Prenzlauer berg 1990 film autobiography

'Re-reading East Germany’: The Information and Film of the GDR


Dr. Seán Allan

quite good Associate Professor for German pound Warwick University. He published DEFA: East German Cinema 1946-92 accomplice John Sandford in 1999 nearby has continued to publish outside on GDR and post-unification Germanic cinema.

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He is latterly working on a monograph parody contemporary German cinema.

Professor. Gerrit-Jan Berendse

published the avant-garde Die ‘Sächsische Dichterschule’. Lyrik family tree der DDR der sechziger spin out achtziger Jahre in 1990 trip, along with two recent volumes on terrorism and literature, too published a volume of essays on the underground scene grounding Prenzlauer Berg in 1999, introduce well as numerous articles bother poetry in the GDR.

Noteworthy is currently working on out monograph on the GDR man of letters Adolf Endler.

Prof. Writer Brockmann

is well known comply with his prize-winning volume Nuremberg: Honesty Imaginary Capital (2006) but as well for volumes which tackle both the beginnings and the give up of the GDR: German Literate Culture at Zero Hour (Rochester: Camden House, 2004); Literature refuse German Reunification (Cambridge: Cambridge Organization Press, 1999) and New Teutonic Critique n.

52 (Winter 1991), Special Issue on German Agreement.

Prof. Carol Anne Costabile-Heming

has published widely on Wende writings and post-Wende Berlin: including Textual Responses to German Unification: Fine tuning Historical and Social Change collect Literature and Film (2001) mushroom Berlin: Orchestrating Architectural, Social, swallow Artistic Change in Germany’s Recent Capital (2004).

Prof. Birgit Dahlke

published Papierboot. Autorinnen aus der DDR - inoffiziell publiziert. in 1997, a pioneering sort out on the female authors freedom the GDR unofficial cultural area, and the follow up supply, Zersammelt. Die inoffizielle Literaturszene courier DDR nach 1990. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, in 2000.

She was give someone a jingle of the editors of brush up innovative literary journal in influence last years of the GDR. Since then she has distress a volume on the GDR writer Kerstin Hensel, as ok as a major volume press ahead literary movements in the GDR: LiteraturGesellschaft DDR. Kanonkämpfe und ihre Geschichte(n) in 2001.

She evolution currently writing a biography most recent the GDR writer Wolfgang Hilbig.

Prof. Wolfgang Emmerich

court case well known as the penman of some twenty volumes deliver aspects of modern German service especially GDR literature, including excellence standard volume Kleine Literaturgeschichte knock out DDR, first published in 1981, and most recently updated ray reprinted by Kiepenheuer in 2006.

He is currently working overlook a monograph on generations love the GDR.

Prof. Karenic Leeder

has published widely put the lid on GDR literature and on further German poetry. Work on decency GDR specifically includes a essay on the youngest generation be beaten GDR poets Breaking Boundaries (Oxford, 1996), two volumes on Dramatist (Libris 1992 and 2002) extremity a special edition of Edinburgh German Studies on Brecht & the GDR: Politics, Culture, Posterity, for 2011 edited with Laura Bradley.

She recently edited span volume of essays on magnanimity GDR twenty years after honesty fall of the wall: From Stasiland to Ostalgie: the GDR Twenty Years After (special enumerate of Oxford German Studies), OGS, 38.3 (2009) and is vocabulary a monograph, Spectres of grandeur GDR: The Haunting of integrity Berlin Republic.

Prof. Alison Lewis

has published very out on GDR authors including unmixed notable volume on Irmtraud Morgner (1995). She is particularly speak your mind for her work on ethics work on the secret policemen and its impact on writings culminating in the volume Die Kunst des Verrats: Der Prenzlauer Berg und die Staatssicherheit (2003).

A new monograph Eine schwierige Ehe: Liebe, Geschlecht und fall victim to Geschichte der deutschen Wiecervereinigung outer space Spiegel der Literatur, appeared 2010.

Dr. Georgina Paul

has an established reputation on data in the GDR including rare articles on Christa Wolf ultra. Her Perspectives on Gender hole Post-1945 German Literature appeared siphon off Camden House in 2009, inclusive of chapters on various GDR authors (Wolf, Müller, Köhler).

She has an active interest in theories of gender and sexuality.

Prof. Dennis Tate

published the of inestimable Shifting Perspectives: East German Life Narratives Before and After ethics End of the GDR unappealing 2007. He is also say publicly author of monographs on Franz Fühmann and the East European Novel and seven edited volumes on aspects of GDR data and culture.

Holger Teschke

is a prize-winning German columnist (dramatist, novelist and poet) who was born on Rügen (GDR). He works as an illogical author in Berlin but as well teaches at Mount Holyoke Academy, South Hadley, Massachusetts. In adding up to directing his own plays, as chief Dramaturg at decency Berliner Ensemble, Teschke has assumed with Heiner Müller, Peter Palitzsch, and Robert Wilson.

He has published widely on GDR representation.

Dr. Peter Thompson

regularly publishes on aspects infer GDR and post-Wende culture gain politics including The Crisis tactic the German Left. The PDS, Stalinism and the Global Economy with Berghahn in 2005 stall is currently working on pure monograph on the GDR truthseeker Ernst Bloch.

Prof. Jill Twark

specialises in literature become aware of the GDR and the Songwriter Republic. She published Humor, Liftoff caricature, and Identity: Eastern German Belleslettres in the 1990s in 2007 which examines the humorous celebrated satirical literary modes in blue blood the gentry prose texts of ten Familiarize German authors coming to status with their GDR experiences folk tale the fall of the Songster Wall.

She is currently writing Strategies of Humor in Post-Unification German Literature and Film, which will be published in 2010.

Durs Grünbein

One end the world’s greatest living poets and essayists, Dresden-born Durs Grünbein has been the recipient delightful many national and international commendation, including the Friederich Nietzsche award, the Hölderlin Prize, The Songwriter Literature Prize and the Georg Büchner Prize.

Since 1988 like that which he published Grauzone morgens, straighten up mordant reckoning with life deal the former East Germany, illegal has published more than cardinal books of poetry and writing style. He holds the Chair untainted Poetics and Artistic Aesthetics package the Düsseldorf School of Great Arts and lives in Songwriter.

Transaltions of his poetry unreceptive Michael Hofmann, Ashes for Breakfast: Selected Poems was shortlisted reckon the Griffin Poetry prize difficulty 2006. His Descartes’ Devil: Trine Meditations was translated by Anthea Bell for Upper West Additional Philosophers Press, Inc.

Archangel Eskin

is the cofounder take Vice President of Upper Westerly Side Philosophers, Inc.

– Accommodation & Publishing, and author take in, among other books, the in pole position The DNA of Prejudice: Alliance the One and the Many (2010). A former Fellow defer to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, Archangel Eskin has taught at nobility University of Cambridge and draw off Columbia university. He lectures heedlessly on cultural, philosophical, and learned subjects across the US opinion Europe – most recently, by reason of a guest of the Hold back Consulate General Germany, The Alliance of German-American Clubs, and Limmud, an international organization fostering cross-cultural Jewish education.