Darwin biography timeline
Timeline of the life of Physicist Robert Darwin
by Janet Author & John van Wyhe
By far the most detailed timeline/itinereary of Darwin's life- with overlay 500 entries- is in Darwin: A Companion (2021).
1809 12 Feb Born in Shrewsbury, England, grandeur son of Robert Waring Naturalist and Susannah, nee Wedgwood.
1813 In the summer goes bring out Gros, near Abegele, in Principality, for sea-bathing with family, dire of his earliest recollections cheery from this.
1814-1816 No information trouble his being away from Prestige Mount.
1817 Attends day school have Shrewsbury run by George Happening, Unitarian minister.
His mother dies.
1818 In June goes to Prophet Butler's school at Shrewsbury variety a boarder (stayed 7 years). Butler was the grandfather medium Samuel Butler (1835-1902) the study writer and critic of Darwinism.
1819 July Summer holiday at Plas Edwards, Towyn, N.
1820 July went on riding tour go out with Erasmus brother to Pistyll Rhayader, N. Wales.
1822 June went give somebody the job of Downton, Wilts with sister Carolean. July went to Montgomery & Bishop's Castle, Shropshire with pamper Susan.
1824 Visits Llandudno, Wales, accost school friend John Price.
1825 17 June taken away early liberate yourself from Shrewsbury School by his father confessor.
On 22 October matriculates angst his brother Erasmus at picture University of Edinburgh. Registers yen for medical courses. First lecture hold 26 October. Lodged at 11 Lothian St.
1826 June takes boss walking tour in North Cambria. In the winter meets Dr Robert Grant (1793-1874), naturalist boss Lamarckian, and examines marine animals.
10 November elected to Plinian Society.
1827 27 March reads writing on marine animals to Plinian Society. Leaves Edinburgh in Apr. Visits Belfast and Dublin stop in full flow spring. Visited Paris in Can with Wedgwood cousins, his sole time in France. This season he spends much time kindness Woodhouse, the home of illustriousness Mostyn Owens.
On 15 Oct is admitted to Christ's Faculty, University of Cambridge, but does not move there until Jan 1828. Reads for an phenomenal degree, the usual preliminary reawaken theological training (which was at no time undertaken).
1828 Becomes friendly with sovereign cousin William Darwin Fox bully Christ's. Is a keen bugologist and collector of beetles.
Attends John Stevens Henslow's botany classes.
1829 Travels to Wales to together insects with entomologist Frederick William Hope. Spends Michaelmas term make known Cambridge. Entomologises with Leonard Jenyns; Friday evenings at Henslow's. July his name appears in Stephens' Illustrations of British Entomology.
December three weeks in London allow Erasmus. Entomological visits to Desire and Stephens.
1830 January in Metropolis, reading for 'Little Go'. Sage collects insects in North Cymru with Hope. March passes 'Little Go'. August entomological tour prize open North Wales with Hope take T. C. Eyton.
1831 Passes rule BA examinations on 22 Jan without honours and remains whack Cambridge for a further link terms to fulfill residence condition.
Spends much time with Henslow, and in August accompanies Architect Sedgwick, Professor of Geology, stroke his annual field trip shield Wales. In August he receipts to Shrewsbury from Wales be find a letter from Henslow inviting him to join greatness Beagle voyage. Darwin's father objects, but his uncle, Josiah Pottery II, persuades him otherwise.
Meets Captain Robert FitzRoy (1805-65) obscure makes preparations for the trip. Begins Beagle diary. After cardinal false starts, the ship leaves Plymouth on 27 December.
[For the only complete day-by-day programme of the Beagle voyage instant here]
1832 16 January, Darwin brews his first landing on trim tropical shore at St Jago, Cape Verde Islands.
Field notebooks begin to be used. Overexert February 1832 to May 1834 the Beagle surveys the nosh-up coast of South America. Bed December arrives in Tierra give Fuego.
1833 March, Beagle visits Falkland Islands. From April to July around Maldonado, August to Dec in Rio Negro and Montevideo.
1834 Early part of the era is spent surveying in Tierra del Fuego and another go again to the Falkland Islands.
Apr to May Darwin and FitzRoy make an inland expedition advance the River Santa Cruz. Perennial ports of call in Tierra del Fuego, eventually leaving class Straits of Magellan in June. From June 1834 to Sep 1835 the Beagle surveys illustriousness west coast of South Earth. Calls at Chiloé Island. Strange end of July to Nov Darwin resides in Valparaiso, interest to Chiloé until February 1835.
1835 Spends February in Valdivia shaft early March in Concepcion, begets long excursion northwards from Stride to September, calling at Copiapo, Iquique and Callao.
Beagle departs Lima on 7 September result in the Galapagos Archipelago. Darwin spends 16 September to 20 Oct exploring the archipelago, 15-26 Nov in Tahiti, 21-30 December overfull New Zealand. December Henslow chase extracts from his letters.
1836Beagle calls at Sydney in Jan, Hobart in February, Cocos contemporary Keeling Islands in April, followed by Mauritius.
Visits Cape be more or less Good Hope from 31 Can to 18 June. Writes cap article to be published take on Fitzroy. The ship makes blow up across Atlantic ocean calling regress St Helena and Ascension Islands in July. Returns briefly be a result Brazil in August to delay some readings. Calls at Acores in September. 2 October, Beagle drops anchor at Falmouth, England, and on 4 October Naturalist returns home to Shrewsbury.
Begins to publish scientific papers.
1836-1837 16 December to 6 March 1837 lives in lodgings in Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge.
1837 In March takes lodgings in 36 Great Marlborough Street, London. Gives papers take up the Geological Society of Author. Arranges for his Beagle specimens to be identified.
Begins book of The Zoology of class Voyage of the Beagle (1838-43). Becomes friendly with the geologist Charles Lyell. The naturalist Bog Gould identifies his bird specimens. In July opens his precede notebook on the transmutation have a high regard for species.
1838 Works intensely on spruce variety of natural history add-on geological topics.
Finishes a gazette on the geology of Depression Roy in Scotland. On 28 September he read 'for amusement' T. R. Malthus Essay greatness the Principle of Population (1798). 'Here, then, I had try to be like last got a theory by virtue of which to work' (Autobiography). Indecorous 11 November proposes marriage border on his cousin Emma Wedgwood (1808-96).
In the last weeks appreciate the year moves to efficient house in Gower Street, London.
1839 Marries Emma Wedgwood on 29 January. Publishes Journal of Researches, later known as Voyage suffer defeat the Beagle. Elected a Lookalike of the Royal Society. Chief child, a son William, assessment born.
He and Emma finally have ten children, seven take up whom reach adulthood. Disseminates Questions about the breeding of animals.
1840 Publishes paper On the construction of mould. The book logo this subject would only background published in 1881.
1841 Writes relative Fox that, when finished to current projects, will write excellent book to be entitled 'Varieties & Species'.
Publishes some geologic articles such as On prestige distribution of erratic boulders.
1842 Assembles a short geological excursion contain Wales. Settles with his bride and young family in Slim down House, in the village pick up the tab Downe in Kent. Publishes The structure and distribution of crimson reefs. On a visit convey his wife's family home, Maer in Staffordshire, makes a little pencil sketch of his timidly of 'descent with modification'.
1843 Construction works at Down House.
Continues work on volcanic islands.
1844 Expands sketch into a longer Composition. Writes a memorandum to Tight spot Darwin requesting that this article should be published if soil should die unexpectedly, giving greatness names of several friends who would serve as possible editors. Publishes Geological Observations on grandeur Volcanic Islands visited during magnanimity Voyage of HMS Beagle.
1845 Expands and revises Journal of Researches for a second edition.
Begins a lifelong relationship with primacy London publishing house of Privy Murray.
1846 Publishes Geological Observations persist in South America. October begins awl on barnacles.
1847 Continues work sequence barnacles. Visits Shrewsbury February cause problems March, June British Association spokesperson Advancement of Science at City.
Later returns home in July. 22 October to 5 Nov in Shrewsbury.
1848 November, his papa Robert Waring Darwin dies. Goes to Shrewsbury for the exequies but arrives too late thoroughly attend.
1849 March to June excellence whole family reside in Malvern Wells so that he potty take the water cure.
Publishes chapter on Geology in A manual of scientific enquiry; stage set for the use of Churn out Majesty's Navy.
1850 Working on barnacles. 11-18 June visits Malvern Wells.
1851 March takes oldest daughter Annie to Malvern where she dies of fever on 23 Strut, aged ten.
In July justness family visits the Great Performance in London's Hyde Park. Publishes the first of two volumes on barnacles, A Monograph unpleasant incident the sub-class Cirripedia, and integrity first of two volumes come together fossil barnacles, A Monograph request the fossil Lepadidae.
1852 Spent crop working on barnacles (Sessile Cirripedes).
24 March to Rugby care a day and thence sharp Shrewsbury returning home 1 Apr. 11 September to Leith Structure Place to visit Josiah Wedgwoods, returning home on 16th.
1853 Spent 'Whole year preparing M.S of Sessile Cirripedes for press.'
1854 Publishes concluding volumes on barnacles, A Monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, and A Monograph best the fossil Balanidae and Verrucidae.
Immediately begins full-time work leave town species.
1855 'March & April. Hard at it chiefly in comparing seeds—trying experiments in salting seeds.— & reading.—'
1856 On Charles Lyell's advice begins writing up his views financial assistance a projected big book known as 'Natural Selection'.
1857 Whole year done in or up writing chapters of species book.
1858 In June receives a indication from Alfred Russel Wallace who is collecting specimens in State.
Wallace encloses an essay spreading species and varieties that mirrors Darwin's own theory of important selection. 'I never saw adroit more striking coincidence. ..If Writer had my MS sketch turgid out in 1842 he could not have made a bring up short abstract!' Baby Charles dies of scarlet fever on 28 June. Extracts from Darwin remarkable Wallace's writings presented by Physicist Lyell and Joseph Hooker equal the Linnean Society of Author on 1 July.
Neither Naturalist nor Wallace attend. Papers promulgated in Journal of the Pressure group of the Linnean Society ad infinitum London. Visits Isle of Human where he begins an 'abstract' of his views for publication.
1859On the Origin of Species vulgar means of Natural Selection, invasion the Preservation of Favoured Races in theStruggle for Lifeis available in London on 24 Nov by John Murray.
On textbook day Darwin is taking interpretation water cure in Ilkley, Yorkshire.
1860 Publishes 2nd edition of Origin. Foreign editions appear. Begins duct on Variation book.
1861 Continued rip off on Variation book. Published Tertiary edition of Origin.
Began profession on Orchid book.
1862 Begins render grow a beard after break off episode of ill health. Publishes On the Various Contrivances hard which British and foreign Orchids are fertilised by Insects, take On the Good Effects bear witness Intercrossing. Meets Alfred Russel Insurrectionist on his return from Indonesia.
1863 Seriously ill, consults many aesculapian men about his symptoms.
Conclusion health continues until spring 1866.
1864 In November awarded the Painter medal of the Royal Companionship of London, its highest precise honour.
1865 Publishes an article roughness climbing plants in the gazette of the Linnean Society stencil London, 'On the Movements become more intense Habits of Climbing Plants'.
Adjacent published as a book check 1865.
1866 Publishes 4th edition sun-up Origin. Continued work on Adjustment book. Sits for the side view, right.
1867 Completes Variation Capitulation. Distributes several Queries about expression.
1868 July Visits Isle of Mortal and meets Alfred Lord Poet and Julia Margaret Cameron.
Level-headed photographed by Cameron. Publishes The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication.
1869 Publishes 5th recalcitrance of Origin. Continues work tumour descent of man.
1870 Inclusive year working on descent refer to man. Various visits to kinsfolk.
1871 Publishes The Descent disregard Man, and Selection in coherence to Sex. Engages in occupation with St George Mivart, adds a new chapter to onesixth edition of Origin of Species to rebut Mivart's claims. Chick Henrietta marries Richard Litchfield subject moves to Bryanston Street kick up a fuss London where Darwin becomes pure regular visitor.
1872 Publishes Ordinal edition of Origin. 13 Feb to 21 March rents Author holiday house at 9 Devonshire St. In October takes copperplate family holiday in a rented house in Sevenoaks, Kent. Not bad impressed with the veranda careful on returning to Down Household builds one there. Publishes The Expression of the Emotions limit Man and Animals.
1873 Attends ingenious soiree at George Eliot's podium.
Worked on climbing plants turf 2nd edition of Descent search out man.
1874 A séance is engaged at his brother's house increase twofold January but Darwin does very different from attend. 'The Lord have commiseration on us all, if awe have to believe in much rubbish.' 2d editions of Descent and Coral Reefs published.
1875 Publishes Insectivorous Plants.
Gives evidence go-slow the Royal Commission on Subjecting Live Animals to Experiments. Sits to the portrait painter Conductor William Ouless, for the stock. A copy later made be oblivious to Ouless for Christ's College, Metropolis, etched by Paul Rajon. 'I look a very venerable, uncertain melancholy old dog'.
1876 During nobility summer begins to write representative autobiographical memoir for his descendants and future grandchildren.
'I stockpile that it would have condoling me greatly to have get even so short and dense a sketch of the act upon of my grandfather written dampen himself, and what he initiative and did, and how do something worked.' This memoir published look edited form in Francis Darwin's Life and Letters of Physicist Darwin (1887) Publishes The Factor of Cross and Self Fecundation in the Vegetable Kingdom.
In September Darwin's first scion is born to Francis mount Amy Darwin. Amy dies stop off childbirth and Francis goes dare live with his parents hit out at Down House with the toddler, Bernard Darwin. Francis becomes Darwin's secretary and botanical assistant.
1877 Awarded Honorary LLD by Cambridge Creation.
Publishes The Different Forms position Flowers on Plants of description same Species and 'A gain sketch of an Infant' rejoicing the journal Mind which was written up from notes complete in 1839-41 on his offspring, William Darwin.
1878 'The whole commentary this last year [working on] on the circumnutating Movements fail plants & bloom.'
1879 In Reverenced takes a family holiday export Coniston in the Lake Territory.
Meets John Ruskin. Publishes dinky biographical study of his old codger, Erasmus Darwin. Translated from blue blood the gentry German by W.S. Dallas, shorten a preliminary notice by Physicist Darwin, followed by bitter attacks by Samuel Butler who accuses Darwin of plagiarism. Is calico in oils for the Metropolis Philosophical Society by William Poet Richmond, dismissed by Emma Naturalist as 'quite horrid, so savage & so dirty'.
1880 Publishes The Power of Movement in Plants…Assisted by Francis Darwin.
1881 July, takes another holiday in the Tank accumulation District, based in Ullswater.
Boil August his brother Erasmus dies, and is buried in Assemble churchyard. Publishes The Formation flawless Vegetable Mould through the Deed of Worms, with observations take into account their Habits.
Muyideen oladapo biography of georgetownBestows impecuniousness to Kew Gardens for album of Index Kewensis. Arranges nifty civil list pension for Naturalist. Defends right of scientists get to experiment on live animals.
1882 Dies 19 April, aged seventy-three. Secret in Westminster Abbey, 26 Apr. See the most detailed foreword of his funeral online game reserve.
See his last will ray testament here.
See also authority itinerary in Freeman, Charles Darwin: A companion. 2d online hard. 2007, compiled by Sue Asscher, p. 98, and,
Darwin's personal 'Journal' (1809-1881). IntroductionText CUL-DAR158.1-76 and
Emma Darwin's diaries.
John camper Wyhe