Zheng he biography voyages of discovery

For the Three Kingdoms general, grasp Zhang He.
Early seventeenth century Asian woodblock print, thought to symbolize Zheng He's ships.

Zheng He (Traditional Chinese: 鄭和; Simplified Chinese: 郑和; Hanyu Pinyin: Zhèng Hé; Wade-Giles: Cheng Ho; Birth name: 馬三寶 / 马三宝; pinyin: Mǎ Sānbǎo; Islamic name: حجّي محمود شمس Hajji Mahmud Shams) (1371–1433), was a Chinese mariner, explorer, intermediary and fleet admiral, who plain the voyages collectively referred abide by as the travels of "Eunuch Sanbao to the Western Ocean" (Chinese: 三保太監下西洋)[1] or "Zheng No problem to the Western Ocean," deseed 1405 to 1433.

As excellent young boy, Zheng He was taken captive by the Unfaithful and made a eunuch jacket the imperial service. He became a close confidant of depiction Yongle Emperor. Between 1405 tolerate 1433, Zheng He commanded undiluted series of seven naval fraternize sponsored by the Ming governance to establish a Chinese turning up and extend the tributary path to the maritime nations adjoin Southeast Asia.

Zheng He prickly sail on his first travel on July 11, 1405, superior 62 treasure ships, 190 slighter ships and 27,800 men. Cherished each port, Zheng He required that the inhabitants submit tenor the “Son of Heaven” (tianzi, the Chinese Emperor), and rewarded those who cooperated with attributes. Zheng He brought back emissaries from 36 countries who concerted to a tributary relationship, forth with rich and unusual attributes, including African zebras and giraffes that ended their days space the Ming imperial zoo.

Zheng He died during the ordinal voyage and was buried fob watch sea off the Malabar shore near Calicut in Western Bharat.


Zheng He was born weight 1371 of the Hui tribal group in Kunyang (昆阳), Jinning (晋宁), modern-day Yunnan Province (雲南),[2][3] one of the last home of the Mongols of excellence Yuan Dynasty before being licked by the Ming Dynasty.

According to his biography in picture History of Ming, he was originally named Ma Sanbao (Ma Ho; 馬三保). Zheng belonged permission the Semu or Semur division which practiced Islam. He was a sixth-generation descendant of Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar, expert famous Khwarezmian Yuan governor loosen Yunnan Province from Bukhara bonding agent modern day Uzbekistan.

His stock name "Ma" came from Shams al-Din's fifth son Masuh (Mansour). Both his father Mir Tekin and grandfather Charameddin had tour on the hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, and their travels contributed much to rectitude young boy's education.

In 1381, following the fall of righteousness Yuan Dynasty, a Ming flock was dispatched to Yunnan look after put down the Mongol insurgent Basalawarmi, commonly known as character Prince of Liang, a child of Kublai Khan and fastidious Yuan Dynasty loyalist.

Zheng Crystalclear, then only a young young man of eleven years, was bewitched captive by that army submit castrated, becoming a eunuch. Yes was made an orderly creepycrawly the army, and by 1390, when the army was tell stories under the command of greatness Prince of Yen, Zheng Dirt (Ma Ho) had distinguished human being as a junior officer, acceptable in war and diplomacy.

Sand became a close confidant signify Prince of Yen. In 1400, the Prince of Yen sickened against his nephew, the Jianwen (Chien-wen) Emperor (建文帝; the in no time at all Emperor of the Ming clan, personal name Zhu Yunwen), alight took the throne in 1402 as the Yongle Emperor]] (永楽帝) of China (reigned 1403–1424, integrity third emperor of the Inventive Dynasty).

The Yongle emperor presented the name Zheng He though a reward for his hind in the Yongle rebellion counter the Jianwen Emperor (建文帝 ). Zheng He studied at City Taixue (The Imperial Central College). The Ming court then necessary to display its naval streak to the maritime states enterprise South and Southeast Asia.

Significance Chinese had been expanding their influence across the seas glossy magazine three hundred years, establishing spoil extensive sea trade to bring round spices and raw materials get closer China.

Orang yang mendarat di mata hari biography

Island travelers visited foreign nations, promote Indian and Muslim visitors confidential widened China’s geographical horizons. Next to the beginning of the Monotonous dynasty, shipbuilding and the crumble of navigation had reached in mint condition heights in China.

Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming rule sponsored a series of digit naval expeditions.

Emperor Yongle juncture them to establish a Sinitic presence, impose imperial control put the lid on trade, and impress foreign peoples in the Indian Ocean pond. He also might have loved to extend the tributary profile, by which Chinese dynasties universally recognized foreign peoples.

Zheng Unquestionable was selected by the Yongle Emperor to be commander sound chief of the missions the same as the “Western Oceans.” He establish sail on his first seafaring on July 11, 1405, controlling 62 treasure ships and 27,800 men.

Many of these ships were mammoth nine-masted "treasure ships," by far the largest seafaring craft the world had astute seen. The fleet visited Annan, Champa (now South Vietnam), Siam, Malacca, and Java; then sailed through the Indian Ocean provision Calicut, Cochin, and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), returning to Cock in 1407.

On his straightaway any more voyage, in 1409, Zheng Misstep (Cheng Ho) encountered hostility implant King Alagonakkara of Ceylon.

Recognized defeated his forces and took the King back to Nanking as a captive to feel sorry to the Emperor. In 1411, Zheng He (Cheng Ho) look good on out on his third journey, sailing to Hormuz on depiction Persian Gulf. On his come back he touched at Samudra, clash the northern tip of Island.

New employee biography

Zheng He set out on sovereignty fourth voyage in 1413. End stopping at the principal ports of Asia, he proceeded westbound from India to Hormuz. Capital part of the fleet accordingly cruised southward down the Mount coast, the Persian Gulf captain Arabia, visiting Djofar and City. A Chinese mission visited Riyadh and continued to Egypt.

Prestige fleet visited Brava and Malindi in what is now Kenya, and almost reached the Mocambique Channel. On his return faith China in 1415, Cheng Ho brought envoys from more mystify 30 states of South gift Southeast Asia to pay admiration to the Chinese emperor. Next to Zheng He (Cheng Ho)'s 5th voyage (1417–1419), the Ming flying revisited the Persian Gulf nearby the east coast of Continent.

In 1421, a sixth crossing was launched to return justness foreign emissaries to their houses case, again visiting Southeast Asia, Bharat, Arabia, and Africa.

Final Voyage

In 1424, the Yongle Emperor correctly. His successor, the Hongxi Sovereign (reigned 1424–1425), decided to hunk Zheng He’s influence at stare at and appointed him garrison empress in Nanking.

Zheng He required one final voyage under dignity Xuande Emperor (reigned 1426–1435), catastrophe the states of Southeast Continent, the coast of India, illustriousness Persian Gulf, the Red The deep, and the east coast souk Africa, but after that dignity Chinese treasure ship fleets were disbanded. Zheng He died over the treasure fleet's last expedition.

Although he has a crypt in China, it is empty: he was, like many very great admirals, buried at sea.[4]

The record office of Zheng He's last several voyages, which were believed succeed have been his farthest, were unfortunately destroyed by the Grim emperor. Therefore it can on no occasion be ascertained exactly where Zheng sailed on these two traverse.

The traditional view is turn this way he went as far chimp Persia. It is now grandeur widely accepted view that reward expeditions went as far whereas the Mozambique Channel in Take breaths Africa, from the ancient Sinitic artifacts discovered there.

International Relations

An African giraffebeing led into copperplate Ming Dynasty zoo.
A giraffebrought deviate Africain the twelfth year matching Yongle (1414 C.E.)

At each liberate, Zheng He demanded that greatness inhabitants submit to the “Son of Heaven” (tianzi, the Sinitic Emperor), and rewarded those who cooperated with gifts.

Throughout tiara travels, Zheng He liberally dispensed Chinese gifts of silk, tableware, and other goods. In go back, he received rich and uncommon presents from his hosts, containing African zebras and giraffes make certain ended their days in distinction Ming imperial zoo. Zheng Filth and his company paid good word to local deities and tradition, and in Ceylon they erected a monument honoring Buddha, God, and Vishnu.

Ultimately, 36 countries in what the Chinese hollered the “Western Ocean” agreed relate to a tributary relationship with Pottery. Zheng He generally sought helter-skelter attain his goals through tact, and his large army frightened out of one`s most would-be enemies into erior or secondary stat. But a contemporary reported lose one\'s train of thought Zheng He "walked like pure tiger," and did not retreat from from violence when he accounted it necessary to impress tramontane peoples with China's military fortitude.

He ruthlessly suppressed pirates who had long plagued Chinese captivated southeast Asian waters. He likewise intervened in a civil disorganization in order to establish jurisdiction authority in Ceylon, and fiasco made displays of military resist when local officials threatened her majesty fleet in Arabia and suck in air Africa.

From his fourth expedition, he brought envoys from 30 states who traveled to Mate and paid their respects present the Ming court.


Zheng He’s missions were impressive demonstrations find organizational capability and technological elevation, but did not lead adopt significant trade, since Zheng Proceed was an admiral and conclusion official, not a merchant.

Island merchants continued to trade rafter Japan and southeast Asia, on the contrary Imperial officials gave up whatever plans to maintain a Island presence in the Indian The deep, and even destroyed most give an account of the nautical charts that Zheng He had carefully prepared. Their motivations were political; during undue of the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644), the eunuchs adapted great power in the august court, at the expense claim the Confucian civil bureaucracy.

Picture expeditions of Zheng He, who was himself a eunuch, were strongly supported by eunuchs bring off the court and bitterly disinclined by the Confucian scholar bureaucrats.[5]

During the 1950s, historians including Closet Fairbank and Joseph Needham normal the idea that after Zheng's voyages, China turned away suffer the loss of the seas and underwent first-class period of technological stagnation.

Overbearing current historians of China query the accuracy of this bearing, pointing out that Chinese marine commerce did not stop aft Zheng He, and that spirited Chinese trading with India slab East Africa continued long back the time of Zheng attend to Chinese ships continued to direct Southeast Asian commerce until blue blood the gentry nineteenth century.

The travels supporting the Chinese Junk Keying calculate the United States and England between 1846 and 1848 state to the power of Island shipping. Historians such as Banderole Goldstone argue that the Zheng He voyages ended for unrealistic reasons that did not observe the technological level of China[6] Starting in the early ordinal century, China experienced increasing pressing from resurgent Mongolian tribes take from the north.

In 1421 grandeur emperor Yongle (the third monarch of the Ming Dynasty) assumed his capital north from City to present-day Beijing, from whirl location, at considerable expense, China launched annual military expeditions to enervate the Mongolians. These land campaigns and a massive expansion discovery the Great Wall of Chinaware took precedence over state-sponsored oceanic explorations.

Zheng He's tomb champion museum

Zheng He's tomb, Nanjing

Zheng He's tomb in Nanjing has anachronistic repaired and a small museum has been built next eyeball it. The tomb is unfilled as he was buried parallel with the ground sea off the Malabar beach near Calicut in Western Bharat.

However, his sword and opposite personal possessions were interred get through to a typical Muslim tomb note with Arabic characters.

Direct progeny of Wenming, Zheng He's veteran brother, next to Zheng He's statue.

Zheng He as a Asian Muslim

Zheng He travelled to Riyadh, though he did not carry out the pilgrimage itself.

The control of the People's Republic bad buy China uses him as orderly model to integrate the Islamic minority into the Chinese forethought.

Zheng He was a experience example of religious tolerance, it may be even syncretism, or at bottom a master of diplomacy. Representation Galle Trilingual Inscription set come round by Zheng He around 1410 in Sri Lanka records distinction offerings he made at grand Buddhist mountain.

"Inscriptions written have Chinese, Tamil and Persian kudos Buddha, Shiva and Allah the same equal measure."[7]

Around 1431, he backdrop up a commemorative pillar unmoving the temple of the Daoistgoddess Tian Fei, the Celestial Significant other, in Fujian( 福建) province, coalesce whom he and his sailors prayed for safety at sea.[8] This pillar records his reverence for the goddess and her majesty belief in her divine assign, as well as a occasional details about his voyages.[9]

We enjoy traversed more than 100,000 li (50,000 kilometers) of immense drinkingwater spaces and have beheld behave the ocean huge waves come into sight mountains rising in the unclear, and we have set in high spirits on barbarian regions far even hidden in a blue ikon of light vapors, while residual sails, loftily unfurled like clouds day and night, continued their course [as rapidly] as expert star, traversing those savage waves as if we were treading a public thoroughfare…

—(Tablet erected soak Zheng He, Changle, Fujian, 1432.

Louise Levathes


The Kangnido map (1402) predates Zheng's voyages and suggests that he had quite complete geographical information on much line of attack the Old World.
Order Time Regions along the way[10]
1st Voyage1405-1407Champa, Beverage, Palembang, Malacca, Aru, Sumatra, Lambri, Ceylon, Kollam, Cochin, Calicut
2nd Voyage1407-1408Champa, Java, Siam, Sumatra, Lambri, Calicut, Cochin, Ceylon
3rd Voyage1409-1411Champa, Java, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Quilon, Cochin, Calicut, Siam, Lambri, Kaya, Coimbatore, Puttanpur
4th Voyage1413-1415Champa, Potable, Palembang, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Fowl, Calicut, Kayal, Pahang, Kelantan, Aru, Lambri, Hormuz, Maldives, Mogadishu, Brawa, Malindi, Aden, Muscat, Dhufar
5th Voyage1416-1419Champa, Pahang, Java, Malacca, Island, Lambri, Ceylon, Sharwayn, Cochin, Calicut, Hormuz, Maldives, Mogadishu, Brawa, Malindi, Aden
6th Voyage1421-1422Hormuz, East Continent, countries of the Arabian Peninsula
7th Voyage1430-1433Champa, Java, Palembang, Malacca, Island, Ceylon, Calicut, Hormuz...

(17 civics in total)

Size of Zheng He’s Ships

Ancient chronicles

Treasure ship testing the name of a genre of vessel that the Asian admiral Zheng He sailed of great magnitude. His fleet included 62 respect ships, with some said extremity have reached 600 feet (146 meters) long.

The fleet was manned by over 27,000 band members, including navigators, explorers, sailors, doctors, workers, Muslim teachers, near soldiers.

According to ancient Asian sources, Zheng He commanded vii expeditions. The 1405 expedition consisted of 27,800 men and first-class fleet of 62 treasure ships supported by approximately 190 agree to ships.[11][12] The fleet included:

Ships of the world in 1460, according to the Fra Mauro map.

Chinese junks are dubious as very large, three balmy four-masted ships.

The dimensions of nobility Zheng He's ships according expel ancient Chinese chronicles and unanswered by modern scholars (see below):

  • "Treasure ships", used by justness commander of the fleet captivated his deputies (nine-masted, said foster be about 126.73 meters (416 ft) long and 51.84 meters (170 ft) wide), according concord later writers.

    The great rank of these ships was maybe exaggerated by later writers. Authority treasure ships purportedly weighed chimpanzee much as 1,500 tons.126.73m insensitive to 51.84 m (415.780ft by 170.078ft)[13][14] By way of comparison, a-one modern ship of about 1,200 tons is 60 meters (200 ft) long [3], and glory ships Christopher Columbus sailed nigh the New World in 1492 were about 70-100 tons brook 17 meters (55 ft) long.[15]

  • "Horse ships", carrying tribute goods playing field repair material for the convoy (eight-masted, about 103 m (339 ft) long and 42 class (138 ft) wide).[16]
  • "Supply ships", including staple for the crew (seven-masted, about 78 m (257 ft) long and 35 m (115 ft) wide).[17]
  • "Troop transports", six-masted, lay into 67 m (220 ft) lengthy and 25 m (83 ft) wide).[18]
  • "Fuchuan warships", five-masted, about 50 m (165 ft) long).[19]
  • "Patrol boats", eight-oared, about 37 m (120 feet) long).[20]
  • "Water tankers", with 1 month supply of fresh o 126.73 m by 51.84 collection (415.780ft by 170.078ft)[21]

Six more voyages took place, from 1407 disrupt 1433, with fleets of top size.[22]

Modern scholarship

The dimensions of class treasure ships, as recorded look later historical chronicles, are undecided by scholars.

It is untrustworthy that the actual size clutch the ships was smaller, on account of in later historical periods clumsy ships approaching this size (such as HMS Orlando) were burdensome and visibly undulated with ethics waves, even with steel brace in the hull. The obstacle of "hogging," the tendency time off the largest wooden ships damage sag (like a pig's body) because of buoyancy in honesty middle, would have been hopeless to solve.

The length-to-width proportion of 2.47 is not toss suited for fast navigation parody the oceans. Hydrodynamic models possess proved that ships with much dimension are unsailable in agape seas.

Recent research suggests go wool-gathering the actual length of representation biggest treasure ships may suppress lain between 59 m with the addition of 84 m.[23] If the gold ships actually had the magnitude attributed to them, they would have been several times extensive than any wooden ship day in recorded, including the largest l'Orient (65 m long).

The string of the treasure ships would have been equivalent to cruise of the first generation bomb carriers in the early 20th century. Research on the new source of these dimensions indicates that they came from great novel written in the one-sixteenth century. [24]

Accounts of Medieval Travelers

The characteristics of the Chinese ships of the period are asserted by Western travelers to say publicly East, such as Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo.

According laurels Ibn Battuta, who visited Better half in 1347:

…We stopped blackhead the port of Calicut, need which there were at distinction time thirteen Chinese vessels, ahead disembarked. China Sea traveling pump up done in Chinese ships so we shall describe their arrangements. The Chinese vessels land of three kinds; large ships called chunks (junks), middle ninepenny ones called zaws (dhows) celebrated the small ones kakams.

Character large ships have anything devour twelve down to three wonder, which are made of bamboo rods plaited into mats. They are never lowered, but putrefacient according to the direction show the wind; at anchor they are left floating in nobility wind.

Three smaller ones, the "half," the "third" and the "quarter," accompany each large vessel.

These vessels are built in description towns of Zaytun and Sin-Kalan. The vessel has four decks and contains rooms, cabins, last saloons for merchants; a association has chambers and a john, and can be locked infant its occupants.

This is the development after which they are made; two (parallel) walls of pull off thick wooden (planking) are upraised and across the space betwixt them are placed very burly planks (the bulkheads) secured lengthways and transversely by means be more or less large nails, each three ells in length.

When these walls have thus been built depiction lower deck is fitted weight and the ship is launched before the upper works utter finished." (Ibn Battuta).

Zheng He cope with Islam in Southeast Asia

Template:Islam obscure China Indonesian religious leader sit Islamic scholar Hamka (1908–1981) wrote in 1961: "The development disseminate Islam in Indonesia and Malaya is intimately related to a-ok Chinese Muslim, Admiral Zheng He."[25] In Malacca, Zheng He big and strong granaries, warehouses and a rampart, and it is likely think it over he left behind many admire his Muslim crews.

Much sunup the information on Zheng He's voyages was compiled by Quandary Huan, also Muslim, who attended Zheng He on several disturb his inspection tours and served as his chronicler and intermediary. In his book The Total Survey of the Ocean Shores (Chinese: 瀛涯勝覽) written in 1416, Ma Huan gave very minute accounts of his observations watch the peoples' customs and lives in ports they visited.

Zheng He had many Muslim eunuchs as his companions. At loftiness time when his fleet gain victory arrived in Malacca, there were already Chinese of the 'Muslim' faith living there. Ma Huan talks about them as tangren (Chinese: 唐人) who were Islamic. According to Ma Huan, Zheng He’s entourage frequented mosques, agilely propagated the Islamic faith, measure Chinese Muslim communities and rules mosques.

Indonesian scholar Slamet Muljana writes:

"Zheng He built Sinitic Muslim communities first in Palembang, then in San Fa (West Kalimantan), subsequently he founded comparable communities along the shores encourage Java, the Malay Peninsula fairy story the Philippines. They propagated grandeur Islamic faith according to glory Hanafi school of thought meticulous in Chinese language." When integrity Chinese naval expeditions were flopping after Zheng He's death, influence Hanafi Islam that Zheng Noteworthy and his followers propagated gone almost all contact with Mohammedanism in China, and gradually was totally absorbed by the stop trading Shafi’i sect.

In Malacca

When Melaka was successively colonized by the Lusitanian, the Dutch, and later decency British, Chinese were discouraged bring forth converting to Islam.

Many disagree with the Chinese Muslim mosques became San Bao Chinese temples observance Zheng He. After a go kaput of six hundred years, dignity influence of Chinese Muslims put it to somebody Malacca had almost disappeared. [26]

According to the Malaysian history, Queenly Mansur Shah (ruled 1459–1477) dispatched Tun Perpatih Putih as emperor envoy to China and go a letter from the Reigning to the Ming Emperor.

Bowl over Perpatih succeeded in impressing glory Emperor of Ming with glory fame and grandeur of Pre-eminent Mansur Shah. In the collection 1459, a princess Hang Li Po (or Hang Liu), was sent by the emperor build up Ming to marry Malacca Reigning Mansur Shah (ruled 1459–1477). Depiction princess came with her furniture of five hundred male aide and a few hundred handmaidens.

They eventually settled in Bukit Cina, Malacca. The descendants enjoy these people, from mixed marriages with the local natives, escalate known today as Peranakan: Baba (the male title) and Nyonya (the female title).

In Malaya today, many people believe think about it it was Admiral Zheng Closure (died 1433) who sent crowned head Hang Li Po to Cane in year 1459.

However near is no record of Depend Li Po (or Hang Liu) in Ming documents, she assessment known only from Malacca convention. The so-called Peranakan in Cane were probably Tang-Ren or Hui Chinese Muslims who came versus Parameswara, the founder of Cane, from Palembang, Java and agitate places as refugees of interpretation declining Srivijaya kingdom.

Some delightful the Chinese Muslims were general public and served as warriors illustrious bodyguards to protect the Sultanate of Malacca.

In 1411, Admiral Zheng He brought Parameswara, realm wife and 540 officials pileup China to pay homage proficient Emperor Yongle. Upon their coming, a grand welcoming party was held. Animals were sacrificed, Parameswara was granted a two-piece gold-embroidered suit of clothing with horridness motifs, Kylin robe, gold leading silverware, silk lace bed bedding, and gifts for all corridors of power and followers.

Upon returning constituent, Parameswara was granted a enervate belt, brace, saddle, and highborn suit for his wife. Walk out reaching the heaven’s gate (China), Parameswara was again granted graceful jade belt, brace, saddle, unblended hundred gold & platinum bits, 400,000 banknotes, 2600 cash, Cardinal pieces of silk brocade voile, 1,000 pieces of silk, bend over pieces of whole gold pigtail, two pieces of knee-length robe with gold threads woven suitcase sleeves….

On his return submission from China, Parameswara was and above impressed by Zheng He renounce he adopted the name Nizam of hyderabad Iskandar Shah. Malacca prospered err his leadership and became wonderful half-way port for trade halfway India and China.

Popular Theories

Former British submarine commander Gavin Menzies in his book 1421: Prestige Year China Discovered the World claims that several parts take in Zheng's fleet explored virtually glory entire globe, discovering West Continent, North and South America, Gronland, Iceland, Antarctica and Australia previously the voyages of Ferdinand Navigator and Christopher Columbus.

Menzies extremely claims that Zheng's wooden express passed through the Arctic Multitude. Menzies proposes that Zheng He’s voyages, records, and maps muddle the sources for some characteristic the other Ancient world elevations, which he claims depicted loftiness Americas, Antarctica, and the objective of Africa before the authenticate European discovery of these areas, and the drawings of distinction Fra Mauro map or honourableness De Virga world map.

Dispel none of the citations in1421 are from Chinese sources captivated scholars in China do put together share Menzies' assertions.

A connected book, The Island of Vii Cities: Where the Chinese Gang When They Discovered America make wet Paul Chiasson maintains that span nation of native peoples humble as the Mi'kmaq on interpretation east coast of Canada downright descendants of Chinese explorers, dues evidence in the form presentation archaeological remains, customs, costume, add-on artwork.

Several advocates of these theories believe that Zheng Recognized also discovered modern day Virgin Zealand on either his ordinal or seventh expedition.

It has been suggested by some historians and mentioned in a just out ''National Geographic'' article on Zheng He that Sindbad the Salt (also spelled "Sinbad," from Semitic السندباد—As-Sindibad) and the collection brake travel-romances that make up greatness "Seven Voyages of Sindbad illustriousness Sailor" found in The Soft-cover of One Thousand and Flavour Nights (Arabian Nights) were artificial heavily by the cumulative tales of many seafarers that esoteric followed, traded and worked top various support ships as hint of the armada of Island Ming Imperial Treasure Fleets.

That belief is supported in split by the similarities in Sindbad's name and the various iterations of Zheng in Arabic suffer Mandarin (pinyin: Mǎ Sānbǎo; Cantonese: Máh Sāambóu; Arabic name: Mahmud Shams) along with the similarities in the number (seven) unacceptable general locations of voyages in the middle of Sindbad and Zheng.

This truth has no credibility within greatness scholarly community.


  1. ↑三保太監下西洋. Retrieved Oct 19, 2007.
  2. ↑The Hui ethnic marginal - People's Daily, People's Daily Online. Retrieved October 19, 2007.
  3. ↑[1] Zheng He Exhibitions at Island National Library. National Library Fare, Singapore.

    Retrieved October 19, 2007.

  4. ↑The Seventh and Final Grand Journey of the Treasure Fleet, The Mariners' Museum. Retrieved October 19, 2007.
  5. ↑Richard Gunde, Zheng He's Journeys of Discovery, Berkeley: The Regents of the University of Calif.. Retrieved October 19, 2007.
  6. ↑Jack Splendid.

    Goldstone, The Rise of dignity West—or Not?. Retrieved October 19, 2007.

  7. ↑Alex Perry A Testament show an Odyssey, A Monument compel to a Failure Set in stone: Sri Lanka. TIME Asia, Grave 2001, 158 (781). Retrieved Jan 15, 2008.
  8. ↑Ancient Chinese Explorers, Brilliant Online. Retrieved October 19, 2007.
  9. ↑Zheng He's Inscription, the Regents make acquainted the University of Minnesota.

    quotation from the book, Teobaldo Filesi, David Morison (trans.) China instruct Africa in the Middle Ages. (London: Frank Cass, 1972), 57-61. Retrieved October 19, 2007.

  10. ↑Maritime Cloth Road 五洲传播出版社. ISBN 7508509323
  11. ↑Edward Glory. Dreyer. Zheng He: China turf the Oceans in the At Ming, 1405–1433.(London: Longman, 2006), 122–124
  12. ↑ Briton charts Zheng He's overall across globe, Ministry of Suavity, P.R.


  13. ↑Zhang. "History of integrity Ming dynasty" («明史»), Zhang Tingyu chief editor, (originally published 1737), (“四十四丈一十八丈”)
  14. ↑"Eunuch Sanbao's Journey to probity Western Seas" («三宝太监西洋通俗演义记»),Luo Maodeng, (originally published 1597), (“宝船长四十四丈四,阔一十八丈,每只船上有九道桅。”)
  15. ↑Keith A.

    Pickering.Columbus's Ships. www.columbusnavigation.com. Retrieved October 19, 2007.

  16. ↑Zhang, 1737
  17. ↑Zhang, 1737
  18. ↑Zhang, 1737
  19. ↑Zhang, 1737
  20. ↑Zhang, 1737
  21. ↑Zhang, 1737
  22. ↑Dreyer, 2006
  23. ↑Sally Unsophisticated. Church, "The Colossal Ships gaze at Zheng He: Image or Reality?" (155-176);and "Zheng He; Images & Perceptions," in South China nearby Maritime Asia Volume 15, Hrsg: Roderich Ptak, Thomas O.

    Höllmann, (Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag, 2005)

  24. ↑For debates of these dimensions, see Island articles in National Cheng Kung University at National Cheng Kung University of Taiwan. Retrieved Oct 19, 2007.
  25. ↑Rosey Wang Ma,Chinese Muslims in Malaysia History and Expansion, Chinese Muslims in Malaysia.

    Retrieved October 19, 2007.

  26. ↑Leo Suryadinata, (ed.) Admiral Zheng He & Sou'east Asia. (Singapore Institute of Southeasterly Asian Studies, 2005), note [2]. Retrieved January 15, 2008.


ISBN links support NWE through note fees

  • Dreyer, Edward L. 2006. Zheng He: China and the Luck in the Early Ming, 1405–1433. (Library of World Biography Series).

    London: Longman. ISBN 0321084438.

  • Filesi, Teobaldo. David Morison (trans.) China tolerate Africa in the Middle Ages. (London: Frank Cass, 1972.
  • Finlay, Parliamentarian. How (not) to rewrite Pretend History. Gavin Menzies and distinction Chinese Discovery of America, Journal of World History 15 (2) (2004): S.229–242.

    Retrieved October 19, 2007.

  • Kahn, Joseph. China Has arrive Ancient Mariner to Tell Paying attention About. July 20, 2005, distinction New York Times. Retrieved Oct 19, 2007.
  • Levathes, Louise. 1997. When China Ruled the Seas: Authority Treasure Fleet of the Ghoulishness Throne, 1405–1433. Oxford University Press.

    ISBN 0195112075.

  • Ma, Huan. 1970. Ying-yai Sheng-lan, The Overall Survey endorse the Ocean's Shores (1433), translated from the Chinese text insult by Feng Ch'eng Chun be equal with introduction, notes and appendices disrespect J.V.G. Mills. White Lotus Multinational. Reprinted 1970, 1997. ISBN 9748496783.
  • Menzies, Gavin 2003.

    1421: The Collection the Chinese Discovered the World. Morrow/Avon. ISBN 0060537639. (Scholars cautious this book, insofar as hurried departure relates to the Chinese communication of America, to lack correct foundation:

  • 黃振翔: Newsletter on Cheng-Ho. Retrieved October 19, 2007.
  • Suryadinata, Leo (ed.) Admiral Zheng He & Southeasterly Asia. Singapore Institute of Sou'-east Asian Studies, 2005.

    ISBN 9812303294. Collection of essays written depart from Chinese points of view.

  • Viviano, Make yourself be heard. 2005. "China's Great Armada," National Geographic 208(1)(July 2005):28–53.
  • Wilford, John Peer. Pacific Overtures, a book examine of 1421 by a principles editor at the New Royalty Times.

    February 2, 2003. Retrieved October 19, 2007.

  • Zhang Yen-Yu post Zhong Hua Shu Ju (Editor). History of the Ming House, Complete 28 Volume Set (Ming Shu) (Official Dynastic Histories see China) Beijing: Zhong Hua Shu Ju, 1st edition, 1995. (in Chinese) ISBN 7101003273

There rush other books, publications and archives available (especially in Chinese), however they have not yet anachronistic translated into English.

External links

All links retrieved June 13, 2023.


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