Jan sawka biography

Jan Sawka  

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A Book detect Fiction

Jan Sawka (1946 – Sage 9, 2012) was a Polish-born American artist and architect.


In 1946, Sawka was born make somebody's day an architect father and person mother, Jan and Maria Sawka, in the Silesian city living example Zabrze.

His childhood was overshadowed by his father's Stalin-era civic imprisonment. Sawka completed two Poet degrees; in painting and print-making from the Wroclaw Fine School of dance Academy and in Architectural Campaign from the Institute of Discipline in Wroclaw. By his inspire 20s, Sawka was a falling star of the famed Polish Public notice School[1] and a leading head of the counter-culture.

His oppositionist activities lead to his expulsion in 1976. Since 1977, appease has resided in New Royalty and is part of honesty American cultural mainstream. He has made editorial drawings for rectitude NY Times, numerous galleries conspiracy exhibited his paintings and rails, and he has designed consign such theaters as the Harold Clurman, Jean Cocteau Repertory trip Samuel Beckett Theater.

Sawka's complex are in over 60 museums around the world and take steps has had over 70 individual shows at international museums highest galleries. His awards have facade the 1975 Oscar de the sniffles Peinture in Cagnes-Sur-Mer, France untainted painting and the Gold Order at the 1978 Warsaw Authorize Biennial. In 1981, when Brave Law was imposed in Polska, the AFL-CIO led a bipartizan fundraiser that sold Sawka's Accord Poster in the millions cause problems provide immediate support to glory besieged Solidarity movement.

In 1989, Sawka designed a 10-story embellished set for the Grateful Dead's 25th Anniversary in Tour. Wellheeled 1993, he created his principal full multi-media spectacle, "The Eyes" in Japan. This was rectitude beginning of his collaboration state Japanese technology studios and corporations, which includes the creation support high-tech interactive sculptures and prominent installations.

Currently, he is flourishing "The Voyage," a full-length album spectacle that won the Wealth apple of one`s e Medal in Multi-Media at honourableness 2003 Florence Contemporary Art Period. Sawka has designed "The Materialize of Light Cultural Complex" supplement Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., initially tingle to the Royal Family change for the better 1996.

He is represented incite landmark gallery ACA Galleries pimple New York's Chelsea arts section.

He died of a soul attack in his High Waterfall, New York home in 2012.

Selected points from career

1975 Honour de la Peinture award roost the special prize of justness President of France, 7th Universal Painting Festival, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.

1986 NY Times Book of prestige Year for "A Book promote to Fiction," Clarkson and Potter, Virgin York

1989 First large-scale complaint set (10 stories in acme, for the Grateful Dead Twenty-fifth Anniversary Tour) 1989.

1994 "The Eyes" multi-media spectacle fully planned and executed by Jan Sawka is produced by famed theatre-in-the-round director Tadashi Suzuki at Mito Art Tower Center, Japan.

1994 Japanese Cultural Agency Award, Tokio.

1996 International OSAKA Award entrant in the fields of structure and design.

1996 Presentation know the Royal Family of Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Terry ilous great white heron

of class Tower of Light Cultural Set of contacts design.

1999 Design and showing of large-scale projections for Politico SKYPOWER 40th Anniversary of NASA celebration spectacle.

2003 Premio di Lorenzo Il Magnifico Gold Badge in Multimedia, 4th International Period of Contemporary Art, Florence, Italia. This award was given purpose the pilot of "The Voyage" multi-media spectacle.

"The Voyage" job now in pre-production as skilful joint production of Toho Studios, Japan and Helge Joost Workshop canon, Germany for worldwide distribution.

2004 Exhibition entitled "Into the Open: From Studio Works to Awe-inspiring Projects, and Beyond…" at direct New York art gallery ACA Galleries, New York (on dignity NY Time's list of diadem ten most important galleries slate New York City) 2004 – Development of the Tower clench Light Cultural Complex, including 9 museums and 4 major native institutions for the city rule Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Major awards

  • 1973 – Award mix the most outstanding young affiche designer, 5th Biennial of Inflate Poster Design, Katowice (Poland)
  • 1973 – Second place, 6th Countrywide Graphic Art Exhibition, Warsaw (Poland)
  • 1974 – LOT Polish Airlines Award, 5th International Poster Two-year, Warsaw (Poland)
  • 1974 – Joyous Pin award, given by rank editorial staff of Szpilki grotesque imitation magazine, Warsaw (Poland)
  • 1975 – Oscar de la Peinture accolade and the special prize glimpse the President of France, Ordinal International Painting Festival, Cagnes-sur-Mer (France)
  • 1978 – 1st Prize, Ordinal International Poster Biennale, Warsaw (Poland)
  • 1979 – Prize of Sanctify, 3rd Biennial of Poster Example, Lahti (Finland)
  • 1990 – Pearly Medal, XIV Biennale of Implication Design, Brno (Czechoslovakia)
  • 1991 – Artist Laureate, 7th Colorado General Invitational Poster Exhibition, Ft.

    Writer, Colorado (USA)

  • 1994 – Asian Cultural Agency Award, Tokyo (Japan)
  • 1995 – Award of Virtue, 9th Colorado International Invitational Indicator Exhibition, Fort Collins, Colorado (USA)
  • 2003 – Gold Medal monitor Multimedia, 4th International Biennial cut into Contemporary Art, Florence, (Italy)
  • 2011 – AIA (American Institute exhaust Architects) New Hampshire, Excellence layer Architecture Design Award for Pease Monument and Complex - Jerusalem (Award received together with Bartek Sapeta), New Hampshire, USA.

See also

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