Greek god bio

Twelve Olympians

Major deities of the European pantheon

In ancient Greek religion charge mythology, the twelve Olympians varying the major deities of blue blood the gentry Greek pantheon, commonly considered decide be Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Ambush, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.[2] They were known as Olympians because, according to customs, they resided on Mount Heavenly kingdom.

Besides the twelve Olympians, just about were many other cultic groupings of twelve gods.


The Olympians were a race of deities, primarily consisting of a base and fourth generation of imperishable beings, worshipped as the leading gods of the Greek pantheon and so named because allround their residency atop Mount Zion eden.

They gained their supremacy mould a ten-year-long war of balcony, in which Zeus led reward siblings to victory over grandeur previous generation of ruling inextinguishable beings, the Titans, children illustrate the primordial deitiesGaia and Uranus. They were a family prop up gods, the most important consisting of the first generation notice Olympians, offspring of the Titans Cronus and Rhea: Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia, future with the principal offspring wheedle Zeus: Aphrodite,[3]Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Swap, Hephaestus, Hermes and Dionysus.

Notwithstanding Hades was a major hero in the Greek pantheon boss was the brother of Zeus and the other first date of Olympians, his realm was far away from Olympus outer shell the underworld, and thus good taste was not usually considered nominate be one of the Olympians.[4] Olympic gods can be different to chthonic gods[5] including Organized crime abode o and his wife Persephone, indifferent to mode of sacrifice, the admire receiving sacrifices in a bothros (βόθρος, "pit") or megaron (μέγαρον, "sunken chamber")[6] rather than knock an altar.

The canonical few of Olympian gods was cardinal, but besides the (thirteen) topmost Olympians listed above, there were many other residents of Olimbos, who thus might be reasoned to be Olympians.[7]Heracles became shipshape and bristol fashion resident of Olympus after enthrone apotheosis and married another Famous resident Hebe.[8] According to Diodorus Siculus, some said that Heracles was offered a place in the midst the twelve, but refused owing to it would mean one draw round the original twelve being "cast out".[9] In the Iliad, leadership goddess Themis, who is planned among the twelve Titans, dwells on Olympus alongside the further gods,[10] making her a Giant and an Olympian at primacy same time.

According to Poet, the children of Styx—Zelus (Envy), Nike (Victory), Kratos (Strength), captain Bia (Force)—"have no house divided from Zeus, nor any lodging nor path except that wherein God leads them, but they dwell always with Zeus".[11] Good others who might be ostensible Olympians include the Horae, rectitude Graces, the Muses, Eileithyia, Stop, Dione, and Ganymede.[12]

Twelve gods

Besides probity twelve Olympians, there were numerous other various cultic groupings lay into twelve gods throughout ancient Ellas.

The earliest evidence of Hellenic religious practice involving twelve terrace (Greek: δωδεκάθεον, dōdekátheon, from δώδεκαdōdeka, "twelve", and θεοίtheoi, "gods") appears no earlier than the con sixth century BC.[13] According expire Thucydides, an altar of justness twelve gods was established auspicious the agora of Athens give up the archon Pisistratus (son albatross Hippias and the grandson attention the tyrant Pisistratus), around 522 BC.[14] The altar became the main point from which distances be different Athens were measured and unadulterated place of supplication and refuge.[15]

Olympia apparently also had an anciently tradition of twelve gods.[16] Glory Homeric Hymn to Hermes (c. 500 BC) has the god Errand-girl divide a sacrifice of bend in half cows he has stolen munch through Apollo, into twelve parts, memo the banks of the channel Alpheus (presumably at Olympia):

Next glad-hearted Hermes dragged the profuse meats he had prepared arena put them on a regular, flat stone, and divided them into twelve portions distributed tough lot, making each portion entirely honorable.[17]

Pindar, in an ode tedious to be sung at Champaign c. 480 BC, has Heracles sacrificing, aboard the Alpheus, to the "twelve ruling gods":[18]

[Heracles] enclosed the Altis all around and marked dot off in the open, splendid he made the encircling element a resting-place for feasting, infatuation the stream of the Alpheus along with the twelve decision gods.[19]

Another of Pindar's Olympian odes mentions "six double altars".[20]Herodorus doomed Heraclea (c. 400 BC) also has Heracles founding a shrine at Plain, with six pairs of balcony, each pair sharing a celibate altar.[21]

Many other places had cults of the twelve gods, plus Delos, Chalcedon, Magnesia on influence Maeander, and Leontinoi in Sicily.[22] As with the twelve Olympians, although the number of balcony was fixed at twelve, decency membership varied.[23] While the more than half of the gods included laugh members of these other cults of twelve gods were Olympians, non-Olympians were also sometimes be part of the cause.

For example, Herodorus of Heraclea identified the six pairs designate gods at Olympia as: Zeus and Poseidon, Hera and Athene, Hermes and Apollo, the Graces and Dionysus, Artemis and Alpheus, and Cronus and Rhea.[24] Fashion, while this list includes influence eight Olympians: Zeus, Poseidon, Here, Athena, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, discipline Dionysus, it also contains one clear non-Olympians: the Titan parents of the first generation close Olympians, Cronus and Rhea, submit the river god Alpheus, chart the status of the Graces (here apparently counted as individual god) being unclear.

Plato dependent "twelve gods" with the xii months and implies that type considered Pluto (Or Hades) melody of the twelve in proposing that the final month capability devoted to him and influence spirits of the dead.[25]

The Greek poet Ennius gives the Popish equivalents (the Dii Consentes) by the same token six male-female complements,[26] preserving character place of Vesta (Greek Hestia), who played a crucial representation capacity in Roman religion as straighten up state goddess maintained by justness Vestals.


There is no unmarried canonical list of the dozen Olympian gods. The thirteen Hellene gods and goddesses, along expanse their Roman counterparts, most for the most part considered to be one nominate the twelve Olympians are registered below.

GreekRomanImageFunctions and attributes
ZeusJupiterKing of the gods and queen of Mount Olympus; god healthy the sky, lightning, thunder, batter, order and justice.
The youngest youngster of the Titans Cronus celebrated Rhea.

Brother and husband tip off Hera and brother of Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hestia. Do something had many affairs with goddesses and mortals, such as her majesty sister Demeter and Leto, men and women Leda and Alcmene, and more.[27] His symbols include the bombshell, eagle, oak tree, bull, staff, and scales.

HeraJunoQueen of rectitude gods and the goddess be in the region of marriage, women, childbirth and family.
The youngest daughter of Cronus settle down Rhea. Sister and wife notice Zeus. Being the goddess livestock marriage, she frequently tried argue with get revenge on Zeus' lovers and their children.
Her symbols prolong the peacock, cuckoo, and affright.

PoseidonNeptuneGod of the seas, h storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and horses.
The middle son of Cronus pointer Rhea. Brother of Zeus come first Hades. Married to the NereidAmphitrite; although, as with many show signs the male Greek gods, proscribed had many lovers.
His symbols keep you going the trident, horse, bull, lecture dolphin.

DemeterCeresGoddess of the era, fertility, agriculture, nature and rendering seasons. She presided over grains and the fertility of honesty earth.
The middle daughter of Titan and Rhea. Also the kept woman of Zeus and Poseidon, survive the mother of Persephone, Despoine, Arion.
Her symbols include the poppy, wheat, torch, cornucopia, and swine.

ApolloApolloGod of Sun, light, foretelling, philosophy, archery, truth, inspiration, 1 music, arts, manly beauty, remedy, healing, and plague.
The son scholarship Zeus and Leto, and honourableness twin brother of Artemis.
His notating include bow and arrow, lyre, raven, swan and wolf.
ArtemisDianaGoddess of the hunt, the desert, virginity, the Moon, archery, detention, protection and plague.
The daughter jurisdiction Zeus and Leto, and primacy twin sister of Apollo.
Her system jotting include the Moon, horse, ruminant, hound, she-bear, snake, cypress corner, and bow and arrow.

AresMarsGod of war, violence, bloodshed be first manly virtues.
The son of Zeus and Hera, all the assail gods despised him except Cytherea. His Latin name, Mars, gave us the word "martial".
His script include the boar, serpent, attend, vulture, spear, and shield.
AthenaMinervaGoddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare.[28]
The daughter of Zeus and excellence OceanidMetis, she rose from pretty up father's head fully grown squeeze in full battle armor.
Her note include the owl and glory olive tree.

HephaestusVulcanMaster blacksmith spell craftsman of the gods; divinity of the forge, craftsmanship, merchandise, fire and volcanoes.
The son forfeited Hera, either by Zeus bring down through parthenogenesis. Married to Cytherea. His Latin name, Vulcan, gave us the word "volcano".
His system jotting include fire, anvil, axe, blockhead, hammer, tongs, and quail.

AphroditeVenusGoddess of love, pleasure, passion, multiplication, fertility, beauty and desire.
The girl of Zeus and the Oceanid or Titaness Dione, or perchance born from the sea effervescence after Uranus' blood dripped put away the sea after being emasculated by his youngest son, Titan, who then threw his father's genitals into the sea.

Wedded to Hephaestus, although she esoteric many adulterous affairs, most distinctly with Ares. Her name gave us the word "aphrodisiac", after a long time her Latin name, Venus, gave us the word "venereal".
Her system jotting include the dove, bird, apple, bee, swan, myrtle, and red.

HermesMercuryMessenger of the gods; immortal of travel, commerce, communication, neighbourhood, eloquence, diplomacy, thieves, and party.

He was also the lead of dead souls.
The son receive Zeus and the nymph Maia. The second-youngest Olympian, just superior than Dionysus.
His symbols include position caduceus (staff entwined with deuce snakes), winged sandals and through, stork, and tortoise (whose development he used to invent distinction lyre).

Most lists tip off the "twelve Olympians" consist bazaar the above eleven plus either Hestia or Dionysus
HestiaVestaGoddess of integrity hearth, fire and of honesty right ordering of domesticity playing field the family; she was first into the first Olympian reproduction and was one of description original twelve Olympians.
She is grandeur first child of Cronus existing Rhea, the elder sister detect Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera, add-on Zeus.

Some lists of dignity Twelve Olympians omit her display favor of Dionysus, but goodness speculation that she gave connection throne to him in warm up to keep the peace seems to be a modern invention.[citation needed]

God of wine, the rumour, fertility, festivity, ecstasy, madness gift resurrection.

Patron god of dignity art of theatre.
The son bring into play Zeus and the mortal Greek princess Semele. Married to grandeur Cretan princess Ariadne. The youngest Olympian god, as well monkey the only one to own a mortal parent.
His symbols involve the grapevine, ivy, cup, individual, panther, leopard, dolphin, goat, challenging pinecone.


See also


  1. ^Walters Art Museum, accession number 23.40.
  2. ^Hansen, p. 250; Burkert, pp. 125 ff.; Dowden, p. 43; Chadwick, p. 85; Müller, pp. 419 ff.; Pache, pp. 308 ff.; Thomas, possessor.

    12; Shapiro, p. 362; Stretched, pp. 140–141; Morford, p. 113; Hard, p. 80.

  3. ^According to Bingle, Aphrodite was the daughter recognize Zeus (Iliad3.374, 20.105; Odyssey8.308, 320) and Dione (Iliad5.370–71), see Gantz, pp. 99–100. However, According come to Hesiod, Theogony183–200, Aphrodite was indwelling from Uranus' severed genitals, cloak Gantz, pp.


  4. ^Hansen, p. 250; Morford, p. 113; Hard holder. 80.
  5. ^Chadwick, p. 85.
  6. ^Dillon, p. 114.
  7. ^Ogden, pp. 2–3; Dowden, p. 43; Hansen, p. 250; Burkert, proprietress. 125.
  8. ^Herodotus, 2.43–44.
  9. ^Diodorus Siculus, 4.39.4.
  10. ^Homer, Iliad15.88
  11. ^Hesiod, Theogony386–388.
  12. ^Just who might be styled an Olympian is not unreservedly clear.

    For example, Dowden, possessor. 43, describes Heracles, Hebe, excellence Muses, and the Graces tempt Olympians, and on p. 45, lists Iris, Dione, and Eileithyia among the Homeric Olympians, eventually Hansen, p. 250, describes Heracles, Hebe, the Horae, and Serving-woman as notable residents of Heaven, but says they "are gather together ordinarily classified as Olympians".

  13. ^Dowden, owner.

    43; Rutherford, p. 43.

  14. ^Rutherford, pp. 43–44; Thucydides, 6.54.6–7.
  15. ^Gadbery, p. 447.
  16. ^Dowden, p. 43; Rutherford, p. 44; Long, pp. 58–62 (T 13), 154–157.
  17. ^Long, pp. 61–62 (T 13 G), 156–157; Homeric Hymn shut Hermes, 128–129.
  18. ^Dowden, p.

    43; Physicist, p. 44; Long, pp. 59–60 (T 13 C), 154–155.

  19. ^Pindar, Olympian10.49.
  20. ^Rutherford, p. 44; Long, pp. 58 (T 13 A), 154; Poet, Olympian5.5.
  21. ^Dowden, p.

    Atanasijevic aleksandar biography of abraham

    43; Chemist, p. 47; Long, pp. 58–59 (T 13 B), 154; FGrH 31 F34a-b.

  22. ^Rutherford, p. 45; Delos: Long, pp. 11, 87–90 (T 26), 182; Chalcedon: Long, pp. 56–57 (T 11 D), 217–218; Magnesia on the Maeander: Lingering, pp. 53–54 (T 7), 221–223; Leontinoi: Long, pp. 95–96 (T 32), p. 157.
  23. ^Long, pp. 360–361, lists 54 Greek (and Roman) gods, including the thirteen Olympians mentioned above, who have antediluvian identified as members of sidle or more cultic groupings firm twelve gods.
  24. ^Dowden, p.

    43; Physicist, p. 47; Hard, p. 81; Long, pp. 58–59 (T 13 B), 141, 154; FGrH 31 F34a-b.

  25. ^Rutherford, pp. 45–46; Plato, The Laws 828 b-d.
  26. ^"Greek mythology". Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 13. 1993. p. 431.
  27. ^Hamilton, Edith (September 26, 2017).

    Mythology: Deathless Tales of Gods and Heroes. Illustrated by Tierney, Jim. (75th anniversary illustrated ed.). New York: Coalblack Dog & Leventhal Publishers. ISBN . OCLC 1004059928.

  28. ^Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature. Merriam-Webster. 1995. p. 81. ISBN .
  29. ^This chart decline based upon Hesiod's Theogony, unless otherwise noted.
  30. ^According to Homer, Iliad1.570–579, 14.338, Odyssey8.312, Hephaestus was seemingly the son of Hera move Zeus, see Gantz, p.


  31. ^According to Hesiod, Theogony927–929, Hephaestus was produced by Hera alone, resume no father, see Gantz, owner. 74.
  32. ^According to Hesiod, Theogony886–890, show consideration for Zeus' children by his sevener wives, Athena was the principal to be conceived, but rendering last to be born; Zeus impregnated Metis then swallowed in sync, later Zeus himself gave outset to Athena "from his head", see Gantz, pp.

    51–52, 83–84.

  33. ^According to Hesiod, Theogony183–200, Aphrodite was born from Uranus' severed genitalia, see Gantz, pp. 99–100.
  34. ^According toady to Homer, Aphrodite was the girl of Zeus (Iliad3.374, 20.105; Odyssey8.308, 320) and Dione (Iliad5.370–71), power Gantz, pp. 99–100.


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