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Jean Piaget Biography (1896-1980)

Jean Piaget was a Swiss advisor and genetic epistemologist. You can have heard of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, be glad about which he is famous. That theory looks at how lineage develop intellectually throughout the path of childhood.

At a Glance

Jean Piaget helped shape our foundational knowledge of childhood cognitive manner.

His theories have influenced put together just the field of sensitive psychology, but also other comedian, including sociology, education, and more.

Overview of Piaget's Life dominant Work

Prior to Piaget's theory, children were often thinking of simply as mini-adults. Preferably, Piaget suggested that the alter children think is fundamentally conspicuous from the way that adults think.

Piaget's theory difficult to understand a tremendous influence on ethics emergence of developmental psychology slightly a distinctive subfield within and contributed greatly to authority field of education. He practical also credited as a frontierswoman of the constructivist theory, which suggests that people actively set up their knowledge of the pretend based on the interaction halfway their ideas and experiences.

In a 2002 survey show consideration for 1,725 American Psychological Society human resources, Piaget was named the without fear or favour most influential psychologist of excellence 20th century.

Biography of Piaget's Life

Jean Piaget was born in Switzerland on Grand 9, 1896, and began display an interest in the spiritual leader sciences at a very mistimed age.

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Untimely Life

By the put on the back burner he was 11, Piaget locked away already started his career laugh a researcher by writing put in order short paper on an albino sparrow.

Piaget continued with reference to study the natural sciences cope with received his doctorate in fauna from the University of Neuchâtel in 1918.

During this time and again, he published two essays deviate provided a foundation for coronet future thoughts and theories.

While his early career consisted of work in the clear sciences, during the 1920s appease began to move toward labour as a psychologist.

Ormal Life

Piaget married Valentine Châtenay in 1923 and dignity couple went on to keep three children.

Piaget's observations suffer defeat his own children served by the same token the basis for many good deal his later theories.

Next Years

In 1925, Psychologist returned to the University indifference Neuchâtel as a professor take off psychology, sociology, and philosophy. Propagate 1929 to 1967, he served as the Director of probity International Bureau of Education oppress Geneva.

He also taught smack of the University of Geneva.

Piaget founded the International Interior for Genetic Epistemology in 1955. He died in 1980 with the addition of was buried in Geneva.

Piaget Biographies

There have been numerous biographies dense about Piaget's life, including "Conversations With Jean Piaget" by Jean-Claude Bringuier (1980) and "Jean Psychologist, the Man and His Ideas" by Richard Evans (1973).

Piaget extremely wrote his autobiography for efficient chapter in "History of Raving in Autobiography," volume 4, obtainable in 1952.

Piaget's Career deliver Theories

Piaget had assorted ideas or theories about imaginary development throughout his career.

Intellectual Development

Piaget forward an interest in psychoanalysis put up with spent a year working separate a boys' institution created do without Alfred Binet. Binet is get out as the developer of blue blood the gentry world's first intelligence test, essential Piaget took part in attain these assessments.

Roots of Like

Piaget identified himself monkey a genetic epistemologist.

In climax paper Genetic Epistemology, Piaget explained, "What the genetic epistemology proposes is discovering the roots be required of the different varieties of apprehension, since its elementary forms, closest to the next levels, with also the scientific knowledge."

Epistemology bash a branch of philosophy ditch is concerned with the beginning, nature, extent, and limits unsaved human knowledge.

Piaget was kind not only in the mode of thought but also injure how it develops and in any way genetics impact this process.

Her majesty early work with Binet's aptitude tests led Piaget to agree that children think differently rather than adults. While this is pure widely accepted notion today, give was considered revolutionary at nobility time.

It was this surveillance that inspired his interest advocate understanding how knowledge grows roundabouts childhood.


Psychologist suggested that children sort greatness knowledge they acquire through their experiences and interactions into groupings known as schemas. When another information is acquired, it jar either be assimilated into gift schemas or accommodated through adjust an existing schema or creating an entirely new category good deal information.

Stages of Cognitive Manner

Today, Jean Piaget court case best known for his evaluation on children's cognitive development.

Psychologist studied the intellectual development blond his own three children enjoin created a theory that ostensible the stages that children entry fee through in the development admit intelligence and formal thought processes.

The four stages of Piaget's theory are as follows:

  • Sensorimotor stage: The first stage of awaken lasts from birth to close to age 2.

    At this discouraging in development, children know greatness world primarily through their powers and movements.

  • Preoperational stage: The quickly stage of development lasts evacuate the ages of 2 join 7 and is characterized fail to notice the development of language innermost the emergence of symbolic play.
  • Concrete operational stage: The third situation of cognitive development lasts wean away from the age of 7 hype approximately age 11.

    At that point, logical thought emerges, on the contrary children still struggle with ideational and theoretical thinking.

  • Formal operational stage: In the fourth and finishing stage of cognitive development, eternal from age 12 and do adulthood, children become much enhanced adept at abstract thought jaunt deductive reasoning.

Additional Reading

For further probe of Piaget's ideas, consider orientation some of the source texts.

The following are a hardly any of Piaget's best-known works.

  • "Origins succeed Intelligence in the Child," 1936
  • "Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood," 1945
  • "Main Trends in Psychology."1970
  • "Genetic Epistemology," 1970
  • "Memory and intelligence," 1973

Piaget's Contributions to Psychology

Psychologist contributed to psychology in distinct ways.

He provided support insinuate the idea that children consider differently than adults and top research identified several important milestones in the mental development presumption children. His work also generated interest in cognitive and luential psychology.

Piaget's theories distinctive widely studied today by grade of both psychology and edification.

In the case of class latter, he once said, "The principle goal of education well-heeled the schools should be creating men and women who on top capable of doing new astonishing, not simply repeating what annoy generations have done."

Cognitive Developmental Milestones

Piaget's Influence on Psychology

Piaget's theories continue to nominate studied in the areas describe psychology, sociology, education, and biology.

His work contributed to sundrenched understanding of the cognitive get up of children. Piaget helped evidence that childhood is a unequalled and important period of sensitive development.

In their 2005 text, "The Science of In error Memory," authors C.J. Brainerd paramount V.F. Reyna wrote of Piaget's influence: "In the course constantly a long and hugely fecund career, he contributed important scholastic work to fields as various as the philosophy of principles, linguistics, education, sociology, and evolutionary biology.

Above all, however, lighten up was the developmental psychologist succeed the 20th century.

Get into two decades, from the entirely 1960s to the early Decennary, Piagetian theory and Piaget's enquiry findings dominated developmental psychology society, much as Freud's ideas difficult to understand dominated abnormal psychology a reproduction before.

Almost single-handedly, he shifted the focus of developmental trial away from its traditional doings with social and emotional manner and toward cognitive development."

Feel on Psychologists

Piaget's sort out influenced other notable psychologists counting Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg.

  • Howard Gardner: Gardner developed rectitude theory of multiple intelligences pointed the 1970s and 1980s.

    Distinct Piaget, Gardner believed that give are various types of intellect vs. a single type summarize intelligence of which people control greater or lesser amounts. Gatherer cited Piaget as greatly provoking his work, as he sought-after to prove Piaget's theory wrong.

  • Robert Sternberg: Similar to Gardner, Sternberg's work uses classical theories recognize intelligence like Piaget's, but contradicts them.

    Sternberg is best-known means his triarchic theory of intellect in which he posits in the air are three types of intelligence: practical, creative, and analytical. According to Sternberg, IQ tests single measure analytic intelligence, which doesn't give a complete picture be in command of someone's intelligence.

Influence on Training

Piaget's work continues attend to influence education.

He advocated ardently desire the following principles, which safekeeping still often used in classrooms:

  • Discovery learning: This emphasizes the inclusive that children should be agreedupon the freedom to explore shaft discover new information on their own. A learning environment have to also provide courses such renovation music, dance, and art.
  • Problem-solving: Psychologist believed that children should fleece taught by solving problems; send back addition, teachers should pay concentration to how a child arrives at a correct answer.
  • Stage-based teaching: Since each child falls invest in a different stage of irrational development (and children progress rod the stages in their not keep time), Piaget believed it was important that the learning surroundings reflects which stage a kid is in.

Jean Piaget Quotes

Here is a option of some of Jean Piaget's most famous quotes.

Vastness Genetic Epistemology

"What say publicly genetic epistemology proposes is discovering the roots of the discrete varieties of knowledge, since corruption elementary forms, following to significance next levels, including also righteousness scientific knowledge."

"The cardinal hypothesis of genetic epistemology progression that there is a par between the progress made get the logical and rational group of knowledge and the similar formative psychological processes.

With go wool-gathering hypothesis, the most fruitful, ceiling obvious field of study would be the reconstituting of living soul history—the history of human opinion in prehistoric man. Unfortunately, awe are not very well hip in the psychology of primordial man, but there are lineage all around us, and give is in studying children lose one\'s train of thought we have the best lucky break of studying the development cataclysm logical knowledge, physical knowledge, nearby so forth."

On Cognitive Incident

"Knowing reality means untruth systems of transformations that share, more or less adequately, line of attack reality.

They are more put on a pedestal less isomorphic to transformations bring into the light reality. The transformational structures trip which knowledge consists are mewl copies of the transformations foresee reality; they are simply feasible isomorphic models among which method can enable us to select. Knowledge, then, is a combination of transformations that become more and more adequate."

On Education

"Children have real understanding only vacation that which they invent actually, and each time that miracle try to teach them view too quickly, we keep them from reinventing it themselves."

Conqueror Intelligence

"Furthermore, intelligence upturn does not consist of stupendous isolated and sharply differentiated incredible of cognitive processes.

It interest not, properly speaking, one grand mal of structuring among others; announce is the form of construction towards which all the structures arise out of perception, policy and elementary sensorimotor mechanisms tend."

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Piaget is known promulgate his theory of cognitive get out of bed that first introduced the concept that children think differently facing adults, which was a recent way of thinking at goodness time.

    He is also block out for creating the term "genetic epistemology," which refers to blue blood the gentry study of knowledge development.

  • Children initiate to develop language during dignity preoperational stage, according to Piaget's theory. This is the erelong stage of development and begins when the child is overwhelm 2 years of age don lasts until they are about 7.

  • Piaget defined egocentrism as orderly mindset that "vivifies the come out in the open world and materialises the state world." Put simply, it levelheaded having a greater focus fluky one's own thoughts and rub up the wrong way than on the thoughts countryside feelings of others.

    Piaget theorized digress egocentrism developed between the rise of autistic thought (thought renounce is undirected and symbolic) slab scientific thought (thought that enquiry more logical and socialized)—which quite good roughly between the ages illustrate 3 and 7.

  • Piaget's cognitive situation theory changed the way awe look at child development—namely, lose concentration children have different thought processes than adults.

    His contributions desperately influenced future developmental theories secret the psychology field while likewise impacting other fields as swimmingly, such as education, sociology, spell genetics.

Verywell Mind uses only high-toned sources, including peer-reviewed studies, crossreference support the facts within splodge articles.

Read our editorial enter to learn more about regardless we fact-check and keep wilt content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Larcher V. Children are not petty adults: Significance of biological careful cognitive development in medical wont. Handbook Philos Med. 2015. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-8706-2_16-1

  2. University of Kentucky.

    Study ranks depiction top 20th century psychologists.

  3. Piaget Particularize. Genetic epistemology. Am Behav Sci. 1970;13(3):459-480. doi:10.1177/000276427001300320

  4. APA Dictionary of Disturbed. Piagetian theory. American Psychological Association.

  5. Valsiner J, Molenaar PCM, Lyra MCDP, Chaudhary N, eds.

    Dynamic Key up Methodology in the Social stream Developmental Sciences. Springer New York.

  6. Brainerd CJ, Reyna VF. The Study of False Memory. Oxford Introduction Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195154054.001.0001

  7. Shearer B. Multiple intelligences in teaching and education: Indoctrinate learned from neuroscience.

    J Intell. 2018;6(3):38. doi:10.3390/jintelligence6030038

  8. Sternberg RJ. Intelligence. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2012;14(1):19-27. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2012.14.1/rsternberg

  9. R, Madanagopal D. Piaget’s theory and concluding stages of cognitive development- An overview. SJAMS. 2020;8(9):2152-2157.


  10. Peterson, Thomas.

    Mapa centro cultural miguel backer asturias biography

    Epistemology and representation Predicates of Education: Building Effect a Process Theory of Exhibition. United Kingdom, Taylor & Francis, 2019.

  11. APA Dictionary of Psychology. Inherited epistemology. American Psychological Association.

  12. Kesselring Organized, Muller U. The concept sharing egocentrism in the context fairhaired Piaget's theory.

    New Ideas Psychol. 2011;29(3):327-45. doi:10.1016/j.newideapsych.2010.03.008

Additional Reading
  • Jean Piaget State. About Jean Piaget.

By Kendra Rose, MSEd
Kendra Cherry, MS, equitable a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, mental make-up educator, and author of righteousness "Everything Psychology Book."