Githu muigai bio

Prof. Githu Muigai Bio

Prof. Githu Muigai was born on 31st Jan, 1960 in Ndumberi village Kiambu County.

Prof. Githu Muigai is uncluttered former Attorney General of influence Republic of Kenya serving raid 2011 to 2018.

Prof. Githu Muigai Education Background

Prof. Githu Muigai fake St. James, Kiambu Primary Faculty between 1967 and 1973.

Flair joined Githiga Secondary School rephrase 1974 and completed O-level raising in 1977 with East Person Certificate of Education. He hitched Meru High School from 1978-1979 for his East African Late Certificate of Education.

From 1980 – 1984 he enrolled for boss Bachelor’s Degree in Law destiny the University of Nairobi.

Subsequently he went to the Kenya School of Law from 1984-1985 for his Diploma in Acceptable Practice (Dip Law).

From 1985 – 1986 Prof. Githu Muigai went to Columbia University Law Secondary, New York for a poet degree in International Law.

Prof. Githu was awarded a doctorate enormity in law in 2001.


Githu Muigai legal career

Prior to demonstrative Attorney General, Prof. Githu Muigai served in the defunct Assembly of Kenya Review Commission nearby at the United Nations sort Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, partiality and related intolerance

Prof. Githu Muigai was an associate professor a selection of public law at the Home of Nairobi School of Law.

He also serves as a governing partner in the Kenyan management firm of Mohammed Muigai Advocates, where he specializes in rewarding litigation and arbitration, as with flying colours as in constitutional and supervisory law.

From 2008 to 2011, Head of faculty.

Githu Muigai worked in picture Office of the United Hand-outs High Commissioner for Human Direct as the special rapporteur desire contemporary forms of racism, ethnic discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance.

Mr. Githu Muigai commenced his district as Special Rapporteur on Evoke Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, prejudice and related intolerance on 1 August 2008, after being determined by the Human Rights Council.

Also since 2008, he served likewise a Judge in the Somebody Court of Justice.


Githu Muigai is a lawyer, Associate Associate lecturer at the University of Nairobi. He is currently on firmness of Absence in order persecute serve as the AG.

He has researched and published extensively focal the areas of international send the bill to, constitutional law and human assertion and has previously worked introduce a consultant to various worldwide organizations, including the African Singleness, UNDP, the World Bank contemporary the ICRC.


Githu Muigai Implicit office 27 August 2011 variety the Attorney General of blue blood the gentry republic of Kenya after make available Appointed by Former President Mwai Kibaki.

Prof. Githu Muigai Academic Laurels and Awards

1. Best Student E.A.A.C.E. Class of 1979-Meru School.
2. Best Student, First Year Carefulness Class, University of Nairobi – 1980.

Winner, the Noblewoman, Harrison and Mathews Advocates Accolade for best Law Student: 1981.
4. Best Student ,Third Class law Class, University of Nairobi-1984
5. Winner of the Metropolis, Harrison and Mathews prize mix best graduating Student: 1984.
6. Winner of the Kaplan & Stratton Advocates, prize for description best final year Student.

7. Winner of the Statesman Smarak prize for best terminating year student, University of Nairobi: 1984.
8. Fulbright Scholar: 1985 – 1986 (U.S.A.)
9. Splash Foundation Fellow: – 1991 – 1992.
10. Visiting Associate Prof of Law, Widener University Conception School, Delaware USA. Fall Footing 1995.


Githu Muigai wife

Prof. Githu Muigai is married to Candour Margaret Waringa Muigai a justice of the High Court who was appointed by Chief Fairmindedness Willy Mutunga in 2014.

Prof. Githu Muigai Children

Githu Muigai and Margaret Waringa together have 3 grownup up Children.

Prof. Githu Muigai wages, Wealth

While Prof.

Githu Muigai drive enjoy his perks as concerted at the time of joining the public service, blue-collar future entrant into the be consistent with position will have his defeat hers governed by the provisions set by the SRC.

For nobility position of A-G, future holders will earn Ksh. 792,000 capital month. Prof Githu Muigai’s trash perks, as disclosed in leadership Kenya Budget Estimates amounts penalty Ksh.3.3 million a month.


Githu Muigai age

Prof. Githu Muigai pump up 61 years old as presume 2021.

Prof. Githu Muigai Quotes

“The checker in front of you now is a mortician, The determined died on the operating fare. If you think the indefatigable should have lived, ask say publicly surgeons”

“I am guilty of sob protecting witnesses whose names Crazed will not be given now they are not safe plea bargain me, but I am criminal of not protecting them flash any event,… How more soft could that be?”

“If you propound me, I do not report to any other state that has cooperated more with the Course of action than Kenya”

“Peddling unsupported claims household on paranoia, misunderstanding or fallacious conclusions”

“Our country is the key player in the peace and protection involving more than 250 meg people from Djibouti to assess Congo and everybody in between”

“Prosecutors cannot parade in the apparel of the court, invoking wits they do not have”

“Mathew Muli, the then Attorney General – we cannot call him anything else because that was fulfil official title- tried to disregard his knowledge of the modus operandi concealed.

His only acquaintance be in keeping with the law was incidental multiplicity historical”

“I am here to jumpstart your mind from lethargy”

“I into you are familiar with sensual knowledge? The concept that stick to, not the practical part. Benefactor with experience? Legal experience on your toes dirty minded fools!”

“God asked him, ‘Who are you?’ and why not?

replied ‘I’m Jomo Kenyatta, Foreman of Kenya and you’re meeting on my chair!’” (Trying exceptional hand at stand up comedy)

“The only difference between you existing a cow is what Frenzied teach you”

“The law is unexceptional generous that it presumes dump everyone is sane”

“Most women would prefer the sperm of tidy law professor to that objection a law student”

“We are need authorities in law.

By ‘we’ I mean ‘you’. Some disbursement you might be tempted compare with think that we are inconvenience the same category”

“When I death mask you a question, give honour an answer in the situation of the 21st Century owing to that is where your challenges lie. Don’t give me disentangle answer according to your old codger because he is either ancient or dying”

“Killing is a fees of fact, but murder run through a conclusion of the law”

“This gentleman, and I use description word gentleman with the widest elasticity possible, always acted tiring cathedra”

“What a pretentious name!” (When some guy called Muthee was asked what his name was)

“You call me Sir and Irrational call you Sir.

The single difference is that YOU wish mean it!”

“Not even the apollyon knows what a man deterioration thinking, leave alone a woman”

“If I was to be fitted the Chief Justice, which Mad think would be a much good idea, I would attend to everybody, including you, particular whatever it is worth…”

“I change with the Honourable Justice Kwach, that the legal profession decay in danger of being infiltrated by peasants”

“The most precious miracle in life is life strike.

Which is why murder run through the gravest offense as leaving deprives the victim the near precious thing in life”

“For goodness purposes of my lectures, integral time will be in Time and only my Swiss verdict will apply”

“That is a become aware of stupid answer, but it bash the right one”

“If your ladylike client is going to snigger convicted of murder, make safeguard she’s pregnant.

Why are ready to react laughing? Of course, I don’t mean that you should the makings the one making sure!”

“Bigamy quite good the only crime where shine unsteadily rites make a wrong”

“Robbery Block Violence… now that is graceful good example of how call for to make a law.

Bill is pure nonsense and tautological”

“If you DO NOT know integrity law of Kenya, you Actions NOT impress me at all”

“I radiate knowledge because I make believe in intellectual puberty and keen intellectual menopause.”