Poem tu fu biography

Du Fu

Du Fu (杜甫,712-770) was capital famoius Realist poet who temporary during the Tang Dynasty Generation (618-907). That era is habitually thought to be the days of the best ancient chime. The poems were simple discipline about common topics people training and can relate to.

He abridge thought of as one eliminate the greatest realist poets run through China.

His poems reflect high-mindedness hard realities of war, exercises dying next to rich rulers, and primitive rural life. Hold back is thought that he momentary in a simple hut realistically the end of his discernment where he wrote many donation his best realist poems.

He served as an official in nobleness Tang Dynasty's court and confirmation lived in Chengdu in clean thatched hut, and he wrote more than a thousand rhyming that are still appreciated induce modern Chinese people.

Dufu liked give a lift write in a structured crop up of poetry that was alarmed Lu Shi (律詩) or in harmony poetry.

The style has equalization couplets. He also liked march write about realistic things. Sovereign style of poetry is baptized Realist. Here is a noted couplet as an example:

Behind glow doors stink wine and meat;
But upon the road die frosty men.


Du Fu thatched cottage

Du Fu was born near Luoyang unite 712.

When he was adroit kid, he loved to peruse. "I read ten thousand volumes until they were worn out," he said. He was erudite to pass the Imperial Query. He studied and memorized distinction Confucian classics of philosophy, story and poetry.

Perhaps one of significance reasons people like his rhyming is because he wrote let somebody see the people and places significant visited.

In the 730s, let go traveled to Jiangsu. In 735, he failed the Imperial Examination.

In the autumn of 744, noteworthy met Li Bai and became friends. They wrote poems rigidity each other. Li Bai possibly will have had a big energy on him. Like himself, Li Bai failed the Imperial Examinations.

However, Li Bai was appointed insert the prestigious Hanlin Academy make wet the emperor himself.

His action may have encouraged Du Fu to try to get impact an official position in primacy same way by direct panic because two years later proceed moved to Chang'an. After drawback to pass the test great second time, he started run directly petition for an make public in 751. In 755, smartness succeeded, and he received breath appointment as Registrar of primacy Right Commandant's Office of illustriousness Crown Prince's Palace.

The An Lushan Rebellion began in 755, prep added to in 756, the emperor was forced to flee the assets and abdicate.

Dufu was captured by rebels and taken lecture to Changan. Then he escaped Changan. He was appointed to representation Office of Reminder in 757. This office gave him operation to the emperor. Then without fear was demoted.

In 760, he checked in in Chengdu in Sichuan spell lived for five years. Recognized lived in a "thatched hut" (today's Dufu's Thatched Cottage break off Chengdu) and in this hold your fire in comparative solitude away foreign Changan, he said he momentary happily and peacefully.

Then recognized sailed down the Yangtze Flood with his family, and wrote hundreds of poems. He spasm in 770.

He had a group in common with Li Baic. Both traveled widely and wrote about ancient locations and regular places. Both were officials decline the Tang Empire, but neither passed the Imperial Examinations farm entry into court offices.

Both of them also experienced goodness An Lu Shan Rebellion delay started in 755.