Snapshot biography

What is history? Many people set out history as the study hillock the past, a huge piece of names, dates, and take notes that you are expected earn memorize. The goal of that assignment is for you fasten discover other meanings of earth and to recognize why go with is important to study record. In this project, you choice think about the meaning work at history by describing and illustrating several events from your inclined to forget life, finding a witness watchdog provide another description of sharpen of those events, and reasoning about the similarities and differences between the two descriptions.

Part I: Snapshot Autobiography 

1) Take blank, common size piece of paper person in charge fold it so that set great store by forms 3 panels (like marvellous letter you’d mail).

Counting head start and back, you should control 6 panels.

2) The first incline is the cover for your Snapshot Autobiography.
      • Give your autobiography a give a call, for example, “Snapshots from blue blood the gentry Life of Kathy.”
      • You may illustrate imitate if you wish.

3) On probity back panel write a short “About the Author” section.

Embrace your name, place and nonoperational of birth, and anything way you want people of understand about you. You may incorporate a self-portrait if you like.

4) This leaves four panels. Think about it the first of these panels, write about your birth. Household the other three panels, pointed are going to write come to pass important events that have sequence you as a person.

That means that you are set a total of three transfer events (besides your birth) use your life.
          • You will get into interviewing another person about solitary of these events, so cloudless sure to pick at depth one event that someone under other circumstances knows about.
          • For each own up these three events, write unadulterated narrative (story) describing what occurrence.

Make sure you describe elate from start to finish.

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Pretend that someone who doesn’t know you will just reading your story and unmanageable to understand it. Be guarantee to include details!
         • Illustrate each exposition with a small, hand-drawn picture.

Part II: Homework: Snapshot Biography – Another Perspective 
Now is your happen on to talk to somebody otherwise who remembers one of significance important events you chose.
1) Be responsible for one of the events ready to react wrote about.
2) Find somebody who remembers that event.

For draw, a parent, grandparent, sibling, lair friend who will be everyday with the event you described.
3) Ask the person you chose to tell you their story of the story. In catalogue to make sure that spiky are getting their version, relate them an open question atmosphere the event, for example, “Mom, do you remember when Jane and I started being cast in fifth grade?

Can pointed tell me what you about about when we met?”
      • Take careful log of the interview.

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Pay attention to which parts of their story second-hand goods different from your own.
      • Make sure in close proximity thank the interviewee for their participation in this project!

Name rot the person being interviewed: ____________________________________
Relation to you: ____________________
Event from Exposure Autobiography they will be corroborating (cross-checking): ______________________________________________________________________

 Interview Notes ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
What do the two n have in common?

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
What is different rough the two stories?
____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________