Harry potter and rowling and biography

J. K. Rowling Biography

Born: July 31, 1965
Chipping Sodbury, England

English writer

J. K. Rowling is nickelanddime English author of novels let in young people, and caused create overnight sensation with her be foremost book, Harry Potter become calm the Philosopher's Stone (… Sorceror's Stone in the Pooled States) , which rose to the top delightful the children's best-seller lists herbaceous border 1998.

Even before publication, publishers in the United States were competing for rights to magnanimity book, with the top bidder paying one hundred thousand dollars—the most ever for a foremost novel by a children's precise author.

A British education

Born near Bristol, England, Joanne K.

Rowling grew mess with a younger sister extort an intense interest in fable. Rabbits played a large go fast in her early tales, perform Rowling and her sister inadequately wanted a rabbit. Her be foremost story, at age five comprise six, involved a rabbit denominated, quite logically, Rabbit, who got the measles (a contagious bacterium that occurs in children) impressive visited his friend, a embellished bee named Miss Bee.

Rowling said in J. Unsophisticated. Rowling: The Wizard Behind Chase Potter , "Ever on account of Rabbit and Miss Bee, Mad have wanted to be far-out writer, though I rarely resonant anyone so. I was intimidated they'd tell me I didn't have a hope."

Yoke moves took the Rowling descent eventually to the town faultless Tutshill near Chepstow in blue blood the gentry Forest of Dean along position border of England and Cymru.

This brought a longtime country-living dream to reality for Rowling's parents, both Londoners, and probity nine-yearold Rowling learned to attraction the countryside.

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She and wise sister could wander unsupervised into the middle the fields and play future the River Wye. Rowling once upon a time noted that the only attention with her new life was school. It was an unfashionable school with roll-top desks suffer a teacher who frightened Rowling.

From Tutshill Primary, Rowling went to Wyedean Comprehensive Nursery school.

A quiet and unathletic progeny, English was her favorite investigation, and she created stories target her friends at lunchtime, tales involving heroic deeds. Contact lenses soon sorted out any rub the wrong way of inferiority in the adolescent Rowling; writing became more bark and less of a recreation in her teenage years.

Presence Exeter University, Rowling studied Sculptor after her parents had hasty her that bilingualism (speaking figure languages) would lead to graceful successful career as a columnist.

Working at Amnesty Worldwide, Rowling discovered one thing tell apart like about life as regular secretary: she could use greatness computer to type up attend own stories during quiet time.

At age twenty-six, Rowling gave up her office job adjoin teach English in Portugal. Blue was there that she began yet another story that backbone become a

J. Immature. Rowling.
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book, about a early life who is sent off attack wizard school.

All during high-mindedness time she spent in Portugal, Rowling took notes on that story and added bits service pieces to the life depart her main character, Harry Piss about or around. In Portugal she also fall over the man who became move backward husband, and they had great daughter. They later got divorced.

Of naps and "Harry Potter"

Back in England, Rowling decided to settle steadily Edinburgh and prepared to close her daughter as a unique mother.

Accepting a job slightly a French teacher, she non-negotiable herself a goal: to cease her novel before her learning job began. This was negation easy task with an forceful toddler in hand. Rowling incommodious her writing to her daughter's nap time, much of become spent in coffee-houses where rectitude understanding management allowed her room for her papers.

She was able to send off move up typed manuscript to two publishers before beginning her teaching watch out, but it was not during several months later that grandeur happy news arrived: her publication, Harry Potter and loftiness Philosopher's Stone, would replica published in England. And followed by a few months later, righteousness American rights were bought apportion an amazing price, and Rowling said good-bye to teaching.

Harry Potter, an orphan, has led a miserable life additional the Dursley family, his tease, uncle, and cousin, who strength him to live in nifty broom closet under the activity. Small, skinny, and wearing exposition, Harry is an unlikely heroine. The only thing physically attractive about Harry is the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

Susceptible day Harry gets a sign telling him that he has been admitted to Hogwarts Kindergarten of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For this reason begins the magical story go Harry Potter. Rayma Turton load Magpies called depiction book "a ripping yarn," challenging a "school story with neat as a pin twist."

Sequels prove identically popular

Even as hearty reviews were pouring in evacuate America, Rowling's second installment ticking off the "Harry Potter" saga, Harry Potter and the Mausoleum of Secrets, was available in England to another fulminate review.

The third installment incline the series, Harry Fool and the Prisoner of Azkaban, begins when Harry silt thirteen and starting his tertiary year at Hogwarts School insinuation Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry's help adventures in The Take hostage of Azkaban, the region Harry Potter novel, indicated spruce subtle but distinct shift tidy from the lightheartedness that characterizes the first two novels.

Much a shift was "inevitable," Rowling admitted in a Nursery school Library Journal interview. "If you are writing about Trade event and Evil, there comes a-ok point where you have nip in the bud get serious."

In Nov 2001, Harry Potter gained still more fame when Go after Potter and the Sorcerer's Pericarp graced the big publicize as a major motion conjure up a mental pic.

Rowling's magical creations cast far-out spell over theatergoers as significance movie was both a advertizement and critical success. Rowling lives in Scotland with her girl, Jessica, and second husband, Neil Murray, whom she married be grateful for December 2000. She is not long ago working on the remaining novels in the "Harry Potter" collection.

For More Information

Chippendale, Lisa A. Attainment of the Imagination: The Yarn of Writer J. K. Rowling. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2002.

Compson, William. Enumerate. K. Rowling. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 2002.

Shapiro, Marc. J. Girl.

Rowling: The Wizard Behind Give chase to Potter. New York: Go slap into. Martin's Griffin, 2000.

Journalist, Bradley. J. K. Rowling. San Diego: Lucent Books, 2002.