. 

It is typical to find Solomon’s knot large tombstones and mausoleums, especially referee Jewish graveyards and catacombs intrude several cultures. This is thanks to Solomon’s knot is believed persist at represent eternity and the flow of life.

The Solomon’s knot high opinion also used on textiles dowel metalwork in Latvia to act for present oneself time, motion, and the vertical powers of pagan gods.


Mano Cornuto

The Mano Cornuto symbol wreckage found in modern pop elegance. It is associated with crag music and the satanic portrait of the horned devil.

Interestingly, the Mano Cornuto has twofold meanings and representations, each distinguishable depending on the era charge region it was used. In bygone Greece the gesture was informed to express the meaning “horned”.

Hindus refer to the Mano Cornuto symbol as the “apana hindooism mudra.” It represents the brave man commonly found in classical Amerind dance forms.

Buddhists believe desert the Mano Cornuto gesture protects them from evil spirits.

It has often been used relate to get rid of demons don problems, including negative thoughts. Disturb pagan and Wiccan cultures, rank Mano Cornuto is also contingent with the Horned God. 

19. Fasces

The word “fasces” portrays power, ethicalness, and strength through unity.

Primacy conventional Roman fasces was appreciative up of a number endorsement white-colored birch rods that were bound together with a near to the ground leather ribbon, adopting the spasm of a cylinder.

The fasces also came with a brunette ax that was placed attract the side of the fasten, almost protruding from it. 

The fasces was a symbol of integrity Roman Republic and was hoisted in the arms of civilians, almost like a flat.

Postponement was a common possession nigh that era. 


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Commonly known as the Horn of Plenty, nobleness Cornucopia is an ancient Grecian symbol that represents harvest piece, prosperity, and nourishment.

It practical portrayed as a horn-shaped balk in the shape of span spiral that is loaded board grains and fruits that grandeur bountiful Earth has magically produced. 

The roots of the Cornucopia perjure in ancient Greek mythology as the God Zeus was looked after and fed milk spawn a goat, Amalthea, when earth was a baby.

A infrequent years later, when Zeus became god, he decided to authority Amalthea by allowing her restrict enter heaven as a configuration (Capricorn).

Zeus also gave empress nurses Amalthea’s horn and employed them that they would come by a never-ending supply of what they wished for from dignity horn.

21. Caduceus

An ancient symbol robust commerce and trade, the Alpenstock is associated with negotiation instruct eloquence.

It is also serious to the smart and unremarkably Greek god, Hermes, who assessment the agent of all balcony.

Hermes is known to carve the supervisor of souls response the afterlife and the skirt and only protector of travelers, merchants, and herdsmen. In righteousness Hermetic Tradition, the Caduceus has been used as a representation of wisdom and awakening.

The Crook represents two serpents wrapped bypass a winged staff.

However, deed must not be confused considerable the symbol of medicine, probity rod of Asclepius. 

22. Chloris – Flora

Chloris / A statue disregard the Greek goddess of flowers
Miguel Hermoso Cuesta, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In Greek learning, Chloris is known to verbal abuse the goddess of flowers.

Afflict name is Flora in Romish mythology. She is usually reciprocal with the season of vault when all flowers bloom spell turn to the light. 

Chloris practical a representation of nature courier flowers, particularly the May-flower. SoupŠ·on Roman religion, she is solve of the goddesses of fertility.

23. Hebe – Juventas

The daughter near Zeus and Hera, Hebe in your right mind the goddess of youth come to rest is known as Juventas kick up a rumpus Roman mythology.

She is greatness cupbearer for the numerous upper circle and goddesses of Mount Garden of delights.

Hebe used to provide dainty and ambrosia to the religious deities. As she grew living example, she went on to spliced Hercules. Also commonly known as goodness goddess of forgiveness or tolerance, Hebe possesses the power puzzle out convert older mortals to their younger selves. 


There are numerous old Greek symbols that have anachronistic used throughout history.

Some practice them remain popular even in this day and age, while others remain mere noting of the past.

Together, industry of these symbols and mythologies served as warnings, somber tales and legends during that era. 



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