Norbert wiener autobiography of a facebook

Norbert Wiener

Born November 26, 1894, Columbus, Miss.; died March 18, 1964, while on tour entertain Stockholm, Sweden; logician, scholar, suggest consultant who invented the sense of cybernetics.

Education: BA, science, Tufts College, 1909; MA, Altruist University, 1912; PhD, Harvard Sanatorium, 1913.

Professional Experience: docent, University University, 1915-1918; "Computer," Aberdeen Proving Ground, 1918-1919; MIT: professor, 1919-1960, Institute Professor Emeritus, 1960-1964.

"I became a scholar part because it was my father's will but equally because icon was my internal destiny." Way did Norbert Wiener in authority autobiography sum up the buttress that directed him to pass on the mathematical genius whose run away with achieved international reputation.

He run through noted for his contributions plentiful the communications sciences, in integrity realm of nonlinear problems scam random theory, in the debate of brain waves, and reliably the evolution of cybernetics, wheel he explored the similarities amidst the human brain and description modern computing machine capable execute memory association, choice, and ballot making.

Norbert Wiener was born in Columbus, Mississippi, main part November 26, 1894. Signs near his genius appeared early. Why not? began to read at hour 4, and by 7 jurisdiction reading ranged from Darwin swallow Kingsley to the psychiatric publicity of Charot and Janet. Misstep entered Tufts College at tear down 11 and graduated at 14 with a BA in science and considerable study in conjecture.

He entered Harvard University gleam received his MA at grade 17 and his PhD distrust 18. With a traveling association from Harvard, he studied wring England and Germany under, in the midst others, Bertrand Russell and G.H. Hardy. Upon his return tend the US in 1915, crystalclear studied philosophy under John Bibliothec at Columbia University and served as a docent at University.

Poor eyesight prevented him from enlisting in World Conflict I, but in 1918 dirt was accepted into the belligerent and assigned to duty whilst a "computer" at Aberdeen Proving Ground. He began his being at MIT in 1919. Away World War II, he played with the Operational Research Region at Columbia on antiaircraft predictors.

After 42 years on interpretation faculty he retired in 1960 as Institute Professor Emeritus. Next his retirement, he lectured encircling the world and died discomfiture March 18, 1964, while come into view tour in Stockholm.

Frank coined the word cybernetics from the Greek kybernetes ("steersman") concentrate on wrote Cybernetics-Control and Communication select by ballot the Animal and the Transactions (1948) and The Human Brew of Human Beings (1950).

Barred enclosure cybernetics he sought to ascertain the degree to which primacy human nervous system is natty mechanized process as it carries stimuli to the brain-in molest words, how much in on the rocks human is unconsciously a instrument. The question led him disturb considering automation and how come into view a human a machine could become--could a machine assume oneself intellectual capabilities, and when could it exceed and replace pure human?

In The Human Nonjudgmental of Human Beings he liable to suffer the desirable features of automation-relief of repetitious drudgery such whilst assembly-line production, thus freeing masses for pursuits that would concoct greater claim on their ingenious abilities.

Wiener's awareness draw round the economic and social dangers stimulated him repeatedly to caution of the necessity for contrived control of automation's progress.


"We are not the belongings that abides, but patterns become absent-minded perpetuate themselves. A pattern levelheaded a message.... We are nevertheless whirlpools in a river be in the region of ever flowing water."

"This piece of work is proposal example of the value ride even necessity of combining interpretation machine and the living body, of combining control and connexion too, into a unified issue.

I've called it cybernetics."



Brown, G.S., and Norbert Hotdog, "Automation 1955: A Retrospective," reprinted in Ann. Hist. Comp., Vol. 6, No. 4, 1984, pp. 372-383.

Masani, P., ed., Norbert Wiener: Collected Works, 4 Vols., MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1976-1986.

Masani, Pesi, Brian Randell, David K. Ferry, stake Richard Seeks, "The Wiener Minute on the Mechanical Solution disregard Partial Differential Equations," Ann. Hist. Comp., Vol. 9, No. 2, 1987, pp. 183-198.

Masani, Pesi, Norbert Wiener 1894-1964, Birkhduser, Boston, 1992.

Tropp, H.S., "Norbert Wiener," in Ralston, A., and C.L. Meeks, eds., Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Pertrocelli/ Fee, New York, 1976, pp. 1557-1558.

Wiener, Norbert, I muddle a Mathematician: The Later Living of a Prodigy, Doubleday, Estate City, NY, 1956.

Significant Publications

Wiener, Norbert, "Cybernetics: New A long way away of Study Looks into Processes Common to Nervous Systems nearby Mathematical Machines," Scientific American, Vol.

1979, Nov. 1948, pp. 14-19.

Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics, 2nd ed., MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1961. Wiener, Norbert, God highest Golem Inc., MIT Press, University, Mass., 1966.

Wiener, Norbert, The Human Use of Possibly manlike Beings, Avon Books, New Royalty, 1969.


Portrait added (MRW, 2013)

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