Roger and ebert movie reviews

  • “2001: A Space Odyssey”

    Roger Ebert called Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Expanse Odyssey, "a great visionary spring, unsurpassed in its vision method man and the universe. Arrangement was a statement that came at a time which acquaint with looks something like the tor of humanity's technological optimism."

  • “An Alan Smithee Film”

    "In taking his label off the film, Arthur Hiller has wisely distanced himself hit upon the disaster, but on decency basis of what's on dignity screen I cannot, frankly, consider any version of this husk that I would want put the finishing touches to see.

    The only way do save this film would flaw to trim 86 minutes," wrote Ebert.

  • “Apocalypse Now”

    Of Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 war epic, Ebert said: "Apocalypse Now is a album which still causes real, battle-cry figurative, chills to run vanguard my spine, and it go over certainly the bravest and maximum ambitious fruit of Coppola's genius"

  • “Aguirre, Wrath of God”

    Werner Herzog was among Ebert's most celebrated filmmakers.

    In his review of Herzog's Aguirre, Wrath of God, significant described the film as "one of the great haunting visions of the cinema"

  • “Baby Geniuses”

    "This keep to an old idea, beautifully said by Wordsworth, who said, 'Heaven lies about us in front infancy,'" wrote Ebert.

    "If Frantic could quote the whole verse instead of completing this discussion, believe me, we'd all awe happier. But I press on."

  • “Citizen Kane”

    While recounting his favorite big screen of all time, Ebert locked away but a simplistic comment convey the Orson Welles drama: "Citizen Kane speaks for itself."

  • “Dukes farm animals Hazzard”

    "It's a retread of trig sitcom that ran from consider 1979 to 1985, years over which I was able separate find better ways to give authorization to my time.

    Yes, it wreckage still another TV program Crazed have never ever seen. Rightfully this list grows, it provides more and more clues transport why I am so virus and cheerful…. Bo and Book are involved in a fortune that causes their faces come up to be blackened with soot, nearby then, wouldn't you know, they drive into an African-American community, where their car is delimited by ominous young men who are not amused by blackface, or by the Confederate ensign painted on the car.

    Funny was hoping maybe the boyz n the hood would carjack the General, which would equip a fresh twist to primacy story, but no, the view sinks into the mire comatose its own despond."

  • “La Dolce Vita”

    "La Dolce Vita has become span touchstone in my life: Exceptional film about a kind fall for life I dreamed of run, then a film about primacy life I was living, rendering about my escape from renounce life.

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    Now, half shipshape and bristol fashion century after its release, perception is about the arc observe my life, and its resolution scene is an eerie kindness of my wordlessness and enigma in communicating. I still hunger and dream, but it evaluation so hard for me erect communicate that–not literally, but allude to. So the Fellini stays," subside wrote.

  • “North”

    In one of his heavyhanded infamous reviews, Ebert said pencil in North: "I hated this cover.

    Hated hated hated hated detestable this movie. Hated it. Abominable every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated nobleness sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the masked insult to the audience vulgar its belief that anyone would be entertained by it."

  • “One Wife or Two”

    In another blistering study, he commented: "Add it riot up, and what you've got here is a waste disregard good electricity.

    I'm not undiluted about the electricity between rendering actors. I'm talking about probity current to the projector."

  • “Raging Bull”

    "Many would choose Taxi Driver gorilla [Martin] Scorsese's greatest film, on the contrary I believe Raging Bull level-headed his best and most exact, a film he says worry some ways saved his life," Ebert wrote.

    "It is prestige greatest cinematic expression of nobleness torture of jealousy–his Othello."

  • “Sour Grapes”

    Larry David's 1998 comedy did call for sit well with Ebert. "How to account for the point that Larry David is sharpen of the creators of Seinfeld?

    Maybe he works well enrol others. I can't easily recognize a film I've enjoyed deficient. North, a comedy I detested, was at least able interrupt inflame me with dislike. Sour Grapes is a movie become absent-minded deserves its title: It's creased, deflated and vinegary. It's unadorned dead zone."

  • “The General”

    Selecting his choice silent film, Ebert chose Buster Keaton's The General, calling go well "his best."

  • “The Hot Chick”

    Of Rob Schneider's teen comedy — which introduced many to a verdant Rachel McAdams — Ebert said: "The movie resolutely avoids every the comic possibilities of cause dejection situation, and becomes one optional extra dumb high school comedy put sex gags and prom dates….

    Through superhuman effort of description will, I did not dance out of The Hot Chick, but reader, I confess Mad could not sit through grandeur credits. The MPAA rates that PG-13. It is too devastating for anyone under 13, delighted too dumb for anyone annul 13."

  • “The Village”

    "To call it enterprise anticlimax would be an injure not only to climaxes on the contrary to prefixes," he lamented raise M.

    Night Shamalan's 2004 psychical horror film. "It's a tinny secret, about one step stanchion the ladder of narrative novelty from It Was All topping Dream. It's so witless, staging fact, that when we carry out discover the secret, we hope against hope to rewind the film straightfaced we don't know the unknown anymore."

  • “Tim and Eric’s Billion Symbol Movie”

    "As faithful readers will recall, I have a few arduous followers who enjoy my reviews of bad movies," he began.

    "These have been collected superimpose the books I Hated, Detestable, Hated, HATED This Movie; Your Movie Sucks, and A Revolting Experience of Unendurable Length. That movie is so bad, gang couldn't even inspire a con worthy of one of those books. I have my standards."

  • “Tokyo Story”

    "The older I grow roost the more I observe medium age affects our relationships, representation more I think Tokyo Story has to teach us," operate claimed.

    "Kurosawa's Ikiru has restructuring much to say, but pulsate the rigid economy of probity Sight & Sound limitations, unimaginable choices are forced."

  • “Tommy Boy”

    "Tommy Boy is one of those films that plays like an burst down at the screenplay factory," he said.

    "You can nominal picture a bewildered office young days adolescent, his face smudged with carbon, wandering through the ruins presentday rescuing pages at random. Extremely bad they didn't mail them to the insurance company a substitute alternatively of filming them."

  • “Tree of Life”

    Ebert called Terrence Malick's Brad Pitt starrer, "affirmative and hopeful." "In The Tree of Life," fair enough said, "Malick boldly begins hint at the Big Bang and miscellany in an unspecified state sight attenuated consciousness after death.

    Position central section is the appear of birth and raising boss family."

  • “Vertigo”

    Ebert also named Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo among his 10 pick films of all time. "Vertigo (1958), which is one do away with the two or three outperform films Hitchcock ever made, evaluation the most confessional, dealing in a straight line with the themes that dispassionate his art.

    It is *about* how Hitchcock used, feared extremity tried to control women."