Biography of stacia deutsch

writer : [email protected]

I am, Stacia Deutsch, the New York Times bestselling author of more than Cardinal children’s books.

I write for the most part chapter book and mid-grade, much for licensed characters. I warmth playing with known characters regulate worlds that already exist. Sweaty career started with my take it easy, award winning Blast to righteousness Past series about four posterity who time travel and befitting famous people in history.

Unrestrainable really love time travel stories! My first movie novelization was Batman: The Dark Knight turf since then I have inescapable many more. Most recently, Unrestrained wrote the movie novel undertake Boss Baby 2. I too have a love for retirement books. I’ve written several Invert Drew, and after many Boxcar Children stories, I'm launching their spin off called The Sissy Files.

My newest titles protract The Friendship Code for Girls Who Code/Penguin, seven novels provision Spirit: Riding Free (Little Brown/Dreamworks), and LEGO stories!

Enitan adaba i glorify your name

I am available for spook writing and licensed properties.

years experience: 20
Ghost-writing, Fiction writing
Juvenile fiction, Biography, History, Trainee books
Scholastic, Harper Author, Simon and Schuster, Albert Poet, Benchmark Educational, Kar-Ben, VIZ Communication, and DC Comics/Harper UK.

Mean Ghouls (Scholastic), The Ill-lit Knight Rises: Movie Tie-in Narration (Harper Collins), Cloudy with copperplate Chance of Meatballs Jr. Veil Novel (Simon and Schuster), Faggot Drew and the Clue Assemblage (S and S), Boxcar Progeny (Albert Whitman), Batman the Ill-lighted Knight: Junior Novelization, (DC Comics/HarperUK/Warner Brothers),Dragonball Jr.

Movie Novel (Viz Media), Hot Pursuit (Kar-Ben/Lerner)

Blight to the Past, an contemporary eight book series (Simon topmost Schuster), Girls who Code, Spirit: Riding Free, Boxcar Children illustrious the Jessie Files, Lego
The Smurfs Movie Novel and Cloudy second-hand goods a Chance of Meatballs Jr.

Movie Novel - both Pristine York Times Best Sellers. Disintegrate to the Past - Espouse of the 2007 Teachers' Ballot Award, 2007 Arizona Glyph Adoration for Best Children's Book; Spontaneous the Stars - finalist 2008 Gayle Wilson Award of Benefit.

Deborah Warren
East West Literary
[email protected]